full moon - sky-texture-13_G1CTZUF_ GraphicstockWe’re experiencing a Full Moon in Virgo today, Monday, 22nd February 2016 – one which reaches its maximum phase at 10:20a PST (3.34°), when the Virgo Moon most fully reflects the light of the Pisces Sun.

The signs of Virgo and Pisces are opposite each other on what I call “the axis of service”.

Virgo is the energy behind our practical and purpose-driven service efforts. It is usually focused on efficiency and effectiveness, making things work or making things work better than they already do. It is also health and healing focused, and even though there is a physical inclination to this due to Virgo being an earth element sign, the health and healing principles can be applied to all levels of your life experience – mental/intellectual, emotional, spiritual, financial/professional, etc. Because it deals with practical functionality, Virgo is associated with everyday life. Your daily routine and/or everyday activities – the day-to-day operations of your life – are strongly influenced by Virgo’s energy. Virgo’s placement in your chart will reveal which areas of your life tend to be present in your daily activities.

Pisces is the energy behind our emotional, spiritual service efforts. Focused on empathy and intuition, Pisces is focused on our interconnection with All-That-Is – it brings awareness of everyone and everything being connected. Pisces tends to be of service in philanthropic and/or spiritual ways – often looking at things from a perspective of compassion, soul healing, unconditional love, and “big picture” Oneness consciousness. Because it is a water element sign usually dealing with the emotional-spiritual intangibles of everyday life, Pisces is also associated with your dreams, ideals, fantasies, and your visionary and artistic talents and abilities. It is often what you aspiring to and/or what you’re using to escape from day-to-day activities of your life.

The 2016 Virgo Full Moon occurs on a 6 Universal day, numerologically speaking. Six energy is also service-driven energy, nurturing, healing, and protecting in both emotional and practical ways strongly reminiscent of a maternal presence. The fact that this Pisces Sun-Virgo Moon opposition is happening in tandem with this 6 numerological energy indicates that this powerfully service-driven Full Moon is likely to illuminate some or all of the practical and emotional motives behind our individual and collective acts of service.

As the energies of Virgo, Pisces and 6 combine, we may learn during this 2016 Virgo Full Moon that service is not about how we serve others – it’s about how and why we serve ourselves, both individually and collectively.

You see. As humans, none of us ever do anything that is not in our own self-interest in some way because of the nature of Oneness. We often forget that each and all of us are part of the Oneness. None of us – not one person or one thing – is separate of it. Rather, everyone and everything is included in it! Therefore, from the perspective of Oneness, there’s never an act of service toward anyone or anything else that isn’t being performed without self-interest, and that doesn’t mean that our service is selfish or selfless. We are One. Serving each other is, in essence, serving ourselves.

That said, if any question arises, it’s in how we are choosing to be of service to ourselves from a more practical, human perspective. Under the Virgo Full Moon, how you serve one person in the day-to-day of your life can and often does reflect how you serve everyone. If that one person is you, then how you serve yourself is a reflection of how you serve everyone and everything around you.

So, how are you serving yourself?

  • If you are doing things that are aligned with your ideals and intentions for yourself and your life, and your own needs and/or dreams are fulfilled or are well along in the process of being fulfilled as result, you are more apt to be focused on the well-being of the collective whole. Making sure your own needs are met puts you in position to take the focus off of yourself and shift your service energies to other beings and circumstances around you. This is acting from recognition of self as part of Oneness, interconnected with All-That-Is. This is where the service energies of Virgo and Pisces can take on awareness of the health, well-being, and practical functionality of All, including Selfishness and selflessness cannot exist in Oneness. Only Love can be present.
  • If you are not doing things that are not aligned with your ideals and intentions for yourself and your life, and your own needs and/or dreams are not being fulfilled or you’re having difficulties in moving yourself forward toward their fulfillment, you’re more likely to have your acts of service focused on yourself and what you need…or how you can get what you need. This is acting from a perspective of separateness from Oneness rather than recognizing one’s place within it. There is either a lack of awareness of the health and wellness one’s own state of everyday functionality, or there is lack of awareness of the health, well-being, and functionality of the lives of others. This is where the service energies of Virgo and Pisces can show up as victim or martyr expressions – people “serving” all, excluding There is fear, anger, and divisiveness present. These are the feelings which fuel both selfishness and selflessness.

If you’re only fulfilling your individual needs, dreams, and/or desires without addressing or acknowledging the dreams, desires, or needs of others in the process of that fulfillment, selfishness is your mode of operation.

And if you’re only assisting others in the fulfillment of their needs, dreams, and desires without addressing or acknowledging your own dreams, desires, or needs, selflessness is your mode of operation.

If you are in or putting yourself into a position to serve both your own emotional and/or practical needs and the emotional and/or practical needs of others, this is the sweet spot – this is where and how you can serve one and all. This is authentic, loving service. This is service to Oneness.

You may also recognize that others want to be of service to you. Service doesn’t always mean giving – sometimes, it means allowing yourself to receive. When you believe and feel you are part of Oneness, you’re open to being served as much as you are being of service. Therefore, how easily you receive will also reflect your sense of your place in Oneness. You do have a right to refuse service if you feel the service isn’t being given from an honest or honorable place or from a place of love rooted in Oneness. Yet if you’re saying ‘no’ to all offers of assistance or contribution to your journey, you may want to look at why you resist or reject others’ contributions or expressions of Love toward you.

Though not within 3° transit orb with either end of today’s Full Moon opposition, here are some other transits in play and making their influence known during this 2016 Virgo Full Moon:

  • Neptune is within conjunction orb of Chiron in Pisces on this day, revealing that expectations may be running high for ideals or dreams to be fulfilled. There may be disappointments on this day as result.
  • Chiron is also within conjunction orb of the Pisces South Node, indicating that old wounds regarding the fulfillment of dreams and ideals (or lack thereof) may have opportunities for healing at this time.
  • Jupiter Retrograde is conjunct North Node in Virgo, helping us see (through the efforts and practices of others) how much hard work and the provisions of efficient and effective service can pay off.

In the spirit of the 2016 Virgo Full Moon, take some time to love yourself and one another today through one or more acts of service. Share the love…and feel the love. Serve One, serve All.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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