chainOn Friday, 11th November 2016 at 8:54p PST, Venus entered the sign of Capricorn, leaving the adventure of Sagittarius for a focus on achievement, accomplishment, and results.

This is an energy in which the seeking of common goals becomes important – more important than ever.

Capricorn is a goal-oriented, results-driven, ambitious sign. It is also the sign of authority and discipline, and often gets a rap for being too serious. Yet without it, many of us would never get anything done. It provides much-needed direction and focus for our resources and energies.

Venus is the planet of balance, equality, fairness, and justice. It also represents our approach to one-on-one relationships and partnerships of all kinds. Venus is not just a peace-keeper – she’s also a peace maker, and she isn’t afraid to jump on the scales of justice to balance what is out of balance.

With Venus in Capricorn, we get to look at how we can implement partnerships in our efforts to accomplish our goals. We learn how our 1-on-1 relationships of all kinds can help us reach our goals…and how they can just as easily distract us from them.

Venus in Capricorn is an opportunity for you to recognize how healthy relationships can help you get things done. It encourages you to recognize which relationships in your life are healthy and which ones only serve to drag you down. This will challenge you to set limits and boundaries in order to protect your interests…and at the same time, you may need to take down some of those limits and boundaries in order to allow the assistance you need to come through.

This influence isn’t going to be easy for everyone. Some of us carry the belief that we do better alone- that we don’t need to work with others, or that others slow us down. Others of us greatly depend on others to get things accomplished – without them, we’d never get anything done.

Either way, here’s where this 2016 Venus in Capricorn will draw our attention:

  • We’ll notice whether or not our current partners are on the same page we are and/or in support of our goals, ambitions, and the fulfillment of our Highest truths.
  • We’ll find out where and how our (potential) partners may have different ambitions, intentions, or goals than we do, and where they may be trying to steer us away from our goals, ambitions, and/or our Highest truths (or where we may be trying to steer them away from theirs).

For those of you who prefer to work alone, a large part of why you may feel that way is because others may have different goals or objectives, or because you may subconsciously recognize that they may be trying to benefit from your success in some way. They may also want different results than you do or want you to play a different role in their lives, and as result, may be trying to keep you from getting the outcome you’re hoping for yourself or for your partnership(s).

However, maybe they’re not so manipulative or malicious in their intent. Maybe they simply work at a different pace or have a different style of working than you do. You may be frustrated by their slower pace or more methodical process….or maybe they may work much faster or much more impulsively than you do, and you may be frustrated by their (seeming) lack of forethought or that they rush ahead of you, leaving you feeling left behind.

For those of you who prefer partnership, some of you absolutely refuse to work without a partner. This 2016 Venus in Capricorn will have you exploring why that is the case. It may be that you like sharing the experience of bringing something to manifestation.

Yet others of you don’t may not want to work alone because you don’t trust yourself or your own choices…or maybe because you’re afraid you cannot succeed without someone else’s strength, talent, or resources. This may be a time for you to recognize that you have more to contribute to your partnerships than you may have previously believed.

Whatever the case may be, this Venus in Capricorn is here to have you look at your relationships with others to recognize your own intentions, ambitions, and accomplishments…and also to look at your own limitations and obligations and how they are self-imposed, agreed upon, or (how you allow them to be) imposed upon you by others.

The biggest message of this 2016 Venus in Capricorn is…how can we work together?

How can we come together one-to-one in order to begin making the changes we want to see in the world? How willing are we to engage in healthy debate or healthy relationship? How willing are we to sit down and diplomatically negotiate a way forward – a way to balance the unbalanced, to bring justice to the unjust, to bring fairness to what has be unfair, to bring equality where there have been inequality?

We will find out over these next few weeks.

There’s only one major transit involving Capricorn Venus in the next few days – a sextile with Pisces Neptune Retrograde (most exact on Saturday, 19th November). Under its influence, you may notice whose dreams you’re most emotionally and energetically invested in, and who’s invested in yours. This is a wonderful time to recognize that you don’t have to do things alone, and that sometimes, someone else can contribute to your life the one missing link between you and the fulfillment of your goal. Sometimes, it’s a link you didn’t even know you were missing.

That said, keep an open yet focused mind. Be willing to recognize that someone else’s perspective may hold the missing link needed to achieve your success.

And most of all, don’t forget to keep your eyes on your prize.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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