DoorwaySaturn in Sagittarius began its latest period of retrograde motion at 1:56a PDT on 25th March 2016.

Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn. Capricorn is all about goals, ambitions, and achievements. Therefore, Saturn represents the focus and discipline necessary to achieve one’s goals – qualities often associated with authority figures or father figures.

With Saturn in retrograde motion, this authoritative presence comes from the outside in. It may feel at times as if you are being pushed back or pushed down from all sides, unable to progress forward in your life’s journey.

The reality of the matter is that you may be trying to move forward in a way that is not in alignment with your stated or declared goals and objectives.

Sagittarius is the sign of adventure, experience, growth, and expansion. It is also the seeker of Truth in all of its forms, and strives to share its wisdom of experience with others.

With Saturn Retrograde in Sagittarius, its job is pretty much to block or shut down any growth, expansion, experience, and/or sharing of wisdom which is not in alignment with the authentic and truthful achievement of your goals.

Think about that for a moment.

Saturn Retrograde in Sagittarius responds to your inner truth. Therefore, if it’s not true for you, it won’t manifest successfully in your life. It’s like a security door which gives exclusive access to whatever’s on the other side. You may think you have the right credentials, yet you can’t seem to get through no matter how hard you try!

This is because that particular opportunity you keep trying to gain access to probably isn’t meant for you right now, and there’s a possibility it may not be meant for you at all. That role or goal you’re trying to achieve may be one that isn’t truly in alignment with the Highest and greatest good for you and all involved. It may not be your role to serve or goal to accomplish. It may be out of integrity with who you Truly are and the purpose you are here to serve.

If you find yourself being frustrated or angry about delays or obstacles to a particular goal or objective, ask yourself:

  • “How am I being inauthentic about my motives or intentions for achieving my goal(s)?”
  • “What is out of integrity about my actions or the motivations behind my actions?”
  • “What is false or untrue about my beliefs or communications in this matter?”
  • “Am I trying to move my project or my life in a direction that is not in alignment with my larger goal or purpose?”

Yet sometimes, the goal and the motivations behind it aren’t the problem. Sometimes, it’s your belief that the achievement of your goal should happen in a certain way or in a certain time frame. If this is the case for you, you may experience Sagittarius Saturn Retrograde’s discipline and focus as frustrating or disappointing – frustration and disappointment which come as result of not getting what you want.

If you’ve been frustrated and disappointed by what you perceive as a lack of progress, consider that the Universe may be trying to redirect you to something that is actually more in alignment with your larger Truth.

Consider that you may not need what you think you need in order to achieve the outcome you want to achieve. If you believe yourself to be ready for progress now and feel delayed or blocked, there may be a reason for the delay – something you’re missing or overlooking…or maybe what you need to receive simply isn’t ready yet.

Sometimes, you’re beating on one door expecting or demanding it to open while the door you actually need (and want) is open behind you. You may have been missing out on the opportunity you asked for because you’re too attached to the opportunity showing up a certain way.

The fabulous thing with retrogrades is that sometimes, you don’t experience these challenges first hand. Sometimes, you get to witness others going through these challenges. However, there is a reason you’re witness to their struggles – you are intended to learn from their experiences. It’s information or feedback for you! If you’re being given the opportunity to see people wrestling with their expectations and entitlements, be sure to ask yourself where you may have (or be tempted to) carry similar expectations or entitlements in your own life experience. You may gain valuable insights which can assist you in navigating individual or collective challenges in the future.

Saturn will be retrograde in Sagittarius now through 13th August 2016. For the next 4.5 months, open your mind and your heart to any and all methods for the manifestation of your goals and ambitions. What you want may not come about when or how you think it should come about…and that may be the best thing that comes out of this Saturn Retrograde period – finding growth and expansion of your True path.

By releasing your attachment to your goal(s), you may find your access is granted to and through the door that is and was always meant for you.

Here are some upcoming transits of note involving Saturn Retrograde in Sagittarius:

Sagittarius Saturn Rx trine Aries Mercury on 29th March – If you can declare it clearly with intention, you can have it. If you feel blocked or thwarted, you’re not being clear enough.

Sagittarius Saturn Rx trine Aries Sun on 5th April – Take action! Actions help reveal the sources of any obstacles you may be facing. 

T-square of Virgo Jupiter Rx, Sagittarius Saturn Rx, and Pisces Moon, also on 5th April – Practical steps may create opportunities for you to connect with people who can help you make your dreams come true. You’ll recognize your best bets by staying focused on your goals and disciplined in your behavior.

T-square of Gemini Moon, Virgo Jupiter Rx, Sagittarius Saturn Rx on 11th April – An emotional need to learn is challenged by obstacles to the knowledge you think you need. Is it possible that you already know what you need to know in order to do what you need to do?

Sagittarius Saturn Rx trine Aries Venus on 18th April – Before you lash out at your partner, are they really trying to hold you back, or are they trying to help you focus to reach your goal?


Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, & Blessings,





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