The 2017 Libra Full Moon reaches its maximum phase at 11:08p PDT on Monday, 10th April 2017 (21.55°), though for most of the world, this will occur on Tuesday, 11th April 2017. This Sun-Moon opposition is a powerful one for a number of reasons, primarily the power of people revealed in a number of different ways.

First, let’s look at the main components.

During this Full Moon, the light of the Aries 5 Sun will be reflected by the full girth of the Moon. The Aries 5 Sun alone brings a very restless energy to matters. Aries is assertive, initiative, active energy. Five is the energy of change, variety, versatility, and adaptability. Putting those two together, Aries 5 energy is the energy of “The Restless Soul” – an energy which brings excitement and changes that are often unexpected or unpredictable, all in order to awaken and advance one’s soul journey to enlightenment and empowerment. Therefore, anything that has been in place for a long time may be subject to alteration. This includes old patterns of behavior and old patterns of thought and communication which are stagnant and/or no longer serve you in a positive or productive way.

The Moon itself is in Libra, and Libra is the energy of balance, fairness, justice, and peace. It uses its intellect and logic to apply and maintain diplomatic dialogue, but also to make sure relations are fair and just. Libra is also known to represent 1-on-1 relationships of all kinds, so this is where you are likely to see the energy of this Full Moon play out – through the emotional truths revealed and communicated by the logical and intellectual details of your relationships and partnerships of all kinds. These 1-on-1 connections have power right now – the power to help us see ourselves and those directly connected with us more clearly.

For those in Western North America & most Pacific islands, this will occur near the end of a 6 universal day. For the rest of the world, this will occur on a 7 universal day.

  • For those of you in the 6 universal day energy, the energy of this Libra Full Moon may have you reflecting upon the nurturing and healing qualities of your relationships and partnerships. Do your partners and/or connections support the everyday function of your life in a healthy, positive, and productive way…or do they take away from your ability to live a healthy and happy day-to-day life?
  • For those of you in the 7 universal day energy, this Full Moon is likely to have you thinking about yourself through the context of your relationships. You’ll likely be inquiring about the balance of energy in your various 1-on-1 connections. Is the balance of energy in your relationships equal? Is it fair for both parties involved? Are you treating each other with respect and listening to each other’s ideas? And most importantly, are you being supported in being ALL of who you are and in exercising your ability to take action for yourself in your life?

The Aries 5 Sun – Libra Moon opposition is also the crossbar of a T-Square configurationwith Pluto in Capricorn at the point (19.39°). This is POTENT. Since 2008 and until 2024, Pluto in Capricorn is in the process of transforming the outdated objectives of our societal institutions, for better or worse.

  • The Aries 5 Sun square Pluto is an indicator that assertive individual and/or leadership actions are challenging often rigid institutions to adapt, change, or die in unexpected ways, possibly with assertive actions of their own (either in reaction or with initiative).
  • The Libra Moon square Pluto is an indicator that an emotional investment in fair partnership, just dealings, and diplomatic efforts to establish and/or maintain peace are challenging the same institutions to operate with fairness and integrity or otherwise be considered unjust, unfair, and/or hypocritical.

Together, this Aries 5 Sun and Libra Moon are helping each and all of us find the balance between our individual selves and our responsibility to maintain clarity and balance in our 1-on-1 interactions and connections with other individuals. Pluto in Capricorn is now assisting us by forcing us to recognize how our societal institutions are changing, and by challenging us to decide which social institutions need to be either empowered/strengthened, transformed, or brought to an end; how we want them to affect us as individuals; and how we may be allowing them to affect our relationships with each other.

Anything that does not uphold those basic principles of fairness and justice will be encouraged to restore those qualities to their infrastructures or be forced to come to an end. Anything that does not support or encourage the self-expression of individuals (solo and as part of their communities) will be forced to come to an end. Anything that does not allow for diplomatic conversation or negotiation will be forced to come to an end. And anything that encourages us to be hypocritical in our communications or actions may be confronted and cleared from our paths.

But that T-Square isn’t the only thing happening as this 2017 Libra Full Moon enters max phase.

The Aries 5 Sun is still within 3° conjunction orb of Uranus in Aries (21.55-24.28°). This means that it’s not only individual people standing up for themselves in the face of challenges from the institutional powers-that-be – it’s communities standing up for their individual rights as a collective whole. This conjunction means “people power”, and the institutional powers aren’t prepared for this many people coming together for their common self-interested causes, especially through masterful use of the available technological means. Those in power are and will continue to be doing everything in (and in some cases, beyond) their power to make sure dissenters/communities cannot rise against them or sway public opinion against them. This 2017 Libra Full Moon period will likely expose the outgoing institutions’ last ditch efforts to preserve themselves and their control over the public. What’s fascinating about this transit is that it’s likely to make it painfully obvious just how much we’ve allowed these institutions to influence and control us. It also reveals just how much of our personal and collective power we can now reclaim…if we choose to.

This Sun-Uranus conjunction is semi-sextile to another conjunction in Taurus – Ceres conjunct Mars (22.62-22.91). This means that the people – whether individually or collectively – are willing to take actions (possibly very public actions) to make changes which preserve or improve their personal values and their quality of life. This may also be a time when actions are taken to make a point about what an individual or a community values and is willing to stand for. The Taurus conjunction is exact before the Aries 5 Sun-Uranus conjunction, so don’t be surprised if a shift in lifestyle which either empowers of threatens the lifestyle of one or more people leads to aggressive actions to make personal values and truths known.

And another transit not directly involving to the Full Moon or the T-Square is Chiron in Pisces conjunct Venus Retrograde (26.25-27.26°). This transit reveals that there are healing opportunities available through our 1-on-1 interactions with others. Though they may feel like wounds at first, we may find that through the pain, the access to healing is exposed. Venus, being the ruler of Libra, provides us with access to balance and justice which can heal long-standing emotional and spiritual wounds.

The Pisces Chiron-Venus Retrograde conjunction is in square aspect to Saturn Retrograde in Sagittarius (27.72°). This transit is powerful because others are able to provide us with the feedback we need in order to get serious about our healing paths. If we haven’t taken our health and wellness seriously or if we haven’t taken our healing journey seriously, this transit is letting us know that now’s the time for us to get serious. It will challenge us to step out of our dreamy or delusional fantasies into uncharted territories which give us the wisdom of experience to develop trust and confidence in the Universe and its truth which comes through us (a.k.a. – our individual inner knowing).

All together, the transits and configurations during this 2017 Libra Full Moon reveal a time in which people will be standing up for themselves, ready to heal themselves and their lives on every level – mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. People will also be (further) awakening to their individual truths and how those truths align (or misalign) with the truth of the greater whole. Societal institutions are also waking up, realizing that people individually and collectively are beginning to reclaim their power and find their own ways through this world no matter how much they may try to control them or keep them from doing otherwise.

This 2017 Libra Full Moon opens a doorway to truth, authentic self-expression, and collective purpose which many of us have been consciously and subconsciously seeking. It’s time to experience a new way of living, and we’re finally waking up and declaring our readiness for this adventure.

Are you ready to reclaim your “people power”?

If so, say so during the energy of this 2017 Libra Full Moon. Wake up and declare your readiness for a new, True experience of yourself and your life.

The energy of this 2017 Libra Full Moon will be present for 3 days before and after the maximum phase, meaning you’ll be able to work within the influence of this energy until late 13th/early 14th April.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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