thunder-lightning-background_z1UGp3PdToday, Tuesday 7th June 2016, there are three celestial bodies which are within trine aspect of each other (120° apart from each other, at 25-26° of their respective signs) at approximately 4:05p PDT – Cancer Moon, Scorpio Mars Rx, and Pisces Chiron. Together, these three bodies are most exact in a configuration known as a Grand Trine.

Trines are often seen as “positive” aspects, which makes Grand Trines seen as very auspicious configurations. However, I have found that trines simply mean that the energies don’t just complement each other as they would in a sextile. In trine, they encourage each other. This means they work will very together. Sometimes – like today – they may work too well together.

If you noticed, all three of these signs are water signs, signifying an emphasis on emotional-spiritual energies. This emotional energy is only amplified by the fact that the Moon is involved…and it happens to be in its home sign of Cancer.

This is one VERY emotion-driven configuration – a Lunar Water Grand Trine. But just how emotion-driven is it? And to what end?

Let’s look at the components.

Let’s start with Chiron in Pisces. Chiron (mutable water) is the “wounded healer”, and is often where we need to most healing OR where we can contribute the most healing. Pisces is all about transcendental consciousness, Oneness, compassion, and unconditional love and service…but it can also play martyr or victim when it feels it has selflessly served others too little or too much. This can result in people feeling like martyrs for their causes or for other people, sacrificing themselves for the good of the Greater Whole or for the Oneness. It can also result in people feeling victimized by their circumstances – circumstances which make a very emotional impact upon them.

This victim/martyr feeling is what triggers Mars Retrograde in Scorpio to act, or in this case, to react. Part of this is because Mars represents initiative and action, Scorpio (fixed water) tends to deal in extremes, and retrograde motion brings feedback, reactions/responses, or situations which need to be revisited or done again in some way. With this planet as one of the corners of our Water Lunar Grand Trine, we are assured that there will be some passionate actions and reactions to the circumstances at hand.

Chiron’s trine with Mars Retrograde may lead people to express their victimization or martyrdom through extreme acts of passion – likely anger or rage.

But why would people feel so victimized or go to such great lengths to martyr themselves for a cause?

That leads us to the third, and what is actually the initiative corner of the Grand Trine – Moon in Cancer. Here, the Moon is in its home sign. This should be auspicious. In Cancer (cardinal water), the Moon is usually emotionally nurturing, protective, and supportive. People usually feel cared for and safe under a Cancer Moon. Yet when in trine aspect to both Pisces Chiron AND Scorpio Mars Retrograde, the Moon may find itself in a situation where a sort of ‘Momma Bear’ response is required. When her babies are being messed with, Momma Bear doesn’t hesitate to bring the full brunt of her protective force to light. How this shows up for you is…you will got to great lengths to protect whatever you are emotionally interested or invested in. if you feel you or your emotional investments are threatened in any way, you may find yourself capable of some very extreme reactions.

This is not exactly good. In fact, this combination of Cancer Moon, Scorpio Mars Rx, and Pisces Chiron could very well be a perfect storm of emotional explosion.

The bad news is…this storm will likely cause damage. It won’t be a pretty scene…but it’s a needed one. There will be a lot of casualties – personally and collectively. You may experience this as the argument you and that friend have been dancing around for weeks. You may experience this as the group intervention on a friend or family member who’s been in trouble for a while now. You may experience this as a major social event that finally blows its top. However it manifests within you, for you, or around you, the energy of this Water Lunar Grand Trine will make an impact upon your life’s journey in some way.

The good news is…this storm has likely been brewing for a while. This Grand Trine marks the long-awaited release of the tension. It’s an especially welcome release as it’s built up for so long in the last few weeks and months. There will be plenty of emotional release happening in many different forms. If you personally are feeling emotional, now is the time to let your feelings run freely – holding them in or holding them back will not serve you or anyone around you well, especially not in the long run.

All of the tension to be released so that healing may begin. Once we know the extent of the emotional-spiritual trauma, we can treat the wounds. Much like an actual storm – there’s nothing that can be done to prevent it once it arrives. All you can do is sit it out until the winds and rain calm down. Then, you can assess the damage and begin rebuilding…or building anew.

But first, before building anew…the storm has to rage. Today, let it rage.

Tomorrow will be a new day.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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