Mercury entered the sign of Leo at 4:20p PDT on Wednesday 5th July 2017. This was a 4 universal day for the Americas and everything west of them, but for most of the world, this transition occurred on Thursday 6th July which is a 5 universal day.

The numerological distinction is extremely important in this case.

Four energy is rigid and stubborn. It needs security, stability, and safety, It likes to know where it stands, and when it doesn’t get feedback from others, it tends to stand its ground until it receives the confirmation it needs to do otherwise.

Five energy is changeable and adaptable. It needs variety, excitement, and drama. It doesn’t have much appreciation for status quo other than it being something to disrupt.

Mercury is our thoughts and words – the creation of our intentions and our communications of those intentions in all their forms. It is eager to gather information, wanting to know as much as it can. In Leo, Mercury wants to learn as much as it can about being unique and creative, and it intends to have its thoughts known and its voice heard in the world. It is determined to be acknowledged for its unique and creative self-expression in whichever area(s) of life Leo covers in a particular individual’s chart, and if it isn’t given the acknowledgment it feels it deserves, it may go to any lengths to get it.

To that point, this 2017 Mercury in Leo beginning under the 4 numeric energy will set a tone for Mercury wanting to be acknowledged for standing its ground and being a strong and stable force in whichever area(s) of life it addresses for you.

The 2017 Mercury in Leo beginning under the 5 numeric energy has other plans. Its tone will be all about changing the status quo, and it will not be quiet about its desire to make that change in the area(s) of life it addresses for you.

Because Mercury in Leo has a strong creative presence, this is a time for you to use your ideas, thoughts, and communication skills to begin creating conditions in and for your life which are more positive and fulfilling for you. Especially with the 1 universal year energy of new beginnings and the 8 universal month energy of power and influence, you have an opportunity under this 2017 Mercury in Leo to create your future with the powers of your mind and your mouth. Your words and thoughts really can have power and influence at this time… if you choose to use them and if you use them wisely.

Yet this 2017 Mercury in Leo also brings a very powerful and potentially combustible energy at this time. That’s because it awakens a need to be acknowledged which can easily devolve into a desperate and urgent need for attention. You and others will want to be seen, heard, and acknowledged for who you each uniquely are and what you individually, uniquely, and creatively bring to the table. If people aren’t getting the praise they want, they won’t just seek it – they will demand it. And with the other astrological and numerological influences in play right now, demands may be a bit too much for others among or around them to tolerate, and what is intended to create could very well end up causing destruction.

That said, let’s look at the 2017 Mercury in Leo transits to get a better sense of these astrological dynamics over the next few weeks.

  • Leo Mercury quincunx Capricorn Juno Retrograde, most exact on 9th July – Efforts to make yourself the center of attention could derail some important agreements which have been in place for a long time. Not many people or institutions want to interact with someone who places their individual creative self-expression above the objectives of the agreements of all parties involved.
  • Leo Mercury quincunx Pisces Neptune Retrograde, most exact on 13th July – Your bold self-expression may result in others’ finding you too bold for their vision. Make sure that your determination to stand out from others doesn’t end up with you being left out or alienated from others. If it does, this is an opportunity for you to accept that you may not have belonged where you were trying to fit in… and that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
  • Leo Mercury sextile Libra Jupiter, most exact on 14th July – Expressing yourself uniquely and/or creatively around this time may actually increase or expand your partnership appeal. Opportunities for partnerships may increase as you allow others to see and hear you for what only you can be or do. By allowing yourself to be recognized as one-of-a-kind, you may become a commodity.
  • Leo Mercury trine Sagittarius Black Moon Lilith, most exact on 15th July – It’s time to ask for what you truly want. The question is… are you asking for what you really and truly want to create? And is what you say you want to create really aligned with your unique and authentic self-expression? Remember, if you never ask for it, you’ll never get it, but also be conscious of what you’re asking for because you just might get it. This Mercury-Lilith trine is part of a powerful Lunar Fire Grand Trine most exact on this same day, with the Aries Moon completing the configuration. Emotions will inspire communications which inspire actions in alignment with your true desires. It will be important for you to feel your commitment to your creative intention as well as to speak it into existence.
  • Leo Mercury quincunx Capricorn Pluto Retrograde, most exact on 16th July – Power is shifting, and if you’re more focused on expressing or drawing attention to yourself or your creative projects than you are on the shift, you may find yourself in an unexpectedly precarious position. The powerful could become powerless under these conditions, or vice-versa.
  • Leo Mercury trine Sagittarius Saturn Retrograde, most exact on 18th July – Whatever you’re saying in order to get attention best be truthful. If it’s not in alignment with factual truth, you’ll find out quickly. Your words set the foundation for a lasting legacy, for better or worse. What are you choosing to create?
  • Leo Mercury conjunct North Node, most exact on 20th July – it’s time for you to take center stage. In fact, the fulfillment of your destiny depends on it. If you’re committed to creating your future, now’s the time for you to state your intentions for what you want to create.

Remember, you have the power to create your future from this point forward with your thoughts and words. You also have the power to create conditions which are positive or contentious with those same thoughts and words. Use them all wisely as it’s important to be seen, heard, and acknowledged… though your choices of words and approaches could take this 2017 Mercury in Leo energy into either creative or destructive realms.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~Light, Love, and Blessings,





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