Cancer is the emotional mother of the Zodiac – the one responsible for making sure your feel loved, cared for, and emotionally safe and protected. Cancer’s energy is reminiscent of a familiar home or family environment, which is great if you had a positive home and family experience growing up. But if you didn’t, Cancer’s energy may be a bit confronting.

This is especially the case when you have Mercury entering the sign, fresh off its annual return to its home base of Gemini. Mercury is intellectual, playful, quick-witted and quick-minded – not exactly a warm or nurturing presence. In fact, its child-like qualities often reveal a need for mothering rather than a need to mother others.

The good news is…Mercury in Cancer (which starts at 4:35p PDT today, Wednesday, 29th July 2016) can use its swift observational skills and intellectual intelligence to identify who or what needs nurturing first or most. This is a wonderful quality to have – the ability to objectively recognize who needs emotional encouragement and support first and foremost.

Yet in the sign of Cancer, Mercury’s natural objectivity and detachment may be hampered by Cancer’s need to emotionally attend to its emotional investments. Sensing the burden of emotion it’s now expected to carry for the next couple of weeks, this 2016 Mercury in Cancer will – more often than not – be looking for ways to lighten its load.

This load-lightening happens by Mercury in Cancer saying the things people emotionally need to hear while remaining emotionally detached as it says them. In other words, it means what it says intellectually – saying what one“should” say when people are emotionally down and insecure, right? But unfortunately, when it’s said, there’s no heart behind it. Intellectual logic is driving the conversation.

It’s all going through the motions rather than really meaning what one says. This makes those on the receiving end of these words wonder if you really care. You’re saying the words, but they somehow pick up on the fact that there may not be much feeling behind your words.

However, there’s another way for this 2016 Mercury in Cancer to operate…and that is by coming from the Cancer side of matters. By allowing yourself to feel your emotions and then speaking from those emotions, there is a major difference. People will really get where you’re coming from emotionally, and they’ll be more apt to believe what you say.

That said, the emotions you are feeling take on paramount importance. If you are feeling compassion and love for the people you are speaking with, they’ll feel it. If you are feeling joy, they will feel that.  If you are feeling neglected or frustrated, they will feel that. If you are angry or frustrated, they will feel that, too. Emotional integrity is key to communicating through Mercury in Cancer as others will be able to tell if and when you are speaking your emotional truth…and they’ll be able to tell when you’re not.

So when you speak, speak with emotion – with feeling. Remember that others will feel your words however you do.

In 2016, Mercury moves through Cancer pretty quickly, so let’s look at what happens over these next two weeks:

Cancer Mercury conjunct Cancer 7 Sun, most exact on 6th July – Are you overthinking your emotions? With the 7 numeric energy along with Mercury’s presence, there’s a good chance you are. Take this time to assess whether or not you actually feel what you say.

Cancer Mercury opposite Capricorn Pluto, most exact on 7th July – Do you really care…or just care about getting things done? You may find that you need to give a bit more emotional attention to the people and projects you expect results from. But if they need too much mothering, you don’t hesitate to cut them loose.

Cancer Mercury sextile Virgo Jupiter, most exact on 8th July – Encouraging words help projects progress, especially when assisting others through the day-to-day of life. When morale is higher, things move more smoothly and more quickly.

Cancer Mercury trine Scorpio Mars, most exact on 10th July – Your decisions and actions may be based upon what you’re intellectually AND emotionally invested in. If you’re going on how you feel alone, your actions may reveal your (emotion-driven) beliefs.

Cancer Mercury square Aries Uranus, most exact on 11th July – Sometimes, words which say you care aren’t enough. Actions speak louder than words, and if your nurturing walk hasn’t backed up your nurturing talk, you may be in for a rude awakening around this time as people don’t have much patience for empty words.

Cancer Mercury trine Pisces Chiron Rx, most exact on 11th July – Heartfelt, compassionate, empathetic words have emotional and spiritual healing power. If you mean what you say, people will know it, feel it, and be inspired by it. Allow yourself to be inspired in kind by their pain and suffering, and say whatever comes to mind as it will likely be an authentic expression of emotion.

Mercury continues in Cancer until Wednesday, 13th July 2016.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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