***WARNING: EXTREMELY long post with a lot of technical details. Be ready to read for a while.***

This hotly-anticipated event is occurring on Monday, 19th December 2016. The earliest start time for any of the state Electoral College gatherings seems to be the 8:00a start time for New York State (held at the capital of Albany, NY). However, most of the gatherings are beginning at 12:00 noon of their local times, with some even beginning at 2:00p of their local times. I referenced both the 8:00a and noon time charts for the transits of the day. I may do a follow-up post later about the final outcome once it has been officially called/announced.

That said, this is not only an interesting day, but an interesting time in history. Though the election may prove, in many ways, the ignorance of the voting public here in the U.S., it has also proven educational in regard to the effectiveness and integrity of our electoral system and what may need to be changed for future fairness, balance, and justice in our electoral processes and procedures.

I guarantee that maybe 5% or less of the citizens of this country knew about how the Electoral College system works before this election cycle. I’d say that number is now at least around 55% if not more.

Before we get into the aspects of this day, let’s cover some backstory.

Our national general election here in the U.S. was on Tuesday, 8th November, 2016 – a 1 universal day of new beginnings and fresh starts. However, the election was called at approximately 2:31a EST on 9th November, naming Donald J. Trump the President-elect of the United States of America on an 11 universal day of community and collaboration.

At the time the election was called, the Scorpio 2 Sun was conjunct Scorpio Black Moon Lilith, Pisces Neptune was conjunct Pisces South Node (opposite Virgo North Node) with the Moon itself approaching conjunction (at a 4° orb approaching), Aries Uranus Retrograde conjunct Aries Ceres Retrograde. This speaks to a deep emotional-spiritual desire for transformation and/or destruction of the old cronyism and “support”, an emotion-driven yet fantastically idealistic (if not delusional) return back to what was to “make America great again”, and a very angry populace which wanted their leaders to acknowledge them and the values of “the people”. Trump’s win was the half the population’s vengeance for being ignored for so long by BOTH major political parties…and the result of the powers-that-be which tried to force their hands a little too strongly to get their (mutually-desired) way.

Yet it seems those institutions of power ended up getting their way against or above the people anyway. As we look at the cabinet and administration Trump is building, many of the things people were afraid of with Hillary Clinton are manifesting as Trump prepares to take over the reins – big banking, big oil and fossil fuels, corporate influence and control, etc. Though there are quite a few people who work in these industries who wanted their jobs saved, there are many who are more concerned about their health care access and benefits, their retirement/Social Security funds, their civil liberties, the environment and climate change, and more. Those who voted for him are earnestly (or are possibly saving face by) taking a “wait and see” attitude, while many of those who didn’t vote for him are in full-blown panic.

The Electoral College vote tomorrow is being seen by some as an opportunity to honor the popular vote and to keep a Trump presidency from taking hold. For others, it’s being seen as a formality that should confirm the November vote. For others still, it’s being seen as the last chance to pre-empt a false bill of goods and/or to honor a feeling of buyers’ remorse as Trump seems to be building a cabinet that goes against almost everything he promised in his campaign.


Now let’s explore the transits for tomorrow’s event & what this vote may mean for our collective post-election journey. This is intended to clarify the energetic climate, NOT necessarily to predict the outcome of the vote.

Aries Uranus Retrograde conjunct Ceres… – The values of the people strongly influence the values being applied. Yet those same values may encourage individuals within communities or collaborative efforts to go rogue and assert their independence of thought and their personal ideals of social justice. There may also be a LOT of anger and frustration with the fact that the current circumstances are forcing people to reassess their own personal values…and that despite their beliefs otherwise, they may very well be dealing with the fact that they’re on the wrong side of the values spectrum. This could bring an unexpected turn(s) of events.

  • … opposite Libra Jupiter – The tendency to blame another or others for their upsets grows & expands the tensions between people and parties who perceive or actually see the larger social-societal trends developing. Strange times make for stranger diplomatic partnerships to figure out ways to move beyond any stalemates.
  • …trine Sagittarius Saturn – The rising collective anger clarifies boundaries and limits. There may now be a better sense of where people stand as individuals due to the angry tension that is building or has built up. You may also notice that anything that is not aligned with Truth or that doesn’t have experience to back it up is being challenged if not denied forward progress in some way(s). This is important – it helps us know what we can trust.

Capricorn Mercury Retrograde conjunct Pluto – Being held responsible and accountable for one’s ideas and communications either strengthens or destroys the power and influence of an institution or a person (or people) in positions of power. Pay attention to who is losing their credibility and strength, and who is gaining those qualities.

Virgo Moon…

  • …opposite Pisces Neptune (closer to 8:00a EST) – An emotional need for pragmatic function to balance fantastic idealism may be driving the show in the late morning to mid-afternoon hours. Get ready for reality to set in and for some delusions to be brought back into reality.
  • … square Sagittarius Juno (closer to noon EST) – Practical, functional, and emotional considerations are challenged by both the making, honoring, and following through on commitments and drawing upon factual and experiential truths to do so.

Sagittarius Juno sextile Aquarius Venus – A strong desire to honor commitments truthfully and honestly (and possibly unexpectedly) supports partnership with the community. The question is…does this mean the electors will honor the system and the electoral vote OR will they rebel against standard operating procedure and honor the popular vote?

Pisces Chiron square Sagittarius Saturn – Being held accountable for factual truths challenges the delusions and fantasies used to ignore, avoid, and/or deny any emotional-spiritual insecurities, pain, and suffering. People may find themselves running out of places to avoid or deny the facts of the matters at hand. That…or people may be having to make up some pretty elaborate stories/fantasies/delusions to keep the factual truth from coming to light. But remember – the stories they make up don’t only keep out the truth; they also keep them from connecting and building trust with others. At some point, the people they’re trying to convince may not trust anyone any longer…not even you.


Now those are only the transits of the day. How will the events of this day affect our President-elect?

Donald J. Trump’s personal transits on this date (natal chart only):

Natal Mars wide conjunct natal Leo 11 ASC in Leo in his 12th house opposite Transiting Mars in Aquarius conjunct natal Aquarius 11 DSC in his 7th house (wide 4° orb, connected by ASC-DSC conjunctions) – This is fascinating! He’s likely to act and/or fight to protect and defend his self-identity/self-image as a likeable and popular person, while others take actions/fight against him for “the people”. Since these energies are in opposition, it seems likely that this will show up as an “us vs. them” kind of dynamic with the media having its hands full trying to cover both sides of the argument as each side will try to distract from the other.

Natal Moon conjunct South Node in his 4th house conjunct Transiting Saturn… – He is emotionally attached to his old mode of operation, both of which allow him quite a bit of freedom to grow and expand and express himself however he sees fit. However, with transiting Saturn, this freedom is greatly compromised…especially because he will be held accountable and responsible for anything and everything he says or does that is not aligned with factual or experiential truth. This will be very emotionally frustrating for him, and is likely to be the source of many tantrums to come if he moves forward as POTUS.

  • opposite his natal Uranus + North Node + Gemini 4 Sun stellium in his 10th house! Saturn indicates that the truth will continue getting in his way. He will be constantly under scrutiny and will be held responsible and accountable for his past words and actions (especially his campaign promises). He will attempt to continue to use his duplicity to ensure a non-committal position and to avoid being held accountability for his words and actions.
  • …transiting Chiron in Pisces in his 7th house is square BOTH of the afore-mentioned stellium, creating a T-Square configuration. He will be held accountable for both how he helps and hurts the world around him, and this accountability will probably be delivered to him by individual trusted advisors. The challenge here is that his “professional” advisors will likely hold him accountable to his public image, while his family will hold him accountable to his word and insist he acknowledge and speak truth – especially the women in his life. Melania, Ivanka, and Tiffany will likely be the ones calling him out for his deeds and damages, keeping him as honest as they possibly can as often as they can.
  • This transit-created Moon + South Node + transiting Saturn stellium is also trine the transiting Aries Uranus Retrograde + Ceres straddling his 8th and 9th houses, revealing his ability to gain power and influence by emotionally connecting with the anger and resentment of the public. He knew exactly how to play into their angers and fears, and he did it to perfection. Yet he’s always been good to playing to an audience – it supports his public-professional image to do so. He has an earnest and honest knack for doing this ‘gaining public affinity’ thing well. The challenge for him is that he will have far more restrictions than he usually does once he’s fully assumed the role of POTUS – he won’t have the freedom he’s accustomed to in travel, make deals, or being able to “play to the crowd”. However, he will still command the public’s attention and play to their values as much as he can to stay in their good graces as much as possible…though it will be much more difficult for him to be his usual duplicitous self.

Natal stellium of Juno-Chiron-Jupiter in Libra in his 2nd house square transiting Capricorn Mercury Retrograde-Pluto conjunction in his 5th house – His commitment to negotiating deals is what he truly believes will also work in foreign diplomatic efforts…but his approach will actually be met with painful (and humbling) challenges to his objectives.  It will NOT serve him well to ignore the legacies, traditions, or histories of the diplomatic efforts with other countries. His cultural ignorance already has and will continue to prove very costly and further damage the U.S.’ credibility in the world…if he makes it past the Electoral College vote.

  • …with a waning Jupiter Return (Natal Jupiter at 17°, transiting Jupiter at 19°) – The good luck, growth, and expansion are waning as well. This is an indicator that Trump’s good luck is finally running out. The question is…does he have enough luck left to get through tomorrow’s vote?
  • …but an approaching Jupiter return with his Progressed Jupiter (23° – a 4° orb) indicates he is coming up on one more brief period of good luck to move through before it truly runs out.

Natal Mercury in Cancer in 11th house trine… – He has a way of thinking and communicating in ways which emotionally resonate and nurture the beliefs of those in his communities and social circles. He is also a master of public communication and mass broadcasting/media, and his words will continue to reach an audience.

  • …transiting Pisces South Node in his 7th house – He is able to say exactly what people need to hear to keep them aligned with their usual mode of operation. The electors are likely to believe whatever gives them a reason not to change their usual process, especially if what he says plays to the emotional truth of “the people”.

Natal Leo Mars in 12th house trine transiting Sagittarius 3 Sun in his 4th house – His actions to draw attention to himself and away from the truths he’s hiding are actually working…to a degree. Yet the truths are getting larger, and he’s going to need to act with even more fantastic dramatic effect in order to overcome what’s being brought to light.

Progressed Chiron conjunct transiting Jupiter in Libra in his progressed 12th house trine Gemini Uranus conjunct North Node in his progressed 8th house – A rare admission of insecurity gives more power and influence to his words and ideas….but also demands that he develops better control of his mass/public communications.

Progressed Black Moon Lilith conjunct transiting Juno in Sagittarius in his progressed 2nd house – He’s being called upon to commit to his familiar lifestyle…and he may have to choose how he wants to process as he won’t be able to keep it as it’s always been.

Progressed South Node conjunct transiting Saturn in Sagittarius, also in his progressed 2nd house – He’s quickly realizing just how much scrutiny he’ll be subjected to in this new role…and just how unavoidable the accountability and responsibility will be.


So, to summarize (NOTE: I’m not one for predicting events. I usually prefer to allow events to play out. That said…):

It will be a tension-filled day which will likely secure Trump’s election in November. However, there is so much that has happened in this election cycle that has never happened before, I wouldn’t be surprised if electors abstained ot flipped their votes and this went to Congress to decide.

If the electors actually do send this to Congress to decide, since the Republicans carry the majority in the House of Representatives, it’s still likely that Trump will hold his elected position…unless something unexpected or unprecedented occurs. (My guess for an unexpected twist if one were to occur – Trump suddenly chooses to resign the position in order to save face. This will occur if enough electors abstain their votes or vote against him to increase the shadow of doubt on his victory.)

Once Trump does officially win the Electoral College vote (either directly or via Congress), it will mark the end of his election honeymoon and continue a very challenging preparatory period in which he will constantly be confronted by his accountabilities and responsibilities to the public that voted for him…and even the ones who didn’t vote for him. He will be under more scrutiny than any other President in U.S. history before he even gets into office…and he won’t be happy about it. At. All. It’s just a question of whether or not it’s enough to break him. We’ll see.

For now, let’s get through this Electoral College vote.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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