blue swirl for blog postNeptune in Pisces returned to direct motion at 8:32a PST on Wednesday, 18th November 2015 (1 universal day). When it did, it gave us permission to begin dreaming for ourselves again. Instead of being bombarded and overwhelmed by the ideals and expectations of others, we are now restoring attunement and alignment with our own ideals and visions for what is possible for the world around us.

Sadly, some of those ideals and visions have faced some harsh reality checks in last couple of weeks. Though in some ways they were much-needed reality checks, they also brought forth a great deal of pain and anguish – physical, emotional, and spiritual. Pisces is known for having a victim-martyr component to its makeup, and with Neptune – Pisces’ planetary ruler – now direct in its home sign, both sides of that component have been playing themselves out if full measure. In the last few weeks, there have been many victims of idealism, and in devastating manner, they became victims by the hands of martyrs of idealism.

The challenge here is that there are the genuine victims…then there are the imagined victims and the imagined martyrs, too. I’m astonished by the number of people claiming to be victims of trauma and drama who are not on the receiving (or giving!) end of any actual physical or practical harm. While there are people in the world actually experiencing first-hand pain and loss, there are as many if not more people flailing in self-created panic, trying to claim victim status for themselves in matters they aren’t actually victims of and trying to be martyrs for matters and causes they have no business being involved in. In fact, if anything, they are victims of their own delusional thinking.

So yes – Neptune Direct in Pisces gives back your dreams, visions, and ideals. The question now becomes…is what you are dreaming, envisioning, and idealizing real life, or is it fantasy?

We’ve known for a while now that many of the cries of “wolf” we’ve been hearing and enduring are valid. The question is…what and/or who is the wolf, exactly? It depends on who you ask, and this is why this 2015 Neptune Direct in Pisces may be doing more harm than good…for now, anyway.

Neptune hasn’t had too much activity so far this month, making trine with the Scorpio Sun back on 30th October and trine with Mercury on the 6th November. Both transits were emotionally intense, and both revealed many deep-seeded feelings which were well-hidden…for a while, anyway.

But the latter part of November 2015 is giving Neptune a chance to reap some havoc. Not intentionally, of course. It means well when it’s sharing its idealistic visions for the future. Yet still a bit woosy on its feet from changing direction, Neptune’s not quite prepared to face Sagittarius’ unwavering  search for and expansion of truth. Anything not backed by actual, provable fact is in for some rude awakening.

Upcoming transits for this 2015 Neptune Direct in Pisces are as follows:

Pisces Neptune is squared by Mercury in Sagittarius, most exact on 24th November (7 universal day) – Actual facts may be communicated which challenge idealistic beliefs and practices. With Mercury in Sagittarius – the sign of growth and expansion – it will be quite difficult for those ideals to outrun the facts which disprove them.

Pisces Neptune squared by Saturn in Sagittarius is most exact on 26th November (9 universal day), which in itself is an extremely challenging transit. Saturn is like a wall of truth that will hold everyone and everything accountable for its verity or inaccuracy. If what Neptune believes isn’t factual, it will be stopped by this wall. But that’s not the kicker with this transit. There are TWO kickers for this one.

  • The first is that Saturn is within 3° conjunction orb with both the Sagittarius 1 Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius! Though Sun and Mercury aren’t within conjunction orb with each other, the fact that Saturn bridges them together AND that all three of these bodies are within 3° orb square to Neptune creates some very troublesome energy for Neptune. If what you believe to be true is not factually true, it’ll likely be exposed as false on or around this day…and it’ll be exposed as false in a very big way. Hope that you’re on the correct side of facts on this one. Otherwise, it’s probably gonna hurt. For those who are on the side of fact, a path of compassion, forgiveness, and healing may emerge, allowing possibilities for peaceful resolutions of differences to emerge.
  • The second kicker is that this ‘triple-threat’ transit occurs on Thanksgiving Day here in the U.S. You may want do some thorough fact-checking and be ready for quite the debate at the family table. Otherwise, you may find yourself leaving with your head down & tail between your legs.

Pisces Neptune will finally have a ‘positive’ transit on 11th December (4 universal day PST), when Venus in Scorpio makes trine aspect to it. There is great potential for emotional healing around and on this day. People who are willing to get below the surface of things may find the journey far more insightful and healing than expected.  By opening up and revealing their emotional and spiritual vulnerabilities to each other, they may find they have more in common than they believed.

This next month promises to be a wild and crazy one, and with this 2015 Neptune Direct in Pisces, there may be quite a bit of melodrama before the facts bring things into balance. Yet there is also a promise of hope that rises once the some of the dust settles, and that may be just enough light to keep us all moving forward through whatever may come.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Wishing you courage, Light, and Love,





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