This morning, 4th January 2017 at 6:17a PST, Mercury – still moving in retrograde motion – made its return to the sign of Sagittarius. It’s a brief return, it will move back into the sign for about four days, changing direction on Sunday 8th January (at 28.85° Sag) before moving back into Capricorn for its full run through the sign on Thursday 12th January.

So what does this mean?

Mercury is the planet of information and communication. It reveals how we think, learn, and speak. It also moves quickly to obtain and exchange as much information as possible in the fastest amount of time. It has a messenger role.

Sagittarius is the sign of gaining wisdom through experience. It’s on a constant search for factual and experiential truth and the personal growth and expansion of perspective that come through both taking action and applying intellect.

Since retrogrades provide us with feedback, second chances, and “do-over” opportunities (energy from the outside-in), we can see this 2017 Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius as an opportunity to gain feedback about the verity of our communications, to claim opportunities we may have missed the first time around, and to see, speak, or hear facts we may not have spoken or heard before now.

In other words, this is a brief return to truth.

What’s most interesting to me is that Mercury will not be making any major transits during this 8-day period…but that doesn’t mean we won’t feel its presence or that it won’t affect us.

Over these next 8 days, be sure to notice what does and doesn’t ring true around you. This is essential because you’re being given a second chance to hear, see, and/or learn factual and experiential truths about matters in your life of importance to you. These truths will likely be presented to you in moments of obvious revelation – moments which if you miss them, it’s probably because you really didn’t want to see them. Usually truth speaks in a small, quiet voice. But this is happening in the sign of Sagittarius – there’s nothing small about Sag. The messages may not be louder, but they will likely be bigger or more repetitious than usual, and you’ll recognize them if you’re willing to see or hear them.

These truths can make a positive difference in your life, even if they don’t feel positive in the moment. You may see or hear some things that you don’t want to admit are true. Yet if you can embrace them at this time, you may find that you are empowered by them once Mercury turns around and especially when Mercury re-enters Capricorn on the 12th.

If you choose to deny the truths being revealed to you at this time, that’s fine. You don’t have to accept them. But if they prove to be of significance down the line, you won’t be able to say that no one told you.

Yep. The messages will be that clearly communicated.

So have your eyes open, ears open, and mind open. It’s going to be an interesting week and a quick return to truth…and you won’t want to miss a thing.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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