The Libra Full Moon (14.40°) occurs at 5:05a PST. This is a very significant event as it brings lunar eclipse intensity to matters at hand.

The Libra Full Moon reflects the light of the Aries Sun. Aries is the “me, me, me” sign of the Zodiac, so during the Libra Full Moon, you are given an opportunity to see how your individual, independent, and self-interested actions have been affecting others. You get to see the impact of your being on the world around you through your one-on-one connections with others and the responses of those others to you.

However, the eclipse occurs because the Earth’s shadow blocks the Sun’s reflection from the Moon. This is likely to show up as external events getting in the way of your seeing and/or receiving the emotional responses of others clearly…for a short while. But it won’t be long until you are finally brought face-to-face with the emotional impact on others born of the actions you took for yourself and in your own self-interest.

What I love about this particular eclipse is that it is the most short-lived eclipse of the century! It will last a brief yet powerful 3.5 hours, starting at 3:18a PDT, with totality lasting a very efficient twelve minutes (most exact at 5:05a PDT), and ending at 6:46a PDT. You may be inclined to blame your shortcomings or perceived missteps on worldly circumstances, thinking that you can hide your true motives or involvements in the shadows. Yet the Truth always comes out, and you may want to think about how you might go about cleaning up the messes you’ve made or are making with your actions as your actions now will speak louder than your words ever could.

Of course, you may not feel a need to hide your role if you don’t believe you’ve done anything wrong. In fact, those of you who are boldly proclaiming your involvement in whatever matters are at hand may earnestly believe that you’re in the right. Of course, there will almost always be someone who disagrees with your truth, and under the influence of this lunar eclipse, they may be just as ornery as you in declaring their righteousness. These aggressively-held opinions and positions may reveal the imbalance of energy that exists between the parties involved, and under the influence of this Libra Full Moon-Eclipse you may realize that there is a lot more tension and anger built up in our communities, societies, and in the world than there has been in a very long time, especially now that the world is more interconnected than it ever has been before.

The current astrological climate is much like it was in the late 1920’s-early 1930’s when Adolf Hitler rose to power. The Nazi regime was able to use media propaganda in order to capitalize on the low morale of the mass population after World War I and the Great Depression. With promises of a better future, Hitler and his party were able to justify racial and religious discrimination as a means of improving society and humanity as a whole. This campaign eventually brought about World War II and the Holocaust which affected hundreds of thousands of peoples and changed the world forever.

This time around, social media connects the world in a much more efficient and expedient manner. Information travels very fast, which not only makes propaganda easier to promote and spread but also makes the same propaganda easier to fact check and debunk or oppose. Yet those who feel their religious, racial, gender, and/or resource identities are being threatened will continue to do their best to promote hatred and discrimination by means of race, religion, resource, and gender by making every effort to preserve the world as they’ve known it. It’s important for us all to recognize 1) the fears some people are having as the world they’ve known is changing in ways they have a difficult time comprehending; and 2) the lengths some people are willing to go to in order to preserve what they’ve known.

Total lunar eclipses are often called “blood moons” because of the deep red color of the Moon at the peak of the eclipse. With this April 2015 Libra Full Moon-Lunar Eclipse, there is a very good chance that anything that is initiated during this eclipse cycle could have an enduring impact on humanity in a very real physical and psychological ways. Eclipses already have an enduring presence often lasting up to six months after the eclipse occurs. With this one, we will definitely be feeling the impact well into October 2015…and possibly beyond.

At the time the Lunar Eclipse is at its peak:

  • Uranus in Aries is within 3° orb to be in conjunction with the Aries Sun and in opposition to the Libra Moon. Uranus increases the Sun’s reach (through mass communications and/or technology), and you may find that your actions had an emotional impact on more people than you initially believed or perceived. This conjunction is in trine aspect to Jupiter Retrograde in Leo, which serves to increase the effects of the Sun-Uranus conjunction even more. The efforts of the Sun and Uranus to attempt to force others to conform to their will may actually receive a much larger audience than intended.
  • Pluto in Capricorn is within 3° orb to form square aspects to both the Sun-Uranus conjunction and the Moon, producing a double cardinal t-square Pluto acts as the pivot, letting you know if you are favoring the origin of the action or the emotional response to it. This is also indicative of an aggressive propaganda push on the side of Aries Sun-Uranus, and it may be more accurate to look to the Libra Moon for an objective response. In other words, those who are being assertive or aggressive in taking actions and declaring their positions and trying hardest to impose their will on others at this time are likely the ones who are trying to force agendas that are not in alignment with the best interests of humanity. The ones who are responding to the initiators are more likely to be the ones seeking balance, fairness, and justice. Pluto will make sure that whatever is not in the best interests of all involved is compromised if not taken down completely. Pluto’s efforts are helped by its trine with Black Moon Lilith at the time of the eclipse, which reminds us to consider the functionality of the actions being taken and declarations being made. If it doesn’t work or if it doesn’t serve to help or heal people, it is likely to be eliminated.
  • The eclipse is occurring on a numerological 7 universal day – a day of introspection, critical thinking, and the analysis of matters of philosophy and belief (both scientific and spiritual). The energy of this eclipse and the events that occur on this day may leave a strong impression on many people – an impression that has them question everyone and everything around them. People may be left wondering what is true and what is fiction as the shadows begin to be exposed.

There’s already been too much blood spilled in the name of religion, race, gender, and/or resource throughout human history let alone in recent years and in the last few months, even days! Yet with this lunar eclipse, even more blood could be spilled – both symbolic and actual – if the determination for people to fight to sustain the status quo is strong enough.

I’m reassured by the fact that this occurs on a numerological 7 universal day. People will be more apt to pause and think about the potential impact of their actions and words on others if not the whole of humanity. While there are many who would like to dumb us all down in order to control and manipulate the masses, there are also those who choose not to take everything at face value and dig deeper to seek out the whole truth. The Truth always comes out, and there is more reason to believe that this time around, the Real Truth will prevail before things go terribly awry.

There will be a “blood moon”, but there doesn’t have to be blood spilled. Under the energy of this 2015 Libra Full Moon-Lunar Eclipse, may we not repeat the mistakes of our collective past. May we have learned from the darkness we’ve experienced and make better, more loving, and more peaceful choices this time around.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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