Saturn in Sagittarius begins its 2017 retrograde motion at 10:06p PDT on Wednesday, 5th April 2017 (which for most of the world will be Thursday, 6th April), and with it comes feedback for you which could lead you to the freedom of expression you’ve been longing for. This means for most of the world this retrograde initiates under a 2 universal day energy – a cooperative and receptive energy. Yet for some of us, this retrograde initiates under a 1 universal day energy – an energy of self-initiative and action.

As quite a few of you have noticed over the last few months, you may be experiencing some obstacles to your desired progress or feel held back or held down in some way regarding your efforts to express yourself authentically and freely. You may feel like you’re unable to grow or expand in areas you believe will lead you to the freedom you crave.

That limiting presence would be Saturn in Sagittarius in action – keeping you from moving in a direction that is not in alignment with your authentic self or your True lie purpose. If you believe you are doing what you need to do yet you’re not able to move forward, Saturn in Sagittarius is letting you know that you do not get to proceed until you address and resolve the inauthenticity or falsehood present in or behind your course of action. There is some element of the motivation that is not aligned with your authentic self or your unique expression of Truth.

But what specifically happens when Saturn in Sagittarius moves retrograde?

Retrogrades bring feedback and receptive energies. So in this case, be ready to receive three sets of clear and undeniable feedback from this 2017 Saturn Retrograde in Sagittarius:

  • feedback on how well you’ve focused and disciplined yourself on your goals and objectives since you first set your intentions for them. (If you haven’t been focused or disciplined, you’ve been blocked.)
  • feedback on how aligned your goals and objectives are with your authentic self-expression and life purpose. (If your goals and objectives are not aligned with your Truth, you’ve been blocked.)
  • feedback on how well you’ve addressed and resolved the inauthenticities and falsehoods that have been thwarting your progress. (If you haven’t address or resolved these deceptions or delusions, you’ve been blocked.)

This will be an interesting time for many of us as we finally get clear insights and understanding as to why we have been and/or continue to be blocked in areas of our lives where we seek advancement. And in receiving this feedback, we finally receive clear access to removing the blockages.

2017 Saturn Retrograde in Sagittarius will not hold back its assessments in any way, so for those of you who don’t do well receiving criticism or discipline, these next 4.5 months may hurt a little…or a lot. Saturn will not allow you to progress until you accept its terms.

That said, here’s the key in moving forward.

Remember that this is a co-creative process. You are in constant partnership with the Universe. For those of you under a 2 universal day energy when this retrograde begins, this will be much easier for you to accept and work with than it will be for those of you starting this retrograde under a 1 universal day energy who may be more apt to resist the partnership. Either way, if you look at Saturn as the Universe’s authoritative and protective arm, you may realize that Saturn may actually be doing you a favor. Consider that this 2017 Saturn in Sagittarius’ “restrictive” influence may actually be preventative. It may be keeping you from moving forward on a path that will not be as productive, successful, or fulfilling as you believe it will be. It may actually be preventing you from making choices which will lead you to regret, remorse, and keep you stuck in your past, unable to move forward by your own hand.

Take Saturn in Sagittarius’ feedback not as criticism, but instead as wisdom. Though you may not like its disciplinary messages or how those messages come forth, it may be time for you to learn the lesson(s) from them and apply the wisdom of them to your journey.

Here’s some of the upcoming transits involving the 2017 Saturn Retrograde in Sagittarius:

  • Sagittarius Saturn Retrograde square Pisces Venus Retrograde, most exact on 8th April (27.78°) – From 5th-11th April, this transit will confront you with the consequences of your contributions to the relationships and partnerships you have, providing you with an opportunity to recognize the full impact of what you’ve given…and what you’ve taken in your relationships, for better or worse.
  • Sagittarius Saturn Retrograde trine Aries 5 Sun, most exact on 17th April (27.70°) – Any course changes which must be made are revealed openly and undeniably. If you’ve been waiting for “a sign”, notice the influence of this transit from 14th-19th April. This may be one of the greatest moments for you to receive valuable insights within the entire 4.5-month retrograde period.
  • Sagittarius Saturn Retrograde quincunx Taurus Mars, also most exact on 17th April (27.68°) – The life you’re choosing to life now does affect your ability to align with the path you want to (or need to) be on. Though you may not immediately understand how your lifestyle and your life purpose align, from 13th-21st April, you may get a crash course in how they affect each other through this transit. This transit will help you see how your seemingly unrelated behaviors and results are actually tied together.

For the next 4.5 months, it may seem you’re being onslaught with disciplinary lessons. Though you may feel trapped or forced into compliance at first, once you accept and apply the lesson(s) from the feedback, you may find yourself gaining access to the freedom you’ve longed for after all.

2017 Saturn in Sagittarius will be in retrograde motion now through 25th August 2017.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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