Digital Visualization of a Moonset

This 2016 Libra Full Moon is a curious one. At exact opposition/maximum fullness at 5:01a PDT on 23rd March, it reflects the light of the Aries Sun (3.28°).

A Libra Moon is a complicated one in that you have the Moon’s emotional energy (water) trying to express itself in Libra’s intellectual and objective conditions (air). This is not an easy combination. However, if you want emotions to be outwardly expressed under a Libra Moon, simply create conditions which are unfair, unjust, unequal, or imbalanced in some way. You’ll be sure to see sparks fly as Libra does everything it can to establish or restore balance, fairness, justice, and/or equality to the matters at hand.

Libra is the sign which represents not only balance, but partnerships of ALL kinds. The premise behind Libra’s partnership association is that 1) in order to have balance, there must be at least two things to balance, and 2) there must be someone or something to balance or reflect  Aries’ individual & independent expression.

With the Sun in Aries, people’s motives, initiatives, and actions are out in the open – there’s nothing hidden from view. Aries is an assertive, sometimes aggressive energy which takes initiative. It waits for no one, and it won’t follow anyone else. Independent and individual, Aries energy can quickly become frustrated and angry when it’s denied its freedom to take the actions it wants to take. Yet Aries needs to remember – the Sun exposes everything. Its passion or anger will be known to others…and it will likely affect others emotionally.

Mercury will make an exact conjunction aspect with the Aries Sun a few hours after the Full Moon is at maximum phase, indicating that the ability to communicate one’s ideas clearly will have a strong impact on the actions taken. Thoughts and words will have great weight during this 2016 Libra Full Moon phase – the ability to exchange ideas and information will be of vital importance on this day!

In this 2016 Libra Moon-Aries Sun+Mercury opposition, the Moon will reflect the impact of the Sun & Mercury’s passions back to themselves, and they will better know their joint temperament and behavior as result. This is likely to reveal that in our everyday lives, for the time being, our partners (or individual others) will help us see our behaviors and beliefs more clearly. Their emotional responses to our actions and behaviors can help us know or better understand what is driving our passions (or anger) and how it affects our interactions with others, for better or worse.

Now this is where it gets interesting.

This 2016 Libra Full Moon is part of a Lunar Eclipse. During a Lunar Eclipse, the Earth’s shadow blocks the Sun’s reflection…temporarily. Think of it as the world’s affairs, agendas, & status quo blocking the reflections of others we need in order to see ourselves more clearly.

This temporary blockage of the Moon’s reflection of the Sun helps us learn one major thing: You don’t realize how important the reflection is until it’s gone.

Though it’s only temporary, the Earth’s shadow makes a big difference. In fact, as the eclipse phases itself in (shadow) then out (light), we become present to and newly aware of the Moon’s reflection of the Sun because it returns! We’re finally able to note the reflection’s presence because we were able to note its absence.

During this 2016 Libra Full Moon-Lunar Eclipse, you may notice that other people may see, know, and/or learn more about your passions, intentions, and you than you’d like to admit.  You may find that you aren’t really as passionate as you’d like to be…or that you’re more passionate than you realized. You may also see your words of anger and/or frustration reflected back onto you by others as they try to balance your assertiveness or aggression in kind. NO matter how hard you may try, it’ll be difficult to hide your true emotions, especially if there is something unfair or unjust in play. Consider that if others are being unfairly or unduly mean or aggressive toward you, it may be due to the fact that they are experiencing you as being angry or aggressive toward them.

This Libra-Aries Lunar Eclipse is the completion of an eclipse cycle which began with the Pisces New Moon-Solar Eclipse on 8th March. At that time, we were being called upon to recognize the Oneness of All-That-Is and to respect that Oneness with love and compassion. Now, under this Lunar Eclipse-Full Moon, we are being asked to recognize the passionate yet challenging relationships which practically force us to see and hear ourselves for who we really are…and which gives us opportunity to see and hear others as they really are. This revelation of individual intentions and actions helps us understand how far we may still need to go in order to achieve the balance and peace we seek to establish or restore.

A few other transits happening this day may also shed light on what is coming up during this 2016 Libra Full Moon-Lunar Eclipse:

  • Libra Moon sextile Sagittarius Mars – If something is out-of-balance, actions will be taken to create balance. However, there is a chance that the actions taken could create an imbalance in the other direction/side. It may be wise to curb your enthusiasm a bit to make sure bigger really is better in responding to others’ behaviors. Take action to find the truth before you take action to right perceived wrongs.
  • Stellium of Ceres, Chiron, and South Node in Pisces – Compassionate values contribute to the long-overdue healing of long-held emotional wounds. However, if victimization or martyrdom come into play, this may cause more wounds or reopen old ones.
  • Virgo Jupiter Retrograde trine Capricorn Pluto – Growing problems support the call for a transformative clearing of the establishments/powers-that-be.
  • Capricorn Pluto square Aries Uranus – The more the powers-that-be try to hold onto their powers, the more the people try to rebel.
  • Scorpio Juno Retrograde trine Pisces Venus – As decisions are made to either trust or not trust certain others with your emotions, emotional-spiritual connections are empowered or destroyed.

As if it wasn’t powerful enough in its own right, this 2016 Libra Full Moon-Lunar Eclipse also occurs on a numerological 8 day – a day on which power and influence and the ability to wield them effectively hold great importance. This Full Moon-Lunar Eclipse will have a lasting impact – it could be a game-changer for certain situations. That said, it may not be an easy event to experience or endure. Yet it will help us learn which actions need to be taken to move ourselves forward to healing with greater personal and collective self-awareness in our one-on-one relationships and in our relationship with the community and the world around us.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, & Blessings,





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