digital-squares-vector_zJcujdB__LThe 2016 Gemini New Moon, which reaches maximum phase at 8:00p PDT (14.88°) on Saturday 4th June 2016, is not your ordinary New Moon. In fact, it’s pretty extraordinary.

New Moons always bring the energy of new beginnings and fresh starts, and in Gemini, those new beginnings are usually fun, lighthearted, and wonderfully charm-driven events. This “new beginnings” energy is only enhanced by the fact that this is also a 1 universal day here in the North America – even more initiative energy! (This New Moon will occur on a 2 universal day in most of the world, encouraging partnership, companionship, and emotional connection.)

However, this 2016 Sun-Moon conjunction in Gemini will also occur as one of the four corners of a MUTABLE GRAND SQUARE configuration – a configuration which can bring energy stabilization to matters at hand, but there’s usually a great deal of difficulty, disruption, or discordance before that energy stabilization occurs. This Grand Square actually entered 3° orb late on 31st May, and will be around (without the Moon) through Sunday, 5th June.

wheel chart for 2016 Gemini New Moon - Grand SquareMutable energy is changeable energy. It represents the approaching completion of a season and its transition into the next. It eases the process of change, and at its best, mutable energy creates a dance between the energies of the completing season and those of the upcoming one. Each of the four mutable signs represents an element – earth being grounding, tangible, and practical (Virgo); fire being creative and inspired action (Sagittarius); water being emotion and spirituality (Pisces); and air – the dominating energy of this Grand Square – being intellect, logic, and objectivity.

So exactly what is happening under the influence of this 2016 Gemini New Moon-Grand Square? To answer that, let’s examine at the four corners of this Grand Square more closely.

We have the afore-mentioned Gemini Sun-Moon conjunction (14°). One other detail about this conjunction is…it’s actually a STELLIUM! Venus in Gemini is also conjunct the Sun and Moon at maximum phase of the New Moon (14°)! This indicates that there are MANY communicative exchanges occurring with many questions being asked and strong expectations for intelligent answers which make logical sense. Through partnerships and 1-on-1 interactions of all kinds (amplified by the 2 universal day energy in most of the world), an amazing amount of information, insights, and ideas is coming to light, and many people may find that their mindsets and/or belief systems are being challenged by all that is being revealed and discussed. As result, intellectual exchanges can quickly become emotionally charged with people having very strong emotion-driven responses to what is being revealed. Stronger emotional responses also occur when people are unable to comprehend exactly what is being communicated and feel unintelligent, and/or when they are in denial about whatever is being revealed.

This increase of communication and revelation is also due largely in part to another corner of the Grand Square – Jupiter in Virgo (14°). This brings a need for a practical and pragmatic use of the information being revealed. It’s not enough just to talk now – the words being said need to have substance to them. There needs to be a clear and detailed plan or program for how those ideas and insights can be pragmatically applied to the matters at hand. People with plans and who are working to implement those plans will experience amazing growth and expansion at this time, while those who speak with empty words or aren’t walking their talk may find themselves unable to expand the scope of their message. There may also be challenges and strong emotional responses when people cannot figure out how to put their ideas into practice.

But it’s not enough to have a plan. With Saturn Retrograde in Sagittarius (12/13°) being another corner of the Grand Square, not only is there a demand for focus, discipline, work ethic, and authority, there is also a demand for authenticity and honesty in the exercise of that ethic and authority. Truth is paramount at this time, and those who are being honest are likely to reap great respect and greater rewards while those who are not being honest may experience delays, obstacles, and other frustrating road blocks and setbacks to their progress. The retrograde motion means feedback is coming, and if you don’t have enough focus or discipline to display an authoritative presence or if you have too much focus and discipline and seem overly authoritative, you may find yourself losing your credibility as a responsible and respectable authority figure.

But where this combination of demands for clear and open communications, pragmatism, revelations of truth, and authenticity culminates is in a shattering of the rose-colored glasses of Neptune in Pisces (12°) – the fourth corner of the Grand Square. Here, this shattering could go one of two ways for individuals: 1) the devastating disillusion of a delusional perspective or perception of the world around them, or 2) the realization that a dream or vision could actually be manifest in reality. The former will occur if the subject is being secretive, dishonest, disingenuous, or negative. The latter will occur if the subject is being open, honest, authentic, and positive.

In combining the energies of these four corners together, communications don’t just happen – they happen and are analyzed, examined, and disseminated until  they are seen for the truth of what they really are. This 2016 Gemini New Moon–Grand Square is an undeniable and unavoidable call for honest, open, and genuine communications which provide intelligent and practical answers to difficult questions and provide pragmatic solutions for long-standing large-scale problems.

The bad news here is…if these energies are operating in alignment with secretiveness, disorganization, duplicity or fraudulence, and delusion or unrealistic idealism, the energy of this Grand Square could manifest as a really rough experience for you. The configuration could essentially trap you inside a box or prison of your own making as you may not be able to find a way out of the situations you’ve created with your own words and actions. If you find yourself trying to spin and twirl your way out of tight spots with charm and flair OR with negativity and lies, you may not be taken seriously and lose your credibility trying to fake your way through a dance you can’t actually dance.

The good news here is that if these energies are operating in alignment with openness, pragmatism, honesty, and with clarity of purpose, the energy of this 2016 Gemini New Moon-Grand Square could manifest as a positive experience for you. The configuration could bring some much needed stability and security to your path and purpose. Moving confidently through the situations and circumstances in your life like Tony “Stayin’ Alive” in Saturday Night Fever with “no time to talk” about anything but what truly matters in the moment will work to your favor. If you dance the dance with optimistic intention, clarity, and authenticity, you may very well find yourself dancing your way to success.

This last dance of the Spring of 2016 is sure to be a doosy. The best thing you can do is to show up however you show up and dance to the beat as best you can. As long as you’re authentic, you’ll always find a partner to dance with…and you’ll always get the perfect partner(s) from whom you can best learn and grow.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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