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Neptune in Pisces began its 2016 retrograde movement at 1:42p PDT on 13th June 2016. As Neptune changed direction, it also changed our individual and collective perspectives on our lives and our life directions.

Neptune is the planet of imagination, vision, and spiritual-transcendental awareness. It represents what we dream about or envision for ourselves and the world. It is also represents what most inspires us and helps us feel most connected to our source of origin – the Universe.

Neptune is at home in the sign of Pisces – the sign representing transcendental awareness and belief, our subconscious minds, our intuitive and psychic abilities, and our selfless and/or philanthropic service. It is how we connect to the Oneness of All- That-Is.

When Neptune is traveling through its sign of rulership – which it has been doing since 2012 and will continue to do until 2025, our collective and individual ideals and visions of what is possible for us can be rather fantastic if not unrealistic. Neptune in Pisces is the ultimate “rose-colored glasses” effect, and it can be a rather challenging time for many as practical feedback comes in bringing practical reality with it, revealing that not all is what it seems in paradise.

During Neptune Retrograde in Pisces, the retrograde is feedback and/or do-over energy. This means that you’ll be receiving a lot of feedback from others about your dreams and goals OR you may be hearing a lot more than usual about the dreams and goals of others. This isn’t necessarily in order to put pressure on you to change and conform. In fact, it may be the contrary.

The feedback and information you receive from the outside is intended to reconnect you with your own personal dreams and ideals. What are YOUR dreams? What are YOUR beliefs? And what may be the most important question of all – do your dreams and beliefs align with the ones you are being shown or asked to adapt?

During this 2016 Neptune Retrograde in Pisces in particular, you may realize that you’ve been attending to or actually living the dreams and ideals of others…but those may not be your own. If your own dreams and ideals are not aligned with the ones you’ve been living, you may need to ask yourself if it’s time to change your focus and direction. Neptune Retrograde is within 3° orb of a square transit with Saturn Retrograde in Sagittarius at this time (transit most exact on 17th June), and this square is a strong indication of tension or conflict. Yet this tension also comes with opportunities for you to change course after trying to move in a direction that is not aligned with YOUR Truth.

This is an optimal time to stop trying to star in someone else’s dream or live someone else’s dream into reality. Now, you get to start being the star in your own life – living your own dreams and visions into reality. After all, you’re only ultimately responsible for living YOUR own life. Why try so hard to be responsible for someone else’s? Why try so hard to make their dream a reality if your dream isn’t aligned with theirs?

One more important Neptune Retrograde transit which occurs before the 2016 Summer Solstice – Pisces Neptune Retrograde square Gemini Mercury is most exact on 20th June. This is an indicator that your thoughts and words may not be in alignment with your vision. It is also a challenge – a call to action for you to figure out if you’re really going to change how you think and speak about yourself and your life so you are actively creating your vision OR if you are really going to choose to see yourself and your life differently based on your newfound awareness of how you actually think and speak about yourself and your vision for your life.

The 2016 Neptune Retrograde in Pisces will run now through 19th-20th November 2016.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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