Polarity (1)At 8:48p PDT on Thursday, 7th July 2016, Juno entered the sign of Scorpio for the second time in 2016. It was in the sign back in late May/early June of this year, but it began a retrograde motion which took it out of the sign and back into Libra on 7th June. In direct motion since 22nd June, Juno now comes back into Scorpio to restart and, this time, finish its run through the sign.

For the last few weeks while traveling through Libra, Juno has been applying its commitment objectively and intellectually to matters of balance, fairness, equality, and justice.

Now with Juno in the sign of Scorpio, there is pressure to make clear and decisive choices about where you stand on matters, especially matters which are emotion-driven or which touch us deeply on an emotional-spiritual level. Juno represents commitments of all kinds. Scorpio deals in emotional and spiritual extremes because extremes can be trusted – it’s easier to make decisions about which people and situations to let your guard down with when you know they represent or stand for one side of an issue or another. Therefore, this second round of 2016 Juno in Scorpio reveals an emotional commitment to go to extremes to define and declare your feelings and your positions in any matter of importance to you and/or all of us at this time.

You may feel pressure to “pick a side” in the battle of anger and rage that is intensifying in the face of the extreme polarity awakened in the current astrological climate. Yet with the influence of 2016 Juno in Scorpio coming into play, I’d like to offer the possibility that there is another choice.

Maybe the choice isn’t over which side of fear and anger to stand upon.

It is often easier to choose fear and anger. As a collective people, we tend to dwell on the negative or what could go wrong in order to seek ways of shielding or protecting ourselves from eminent danger or harm. Sadly, much of our media and many of those in positions of power seem to do everything they can to encourage that negative energy, inciting fear and anger in order to polarize matters for ratings or political or financial advantages and agendas.

Yet what could happen if we chose to dig below the surface appearances of this intensity?

  • What if – in true Scorpio fashion – we could delve into the deepest and darkest depths of these conflicts, get to the bottom of the anger and rage, and come together in peace to find practical solutions to these divisions?
  • What if we were willing to choose that deep emotional exploration instead of pointing fingers and weapons at each other in order to blame?
  • What could happen if, instead of focusing on the negatives, we sought ways to seek out the positives and ways of healing the divides? And in the theme of extremes that Scorpio energy brings, what if we chose to get to the bottom of the issues which divide us to find the issues which we share and can bring us together?

Maybe this doesn’t have to be a matter of extreme anger and fear versus another position of extreme fear and anger, but rather, a matter of extreme fear and anger versus extreme love and compassion. In the face of fear and anger, we always have another choice. In this climate of fear and anger, the other extreme is to stand in courage, compassion, and love.

The 2016 Juno in Scorpio will not make many transits over the next couple of weeks, but there is one set of transits to note:

The Scorpio Moon makes exact conjunction with Juno in Scorpio late morning-late afternoon PDT on Tuesday, 12th July, most exact at 2:42p PDT (0.61°). This transit is especially of note because the Scorpio Moon-Juno conjunction will also be part of a lunar T-Square configurationopposite Ceres in Aries (29.03°) with both ends of the opposition square Mercury in Cancer (27.68°) in wide conjunction to Venus in Leo (0.83°). This may be a breaking point for emotional expression – an “enough is enough” point where you may find yourself forced to take a stand for how you really feel about a particular subject.  Those who seek acknowledgment of (or attention for) their emotional expression may seek a larger audience at this time. The larger and louder presence is likely to challenge people to get in touch with emotions they may be trying to avoid or deny AND will challenge people’s personal lifestyle values to their cores.

The t-square will actually become more exact after the Moon speeds off out of orb. Juno remains in Scorpio while Ceres moves into Taurus and Mercury moves into Leo, making this a true Fixed mode t-square and creating a dynamic which not only gives these matters a bigger stage and a louder voice, but also more of a physical and material presence. The emotions begin manifesting into value systems which make the effects of these events something more tangibly or experientially real than they ever have been before.

I’ll write more about this t-square and the overall astrological dynamics in a post soon to follow.

In the meantime, under the influence of this 2016 Juno in Scorpio, which extreme are you choosing to commit to – fear or love?

Choose wisely. Your commitment is shaping the world.


Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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