abstract-light-blurs-11-texture_fJXVgoruMercury enters the sign of Leo at 5:47p PDT on Wednesday, 13th July 2016.

Leo is the sign of unique and creative individual self-expression. It needs to be seen and heard. It needs to be acknowledged for its uniqueness and creative ability. When it isn’t, it seeks attention.

Mercury acts as both student and messenger. It reveals our minds and our voices – how we think, how we learn, how we listen, and how we speak. It can also act as an accelerant, speeding things up.

Under the influence of this 2016 Mercury in Leo, there are a lot of people who have a lot to say in the world right now…and they want their voices to be heard. And for better or worse, they are willing to have their voices heard by any means necessary.

Any. Means. Necessary.

Yes. It’s so important, I felt the need to repeat it.

We are at a crossroads intellectually and communicatively. There are many things going on (maybe too many) which finally have us thinking and speaking about ourselves in ways which many of us have never had to do before now. As we are pushed out of our comfort zones into new perspectives and unfamiliar circumstances, we find ourselves being more vocal than usual, making our discomfort and fear known.

We often say we’re open to change or believe that we are open-minded, yet when it comes down to actually having to make those shifts, it can be a very confronting and frightening adjustment process. These changes may show us in a positive and brilliant light. They may also not show us in a positive light, and that may make us even more confronted and fearful. It may also make us angry and frustrated as we may not want to be held accountable for who we are being and/or how we are being perceived in our darkness.

In the face of these responses to our self-expressions, our individual needs to stand up for ourselves, our thoughts and words, and our values has more of us than ever speaking up and speaking out to declare and defend our positions…and to have our views and voices be acknowledged. We may find ourselves willing to go to great lengths to make sure our voices are heard – to get creative in ways we didn’t know we could be in order to find unique and bold ways of getting our messages to the world. We do this because under the influence of the 2016 Mercury in Leo, we are seeking acknowledgment of our messages in ways which facilitate the changes we are committed to seeing in our personal environments and in our world as a whole.

We are determined to be heard.

It’s important at this time for each and all of us to not only speak our minds, but to listen as others speak theirs. It’s only when all of our voices are heard that we can understand where our passions come together as one. Where our passions intersect – that’s where the light is. That is where we can find our way out of any darkness we are experiencing.

The 2016 version of Mercury in Leo doesn’t have a lot of activity over the next 9 days, but the activity it does have is pretty powerful stuff:

  • Leo Mercury makes a conjunct transit with Venus on 16th July, and under the influence of this transit (which will be felt from 13th-19th July), there is a determined effort to make sure as many unique voices as possible are being heard and that they are being heard equally, fairly, and justly and being considered in a balanced way.
  • This Leo Mercury-Venus conjunction is also the point of a T-Square configuration from 12th-14th July. Squaring both Ceres in Aries and Juno in Scorpio, Mercury conjunct Venus in Leo challenges us find the balance between speaking our personal values spoken in our own individual self-interests to light AND challenges us to think about our commitments and what we have decided to give our word to. If we say we value certain things yet our commitments reveal other values, how do we reconcile that difference if there is one? Do we shift our personal values – the lifestyle tenets which support our self-identities? Or do we dishonor our commitment(s) in order to align with our values?
  • And Mercury in Leo makes trine aspect to Saturn Retrograde in Sagittarius on 18th July, marking a point at which factual truth is expected if not demanded of us. We may find ourselves or others being held responsible and accountable for what comes out of our mouths and whether or not is is actually factual.

This 2016 Mercury in Leo makes it important for us to remember to be as generous with our minds and hearts as we are with our words. Allow others to speak their truths as we speak ours. We all want to be heard, and we all want our light to be seen. Give each other (and ourselves) the opportunity to be heard, known, and understood…by any means necessary.

Mercury will be in Leo now through 30th July 2016.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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