scale-5-glyph-icon_GJZIUaU_ - graphicstockThis morning at 8:44s PDT, Mercury enters the sign of Libra. Mercury is pretty comfortable in Libra as Libra is an air sign like Mercury’s sign of rulership, Gemini. In fact, with Libra being the cardinal air sign, it is where air energy gets its inspiration and intellectual sense of direction.

Libra is about balance, equality, fairness, justice, and peace. Its Zodiac symbol represents the scales of justice, and the ideal of peace being achieved through diplomacy is its cornerstone. Since this is an air sign, the element affirms these principles and ideals to be the fruits of intellect and information, harvested when people are able to fairly and diplomatically communicate, negotiate, and compromise.

With the Sun, Venus, Jupiter, and Juno all in Virgo, Mercury in Libra must operate within a strong practical and purpose-driven energy. This energy already has us becoming more present to the realities of our everyday circumstances. We’re starting to pay attention to the amount of work we are putting into activities and projects and whether or not said activities bring us health, happiness, or fulfillment. More of us are seeking clarity of purpose and practice – something to work for and toward; reasons to be of service.

Yet as we perform our work under the influence of the Virgo Sun, Mercury’s move into Libra will shift the focus of our thoughts and communications to include those Libran principles of balance, equality, fairness, and justice. This is where our present events and circumstances will make this 2015 Mercury in Libra experience one for the books – people are beginning to recognize how they may not have all the information they need to make informed or intelligent choices about the everyday matters (systems, processes, routines, responsibilities, etc.) which affect their lives. Questions certain to arise over the next few weeks are:

  • Am I being treated with equal respect and regard to others? Am I being treated in the same way as my peers and/or colleagues?
  • Am I receiving what I justly deserve? Am I receiving my fair or equal share of whatever is being offered as compensation? Do I have the skills and am I doing the work to deserve what I’m asking for?
  • Am I being given the same or equal opportunities to excel or succeed? Am I giving others equal opportunities to progress?
  • Is my opinion or perspective being heard and considered equally? Is my communication being received and respected? Am I respecting the communications of others?
  • Am I privileged? Am I being discriminated against? Am I discriminating against others?
  • Am I receiving all of the information I should have, or are some important facts being withheld from me? Am I being lied to/given false information? Am I lying or withholding information?
  • If someone has said one thing in the past and now says the opposite, which one is true?
  • Are my everyday practices betraying my beliefs? Am I being a hypocrite by saying one thing yet practicing another? And am I surrounded by hypocrites?

As we discover the answers to these questions through our individual life experiences, a few of us may find that we are happy with the answers that we come to. However, if I consider my clients, colleagues, friends, and family of late, it’s more likely that under the current dynamics, many people aren’t happy with some of the answers they are coming to.

This is where 2015 Mercury in Libra’s first transit may have a profound effect.

Mercury conjoins Black Moon Lilith in Libra (0.28°) at 2:33p PDT, just under six hours after Mercury enters the sign. This is a call to speak out about what you really think and to speak up for what you really want.

Black Moon Lilith often represents a frustrated desire – one that has been long repressed or held back or held down in some way, ready to blow. In Libra, this is likely a desire for fairness, equality, justice, fairness, and/or a balance of power. Though Libra is often known for being ambivalent and non-confrontational as a matter of keeping peace, when matters are blatantly unfair or unjust, Libra has no problem taking an assertive stand to balance the scales.

That said, Mercury’s presence gives Lilith a chance to communicate this pent-up desire as a means of balancing the scales. This Mercury-Lilith conjunction has the potential to be a powerful cry for justice, fairness, and equality.

What you and others may be beginning to recognize are the individual and collective needs and/or desires not being met, and this is a great time to open up the dialogue to address those needs.

  • If you dealing with angry or frustrated people, more than ever, the key here is to figure out what they want.
  • If you are angry and frustrated, the key to bringing the flames down is to figure out what you really want.

It’s not going to be easy at first. The diplomatic negotiation process may begin with all parties fired up and ready for battle. The key here is to allow each party to let it all out verbally in whatever way they need to in order to feel heard. The other important thing is to allow each involved party to do this. Equal opportunity and equal attention are vital to this process.

If you expect to be heard, you’d better be ready to listen. That’s how differences get worked out. If you’re not willing to listen to the other point of view – if you’re not willing to even try to understand where the other party is coming from – you’re not looking for resolution. You’re looking to be right, You’re looking to win. That’s not going to work this time, not under this 2015 Virgo Sun and its cohorts. Not under this 2015 Mercury in Libra or this Libra Black Moon Lilith.

Libra isn’t about winning – it’s about compromise, fairness, balance, and justice. Yet in order for both sides to hear each other, each side must be given space to express that pent-up aggression.

One more thing…though this Mercury-Lilith conjunction will be intensely felt 25th-29th August, we’ll be dealing with Mercury in Libra for quite a while. That’s due to Mercury beginning its next retrograde period on 17th September (through 9th October). Mercury will remain in the sign of Libra throughout its retrograde, so we’ll be receiving quite a bit of feedback about how well we are doing in creating or restoring conditions of equality, fairness, justice, and peace in the world. And with the Virgo Sun influence for the first 4 weeks, we can be certain to learn how we ourselves – individually and collectively – are contributing to the chaos and how we can bring balance and peace to our circumstances…if we choose to.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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