Scorpio is very decisive – all or nothing, in or out. There is no gray area because gray is indecisive. Mars is individual initiative and how we go about taking action in our lives. Therefore, Mars in Scorpio means very clear and decisive action. No more limbo.

As of 4:40p on Wednesday, 29th June 2016, we’re getting back into the swing of things, regaining control of our own destinies. Mars stations direct in the sign of Scorpio.

That said, recognize that this recent Mars Retrograde in Sagittarius then Scorpio was intended to help us recognize what aligns with our truths and which actions we want or need to take in order to align ourselves with those truths. It also inspires us to take alignment actions once Mars is direct.

Soon that time will be upon us, and we will be called to act upon our convictions.

If you haven’t already made your decisions about certain matters in your life, now’s the time to make them. If there have been areas of your life which have been in limbo for a long time, now is the time for you to step up, make decisions, and take actions to move them in a clear, unmistakable direction.

Yet whether or not you’re ready to act upon your decisions, you may notice that for a couple of days before Mars officially changes direction, things seem a bit slow or stuck. This is because in order to change direction, you’ve got to slow down the car. Mars – for all its bold and active bravado – needs a minute to turn the car around. You may feel like you’re doing things in circles or that no progress is being made. You may even feel like you’re being set back. Don’t panic. It’s just the Universe preparing you to make big strides forward.

If you’re still uncertain after the last few weeks, well…that’s no one else’s fault but your own, The Universe has given you every opportunity to gain clarity about your positions. You may find that under this 2016 Mars Direct in Scorpio, you are obligated to make some decisions about how you’re going to proceed in certain areas of your life. And if you don’t make those decisions, they may be made for you.

To that point, Mars Direct in Scorpio is a rather unforgiving energy, and you won’t be able to reverse your course once you’ve taken a stand or taken steps down a path. Once it’s done, it’s done. So act wisely and act consciously. Be aware that even no choice is a choice during these next few weeks while Mars remains in Scorpio, so you might as well be proactive in choosing for yourself.

Scorpio is a fixed water energy. It is extremely emotionally intense and seeks depth and substance in all matters. It needs to get to the bottom of things because once it know the best and worst of someone or something, then (and only then) will it trust. Ruled by Pluto (which is currently in Capricorn), you may find guidance through this energy shift by paying attention to which goals and objectives emotionally and/or spiritually charge you most. Especially under the influence of the Cancer Sun (cardinal water energy), your emotion-driven actions will express your true feelings about and your true intentions for the matters at hand.

Here are the 2016 Mars Direct in Scorpio transits for the remainder of the 2016 Cancer Sun period:

Scorpio Mars trine Cancer Venus, most exact on 6th July – Mars’ intense action takes on a more passionate and intimate expression when it’s enhanced by the presence of nurturing, supportive energy of Venus in Cancer.

Scorpio Mars trine Cancer Mercury, most exact on 10th July – Your decisions and actions may be based upon what you’re intellectually AND emotionally invested in. If you’re going on how you feel alone, your actions may reveal your (emotion-driven) beliefs.

Scorpio Mars trine Cancer 7 Sun, most exact on 16th July – If you’ve been trying to keep your activity under wraps, guess what? The cat may be fly of the bag around this time. Get ready for people to know what you’ve been up to.

Scorpio Mars trine Pisces Chiron Rx, most exact on 17th July –If you haven’t severed ties with what hurts you, under the influence of this energy, you can take action to heal your emotional wounds once and for all.

Mars remains in Scorpio until 2nd August 2016.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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