Venus Retrograde re-enters Pisces at 4:25p PDT on Sunday, 2nd April 2017. As I stated in a previous blog post, this is an opportunity for you to re-frame your perceptions or beliefs about service to others or service to a Higher truth. This is also an opportunity to recognize the impact you have on your relationship connections with everyone and everything around you.

Regarding service, selflessly serving others is not a bad thing as long as you remember that YOU are also part of the great Oneness. Therefore, you get to receive as much as you give. Venus Retrograde in Pisces will assist you in recognizing what you need to receive in order to affirm your self-identity so you can establish healthy, positive, and balanced relationships.

You’ll also get to check on if your relationships are as good in reality as they are in theory, as well as what does it say about your relationship with yourself – how you feel about yourself, how you think about and/or perceive yourself – for you to choose these relationships with others? And are you “serving” others to avoid or hide what you don’t like about yourself or to avoid being served because you don’t believe you deserve to be served or loved? This is a prime time to examine and answer those questions and to begin healing any old emotional-spiritual wounds within yourself.

But the biggest and most important message of the 2017 Venus Retrograde in Pisces is that everything around you is affected by you, and you are affected by all of it. You’re part of All-That-Is, whether you like it or not.

That said, anything you do or say sends energy into the Universe. Whether that energy is positive or negative, it affects things. Whether those things are people or environments, your presence and the energy you choose to project and/or act upon does make a difference.

The question becomes…what kind of difference are you committed to making?

This 2017 Venus Retrograde in Pisces reminds you of the impact your energy has on your partnerships of all kinds. In this case, it would be the impact of your visions, dreams, ideals, and possibly even your delusions upon others and your relationship conditions. You’ll get to experience and/or witness the effects of your way of being on the connection(s) you have with others, and you may find out whether or not you are contributing to the betterment or detriment of your relationships. You also may realize which relationships are contributing to your emotional-spiritual betterment or detriment.

There’s only one major transit involving the 2017 Venus Retrograde in Piscesa square with Saturn Retrograde in Sagittarius, most exact on 8th April. This one, as most squares are, will be a challenge because it is an accountability transit. Saturn is all about discipline, focus, responsibility, and accountability for results generated. In retrograde motion and square with Venus Retrograde, it will confront you with the consequences of your contributions to the relationships and partnerships you have. Therefore, this transit provides an opportunity to recognize the full impact of what you’ve given…and what you’ve taken in your relationships, for better or worse.

Some of you will realize just how much more you’ve taken than given. Some of you will realize how much more you’ve given than taken. And some of you will recognize that your relationships are fairly healthy and well-balanced.

And it’s all good.

That’s the whole point of this 2017 Venus Retrograde in Pisces – an opportunity to revisit our relationships to everything. This position brings awareness of who we are choosing to be in the world, for the world, for each other, and for ourselves.

Venus in Pisces returns to direct motion on 15th April.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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