sun-rising-behind-planet-earth_95227609 - wall-papers.infoThe Cancer Moon conjoins with the Cancer Sun at 4:01a PDT on Monday, 4th July 2016 (12.89°) to form the 2016 Cancer New Moon. This New Moon brings cardinal water energy, and represents new emotional beginnings and the opportunity to make a fresh start in regard to emotional matters. This is especially the case with family (blood and/or chosen) and close “inner circle” friends – the people we want to emotionally nurture, care for, and protect, and from whom we want emotional nurturing, caring, and protection. It’s generally a wonderful time to let bygones be bygones and forgive the past in order to move into the future.

The challenging emotional energy we’ve been in may become easier for some of you to manage after this event. However, some of you may find yourself even more emotionally stressed. But one thing is for certain – there is a new emotional beginning of some sort on the horizon.

Let’s explore this further…

To start, the 2016 Cancer New Moon is making three major transits within 3° orb at the time its exact phase:

The Cancer New Moon is in trine aspect to Pisces Neptune Retrograde (separating 11.93°). You may notice yourself being very aware of others’ dreams and visions for themselves, their lives, and the world around them. As you observe and listen to their visions and ideals, you may begin to become more aware of your own. You may also find yourself recognizing how much you may have forgotten your own dreams and ideals for yourself and your life or how much you’ve sacrificed your own dreams to apply your efforts and energies toward those of others. And unless those dreams and ideals are truly shared by you and those others, you may be realizing that your own dreams and ideals have been put on the backburner…by you!

This New Moon-Neptune Rx transit brings up some questions. How do you feel about the dreams, ideals, and visions of others? How do you feel about your own? And maybe most important, which ones are you choosing to emotionally invest in?

The question about emotional investment is especially important because the Cancer New Moon is also in trine aspect to the Moon’s South Node in Pisces (approaching 14.58°). The transiting South Node is a karmic point, representing the karma we’ve collectively already mastered and needs to be balanced with the energy of the transiting North Node (always exactly opposite the South Node and currently in Virgo). In this case, it notes that we’ve already mastered believing we are being selfless servants to a greater or Higher good when we sacrifice our own needs for those of others.

Yet what many of us are learning is that when our own lives aren’t effectively or efficiently functioning on a practical, pragmatic, everyday level, we aren’t in a healthy or stable position to help others effectively. In some cases, being of service to others may even be an excuse for, escape from, or avoidance of our own practical and/or emotional challenges. This often makes us victims and martyrs to our own philanthropic beliefs and efforts. We may like to believe we are saving the world for others,  we may actually be sacrificing ourselves and our well-being for others. We need to make sure we’re healthy and well before we can attend to health and wellness of others…or in other words, as they say on airplanes, put our oxygen masks on first.

So, this leads us to more questions. Are you serving others from a healthy place, or a delusional place? Are you really in a position to be of philanthropic service, or are you needing to receive it instead of give it?

The third transit the Cancer New Moon is making at its most exact phase is a quincunx with Sagittarius Saturn Retrograde (separating 10.98°). The questions which arise out of this aspect are…do you feel a sense of duty or responsibility to attend to your own growth and expansion? And do you feel emotionally supported and encouraged to grow and expand yourself and your life?

As you ask yourself these questions, you may find or realize that some (or many) of your loved ones may love you…but they love you more for the support you give them than the support they give you. This may be the time when you need to begin seeking a personal circle which provides you with the emotional support you really need in order to move toward and fulfill a sought-after sense of freedom and expansion of your life experience.

Under the influence of this New Moon-Saturn Rx quincunx, you may also learn that even though you have a vision or a dream, that vision or dream may not be in alignment with your authentic self. If it’s not, you’ll notice that you’re experiencing delays, denials, or other obstacles which prevent you from moving it forward. This Saturn transit is meant to redirect you to what is aligned with your True self by holding you accountable for your beliefs (or delusions).

To top it off, this 2016 Cancer New Moon occurs on a 2 universal day numerologically speaking – a day of focus on emotional energies, partnerships and companionships (of all kinds), seeking out supporters, or being in a support role. This is occurring within the framework of a 7 universal month (a month of introspection, analysis, assessing possibilities, and allowing things to run their course), and a 9 universal year (fulfillments, completions, endings, and authoritarian presence). Who are your partners in helping you bring your old emotional stories to an end, and helping you move into a new emotional direction?

These three transits plus the numerological energies may have you embarking on the emotional adventure of a lifetime, pushing you into uncharted emotional territory.  The 2016 Cancer New Moon helps you figure out who else is as emotionally invested in your dreams as you are, and may also be a moment when you realize that if you’re not emotionally invested in yourself or your own future, who else is going to be?

It’s more a matter of figuring out whose dreams and ideals align with yours – who’s already moving in the same direction as you, and who can encourage you while also (and equally) pursuing their own dreams and goals. Your closest relationships will either begin to deepen or dissolve as result of this New Moon, and the idea of “support structure” may begin taking on a whole new meaning for you during and after this week.

It’s sure to be a very emotional day, yet the way in which it’s emotional is sure to depend on where you are in your emotional journey. The effects of this 2016 Cancer New Moon will be felt intensely for about three days, and will make themselves known now through the Capricorn Full Moon on Tuesday, 19th July.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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