Jupiter ended its latest retrograde motion at 7:02a PDT on Friday, 9th June 2017 in the sign of Libra (13.32°) and will remain in direct motion to continue and complete its run in the sign in October.

Retrogrades give us feedback energy. They also give us do-over opportunities. So while in retrograde motion, Jupiter in Libra gave us feedback in regard to the growth and expansion of partnership agreements involving us AND around us. We got to see and experience not only the positive benefits of diplomacy and fair dealings; we also got to see or experience the challenges of agreements which were/are unbalanced or unfair. In both cases, we also got to either witness the efforts of diplomacy – what it looks like when negotiations go well, and what it looks like when they don’t and two parties cannot find common ground.

But what really came up for many of us under Jupiter Retrograde is the realization that some (or many) of the agreements or partnerships we choose to engage in in our lives have been and may still be out of balance. We realized that we may be at a distinct advantage in some relationships, and at a distinct disadvantage in others, possibly allowing ourselves to take advantage of others or be taken advantage of by others in unhealthy and unproductive ways emotionally, intellectually, physically, and/or materially-financially.

But most of all, Jupiter Retrograde helped many of us see and experience how these relationship imbalances may have been and may still be keeping us from experiencing individual growth and expansion – the advancement of our individual selves toward our fullest self-expressions. We learned that when relationships are at their best, both/all parties involved grow and thrive, and we learned which of our relationships possess these qualities of fairness and balance, and which ones don’t.

Some of those relationships were renegotiated during the retrograde, but now with Jupiter Direct in Libra, we’ve received our feedback and our time to observe is over. We are now being called upon to put what we learned into practice.

It’s time to come to the table and draft some new deals.

And for some of us, this negotiation process is going to be a big deal.

How big the deal is depends on how significant the relationships are which need to be (re)negotiated and balanced. For some, this may be a seismic shift of epic proportions. For others, this is a simple and quick conversation. Either way, if something is out of balance or unfair, this is the time to right the ship…

…and you’ll need to take the initiative to make it happen.

This won’t be a wait-and-see kind of thing, especially if you’re the one being taken advantage of. Don’t wait for or expect your partner to bring this matter up for discussion and/or change. They probably won’t want to change it if it’s benefiting them. It’ll be up to you to bring the matter up and diplomatically suggest a new deal. And since Jupiter will be in direct motion for the remainder of its run in the sign of Libra, it is of paramount importance to bring any imbalanced, unfair, and unjust connections into balance while discussions can be had with some degree of objectivity. Debating or discussing new or different terms of agreement will be necessary if the partnerships you have in place are going to grow and expand and if you as an individual within those relationships are going to experience growth and expansion as well. Both types of growth – individual/mutual AND joint/unified expansion – need to happening in a relationship for it to be peaceful and mutually beneficial to both or all parties over time.

That said, opening the discussion doesn’t necessarily mean that matters will be continued to be discussed nor will it guarantee a resolution or correction. It will require a concerted effort from both/all parties involved to make a deal happen, and the result will be need to be reasonable and equitable to everyone.

And you may find that you’ll need to make some decisions for yourself about whether to continue on, or if talks reach an impasse, whether you need to walk away… from the discussion, or possibly the partnership altogether.

Either way, as long as you enter the conversation clear about what you need in and from the relationship and what you are willing to give to it, the outcome will be whatever you need in order to grow and progress forward in your life’s journey.

And that’s the biggest and best deal of all.

There isn’t too much transit activity for this June 2017 Jupiter Direct in Libra over the next week or so.

  • Libra Jupiter trine Gemini Mercury was most exact on 13th June – Clear communications encouraged and strengthened understanding in all relationships. Relationships grow because dialogue and mutual intellectual understanding encourages them to grow.
  • Libra Jupiter quincunx Taurus Venus will be most exact on 19th June – Forging diplomatic agreements can be difficult when the playing field isn’t level. Resource may speak where reason doesn’t. Mutual benefit and equitable resource growth are possible if you’re willing to give up the power play for peace.

If you haven’t already begun, get the conversations and negotiations started, especially while you’ve got the Sun and Mercury both in Gemini. Though they won’t make exact transit with Jupiter, their energies will be supportive of your diplomatic efforts.

This could be a very big deal. Make the most of this opportunity to change the course of your relationship(s) for the better. No matter the outcome, it’s only up from here.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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