Lunar Reset - 2016 Taurus New MoonAt a time when societal institutions and authorities are having a difficult time showing a united front, we are each and all being called upon to define our values for our individual selves. Though current conditions may seem chaotic, we’re actually experiencing a very normal and natural process as chaos always gives way to a new order. As individuals take it upon themselves to figure out what rings true for them as individuals, it’s inevitable that we begin to either seek and/or recognize consensus. Like-minded people come to light, and as in almost everything, a majority emerges and ends up defining the values of the next societal generation and the institutions which support it.

As during every New Moon phase, it is a time of emotion-driven new beginnings and fresh starts. And as in every Taurus New Moon, those emotional new beginnings are focused upon lifestyle resources – the material, physical, and financial resources and interactions which give our self-identities comfort, safety, security, and stability in our existence. Taurus manages what we believe we need to survive.

Yet this 2016 Taurus New Moon is different. At the moment of maximum phase – 12:29p PDT today, Friday 6th May 2016 – this Taurus New Moon makes a trine aspect to Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn, a wide trine aspect to Jupiter Retrograde in Virgo, and a quincunx aspect to Saturn Retrograde in Sagittarius. These aspect transits are challenging us to look at ourselves and the current state of our lives, urging if not forcing us to reset our lifestyle priorities and values and our emotional investments in them.

Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn addresses the evolution of the societal institutions and authorities. Pluto either empowers what serves our Highest goals and ambitions or eliminates what does not or no longer serves in our pursuit of those goals. Pluto clears out the outdated, outgrown, and outworn. The 2016 Taurus New Moon’s trine with Capricorn Pluto Retrograde encourages us to create new values and priorities for ourselves on an individual/personal level which may become the new values and priorities on a collective/societal level as a majority consensus comes to light. These new values and priorities are usually better aligned with our collective Truths and the goals which emerge from them.

Saturn Retrograde in Sagittarius has us experiencing delays, obstacles, and setbacks on any paths we are trying to take to move forward which are not in alignment with or focused upon our Truth. We experience resistance or rejection when we are trying to take steps in directions which do not serve us or do not align with our new values and intentions. When our individual values do not align with the bigger Truth of society’s shifting values, this can be a very frustrating experience. If you find you aren’t getting your way at this time, you may want to consider that you are betraying your own personal truth in some way (in other words, the steps you’re trying to take are not really going to get you what you want) OR you are betraying the emerging truth of the majority (in other words, you’re outnumbered and/or your values are likely being phased out). The 2016 Taurus New Moon’s quincunx with Sagittarius Saturn Retrograde encourages us to seek a new path or new method of dealing with these shifting societal values. When aligned with your truth, forward progression happens with ease.

Jupiter Retrograde in Virgo has us experiencing growth and expansion in areas which support the everyday functionality of our lives. We may find that as certain programs, processes, and systems are presented, we are more inclined to investigate how they might affect our current lifestyles and/or how we might adopt and apply them to our individual lives. The 2016 Taurus New Moon’s trine with Virgo Jupiter Retrograde reveals that whichever new ideas are growing or expanding in and around our lives are doing so because they work or show great potential for working to restore if not newly establish practical and purposeful functionality to our everyday lives.

This 2016 Taurus New Moon may prove especially difficult for people who have been in positions of power or influence for a long time, and no longer have evidence to support their claims that they deserve to continue in those positions.  It will also prove emotionally challenging for people who have held certain values or beliefs for a long time, and find their ways of living no longer have mass appeal. In either situation, the fact is that society is evolving and we are being called upon to evolve.

If you are someone having a very difficult time with the changes occurring, you may want to consider that you might be holding on too tightly to the past or elements of the past which no longer serve your individual efforts to move forward. You may also want to consider that what you are familiar with may not be creating comfort, security, or stability and/or may not be making your life easier or happier for you. It may be time for you to take steps in a new or different direction which holds better potential for you to create the life and lifestyle you want to live. This may seem  impossible at first, but as you begin making the changes, you may find that your emotional, material, financial, and physical well-being and sense of security all improve as result of the adjustments you choose to make.

Whatever you choose to do, this 2016 Taurus New Moon is insisting we each and all implement and experience new beginnings regarding our lifestyle values and resources. We are being encouraged to reconsider what our homes and possessions mean to us, to take on new approaches to our physical expression and needs in condition/fitness, to explore new perspectives and approaches to the physical expression of our individual sexual identities, to adopt new perspectives and approaches to money, finance, and income…and to recognize that as these fundamental elements of our identities and lives are changing, we may not be comfortable or at ease at first.

Yet that’s the point of this 2016 Taurus New Moon. The changes we are experiencing are not meant to be easy or comfortable. They are meant to push us out of our comfort zones into unfamiliar territory. They are meant to have us reassess and realign our personal values with a changing world. They are our first steps into a new normal.

For those of you who aren’t clear or certain about what you value or why you value it at the present time, you can look to your astrology chart (or have a professional look at and interpret your chart for you). If you’re a do-it-yourself kind of person, here’s some tips:

  • Where the sign of Taurus is positioned in your chart will reveal which roles or areas of your life tend to feel most comfortable, safe, and secure for you. Taurus’ placement will reveal what drives your acquisition of material, physical, and financial lifestyle resources – it reveals what you value most and why your resources are important to you and the ultimate purpose they serve in your life.
  • Where Ceres (the ruler of Taurus) resides in your chart will reveal where and/or how your personal values are strengthened, and who and/or what your values best align with. Ceres also gives insight into your resource priorities – where you are most inclined to invest or spend your material, physical, and/or financial resources in order to create a sense of comfort, stability, and security for yourself in your life.
  • The 2nd house of your astrology chart reveals how you are most likely to go about acquiring what you need in order to live the life you want to live. Your 2nd house will also reveal your preferences and priorities when it comes to methods of acquisition and application of your material, physical, and financial lifestyle resources.

Most of all, this 2016 Taurus New Moon is intended to assist you in aligning your personal values and resources with what rings true for you and for your place in the collective whole. Take some time to reset your values and priorities in order to adapt to the changes occurring around and within you. Your newly-adopted or adjusted values will be the cornerstones of the foundation for your life and the lifestyle you build upon it moving forward.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs & Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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