winners-trophy_m1ivd88__lMars entered Capricorn at 1:07a PDT on Tuesday, 27th September 2016, shifting the collective intention of our actions from growth and expansion to fulfillment and accomplishment.

Mars is the ruler of Aries and represents initiative action, while Capricorn is the paternal/authoritative presence of the Zodiac representing focus, discipline, and accomplishment. Together, Mars in Capricorn is taking actions to get things done.

Mars in Capricorn encourages actions which are goal-oriented, results-driven, and (hopefully) societally responsible. Actions which support your standing in profession or public environments may find more support than usual at this time. Also, actions which you know will move you toward the fulfillment of your objectives and goals – both personal/private and professional/public – may prove beneficial to you at this time. Mars in Capricorn may also inspire you to push beyond your usual limits to advance your progress toward your goals. This could be produce excellent results for you and could very well boost your credibility and increase your exposure.

However, Mars in Capricorn can sometimes over-play its hand, embolden you to force issues beyond what is wise or productive, or it may encourage you be more aggressive than necessary in your efforts to achieve your goals. Sometimes, limits are set for a reason and are meant to be respected and honored. Violating the rules in place or the boundaries set or failing to produce the expected results may result in delays or the abrupt ending of agreements or contracts. Rather than boosting your professional or societal credibility, it could damage it, possibly beyond repair.

Mars also has a competitive streak, while Capricorn also has a reputation for being focused on achieving societal success and having something to show for its efforts. These combined energies reveal a desire to win which can amplify one’s authoritative behavior – one’s leadership driven by fulfillment. Mars in Capricorn creates a sense of urgency and determination to be successful in fulfilling its desired objectives by any means and/or at all costs. It may also encourage some of us to use (or abuse) authority in order to force desired results or specific outcomes…even if those results may not be in the best interests of all involved. This is because Mars in Capricorn is playing to win, and “the win” can be rather subjective to the individual(s) involved in achieving the desired results.

The power of Mars in Capricorn is amplified by the numerological energies present throughout its run. The latter days of the September 9 universal month will amplify the Mars in Capricorn focus on completions and endings and taking action to get things done, while the energy of the October 1 universal month favors and encourages Mars’ and Capricorn’s initiative and ambition by encouraging you to start whatever moves you toward your goals. Yet the November 2 universal month energy reveals that partnership(s) may be needed for Mars in Capricorn to fulfill its objectives – that you may not be able to accomplish what you’ve set out to complete alone after all. This is all happening under the 9 universal year, so everything is focused on achieving results, but it will be interesting to see how Mars in Capricorn navigates this evolving fulfillment-driven terrain.

That said, here are some of the upcoming transits for this 2016 Mars in Capricorn:

Capricorn Mars trine Taurus Ceres Retrograde, most exact on 30th September (2.50) Your actions are likely to reflect your personal values, and you’ll likely have the support of those who share your values. The question is…are your values truly your own, or are you simply fulfilling on lifestyle standards set by others?

Capricorn Mars square Libra Jupiter , most exact on 5th October (5.60°)– Your actions may be hindering rather than expanding your partnership opportunities or the success of partnerships you already have in place. Notice where and how your tunnel-vision and assertive (or possibly aggressive) actions may be compromising your ability to work productively with others.

Capricorn Mars sextile Pisces Neptune Retrograde, most exact on 11th October (9.67°) – Acting in response to the expectations of others may prove good for them. The question is…are your actions as good as good for you as it is for them? Though this is likely to be a positive, reciprocal energy, take a moment to make sure you’re not putting yourself in a position to be taken advantage of.

Capricorn Mars square Libra Mercury, most exact on 13th October (11.15°) – It’s extremely important for your actions to align with your thoughts and words at this time. Your reputation could depend on it. Misalignment could prove difficult if not impossible to correct, especially on matters of inequality, imbalance, unfairness, and injustice.

Capricorn Mars conjunct Pluto, most exact on 19th October (15.05°) – Initiative actions are taken to assert power and influence. These actions are more likely to be taken as preemptive steps or aggressive measures to establish oneself as having the upper hand in the matters at hand. They also may be taken to encourage or accelerate the completion or fulfillment of objectives.

Are you playing to win? What would your victory be, and what are you willing to do to have it? And are you taking those actions to achieve and accomplish that goal for yourself and your life?

Now’s the time. Mars remains in the sign of Capricorn now through 9th November, encouraging you to take actions to ensure your victory.

Go out and get your win in whatever align with your inner truth and your most authentic expression.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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