Now, some of you who have been reading a lot of blog posts and articles about this eclipse may be asking, “Well, what about the United States?”

Settle in. This is going to be a very long post.

After all, the upcoming Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Monday, 21st August 2017 from approximately 9:04a to 11:48a PDT, with maximum totality at approximately 10:16a PDT is going to travel exclusively over North America – specifically over the entire width of the United States. This means that the energies of this eclipse will have an effect on the United States directly.

After reading and hearing so many accounts of what this 2017 Total Solar Eclipse-New Moon will possibly bring, I felt it was important to do two separate posts about this eclipse – one which accounts for its general effect, and one which discusses what this event means for the United States over these next few days, months, and years.

If you’d like to know more about the 2017 Leo Total Solar Eclipse-New Moon in a general sense, please click here.

Otherwise, let’s carry on.

This is the thing – there is NO specific art of prediction in Astrology. There will be astrologers who disagree vehemently with me, and that’s fine. It is my belief that if someone is able to tell you EXACTLY what’s going to happen when with all of the details, they are tapping into an innate or developed intuitive of psychic ability, not exclusively using a chart. That said, an astrology chart can reveal what I like to call “windows of opportunity” for certain types of events to occur. We’ll discuss those windows and possibilities in this article.

To start this exploration into what this eclipse means for the United States, we must first examine the natal or birth chart of the United States. I use a 2:13a local time on 4th July 1776 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania chart for the United States. This natal time gives the United States a 2nd house Cancer 5 Sun (The Drama Mama – 12.73°), a Gemini 11 rising – (The Courier of Light – 7.29°),  an Aquarius 4 midheaven – (The Unlikely Pillar – 13.64°), and a 10th house Aquarius 9 Moon (The Boss – 18.16°). This reveals the United States to be a nurturing and protective maternal presence in the world which makes it a deceptively gentle catalyst of change/evolution for the world by bringing exciting and innovative concepts to the fore in a large scale way. It does tend to act in its own best resource/survival interests, seeking to provide moral, material, financial, and/or physical support and protection to nations in exchange for different material, physical, and/or financial resources to support and sustain its existence. The U.S. sees itself as a beacon and messenger of inspiration and innovation for others – exchanging insights and information with its peers; and it is seen by other nations as a reliable pillar of hope and inspiration, walking to the beat of its own drum while inclusively welcoming others into its citizenry. Its emotional expression is revealed through its ability to get things done in unique and eccentric ways which contribute to something greater than itself. It needs to be an important part of the world community, and when it doesn’t have or get a seat at the table, it can become very assertive if not aggressive, forcing itself into a role on the world stage – often into a leadership role. It wants to be part of a team, but it also wants to be the one calling the shots.

That all said, the United States is about to enter an 8-year period of awakening and transformation. This 2017 Total Solar Eclipse-New Moon marks the official beginning of this process. The big questions which will arise over the next few days, months, and years to come are:

  • What defines the United States?
  • What does the United States stand for?
  • What do we as citizens want our nation to stand for?

These questions are taking center stage at this very moment. As our shadow side is being fully revealed, we must face and deal with our nation’s internal and external corruption, hypocrisy, arrogance, and greed. Just as wonderful as our country has been for 242 years, we must now come to terms with our dark side if we are going to progress and advance as a nation.

The 2017 Total Solar Eclipse-New Moon makes some very interesting transits with the U.S.’ natal chart.

Most notably, the astrology for this eclipse forms a Grand Sextile configuration with the United States’ natal chart.

The eclipse’s Leo Mars (20.09°) sextile Libra Jupiter (20.19°) sextile Sagittarius BM Lilith conjunct Saturn Retrograde (21.12 & 21.19 respectively) connects with the United States’ Aquarius Moon (18.17°) sextile Aries Chiron (20.12°) sextile Gemini Mars (20.95°), forming the grand sextile or interlocking trine. The United States’ Juno in Libra (20.40°) also makes an exact conjunction with the eclipse’s Jupiter.

This configuration reveals that natalizing on this eclipse day – on the other side of the energetic doorway – there are some major calls to action and choices for the United States to make – 1) acknowledging the wounds and deficiencies in its self-identity and recognizing how they affect if not determine its place and role in the world community (natal Chiron), 2) how the U.S. chooses to take action as a means of communicating its self-identity  (natal Mars), 3) how individuals are being called to express themselves with confidence and creativity, but also learn how to share their talents and abilities with others in ways which genuinely benefit their positions and roles in the United States (eclipse Mars); 4) an unprecedented growth of awareness of the imbalances and injustices in relationships and partnerships of all kinds, forcing individuals and the U.S. to both acknowledge the existence of the imbalances and choose which interpretation/ideology of “justice for all” gets to be committed to and expanded within individual lives and within the U.S. borders (eclipse Jupiter and natal Juno), 5) demands for factual truths to be brought to light and for holding those in positions of authority responsible and accountable for those truths – those in authority positons or who want to be in authority positions may not be able to advance their agendas until these truths come to light (eclipse Lilith and Saturn Retrograde), and 6) how the U.S. wants to have a role in the world which ensures a unique yet authoritative global leadership role (natal Moon), and feeds back into the nation’s self-identity and how its healing its wounds (or further wounding itself) will affect its role in the world.

In other words, the United States (via its citizens’ choices and actions) will be choosing how it wants to recreate itself over these next six months, and the choices made and actions taken during the next six months will determine the path this country travels toward and through its transformation over the 7 years to follow.

We would be wise to keep in mind that this eclipse is occurring on a numerological 3 universal day of growth and expansion; in a 9 universal month of fulfillments, completions, and endings; in a 1 universal year of new beginnings through initiative action and/or leadership. Whatever comes to an end during this 6-day eclipse period and the six months which follow is meant to end – it must be released in order to clear the slate for what is to come next. The seeds being planted in this timeframe will grow, some of them exponentially. Therefore it’s important to note that even though there may be one or more major events which occur on this day, it’s more important for us to look for and pay attention to the “small stuff” – those are the seeds which will grow into the issues which help us determine our role in the world over these next few weeks, months, and years.

The juicy point in the astrology of this 2017 Total Solar Eclipse-New Moon + United States natal chart is the Libra conjunction of eclipse Jupiter and U.S.’ natal Juno. Not only does it play a role in the afore-mentioned combined grand sextile, it also is the pivot of a T-Square configuration. The eclipse’s Libra Jupiter + the U.S. Libra Juno squares both the eclipse’s Cancer Ceres and Capricorn Pluto Retrograde, revealing just how emotionally invested people are in their personal (lifestyle) values, and many people will seek the backing of their values from the societal institutions and power structures currently in place. Jupiter in Libra strives to bring balance, justice, and peace to the matters at hand, but it means that some people may experience great emotional discomfort while others may feel societally powerless in the process of bringing balance and peace to the circumstances. Some people may even feel both – the emotional discomfort and societal powerlessness, in which case they are likely to be questioning the validity of their own personally-held values as well as the values of and their value to their society and/or the world. Yet most people will hold onto their positions for dear life…or at least until there is no other option but to surrender.

Other transits of note:

The eclipse’s Sagittarius Lilith + Saturn Retrograde conjunction squares the United States’ Virgo Lilith + Neptune conjunction (19.40-22.41). The U.S.’ ability to advance its creativity and functionality in the world will depend on its ability to establish its trustworthiness in its relationships with other nations. The square aspect reveals challenges in this process, and it’s likely that the U.S. will be met with great resistance until it can be open, earnest, and honest with other countries and meet their demands for trustworthiness to be determined. As the U.S.’ Lilith + Neptune conjunction is also the point of a natal Yod for the U.S. (with its Aquarius Moon and Aries Chiron), it should be noted that efforts to pretend that everything is fine will likely do more harm than good to the nation, and may actually contribute to collective frustration and emotional unrest within and outside the U.S. as it struggles to find a role in the world which meets its lofty standards. It is best that the U.S. face reality and keep it real as it navigates these next few years.

The eclipse’s Cancer Venus conjunct the U.S.’ Cancer Mercury Retrograde opposite U.S. Capricorn Pluto Rx (24.47-27.56°) – Relationships/Partnerships formed and/or nurtured at this time will depend on the U.S. ability to listen and learn from those it would rather teach. It can learn a lot more about itself and its own needs when it actually listens to others rather than trying to prove what it knows and how powerful it is. There’s power in the silence and in the questions the United States can ask to better realize and understand that its partner’s needs and goals are just as important as its own, and that its partners have wisdom and knowledge to teach/share – maybe even more than the U.S. has to offer.

The U.S.’ Gemini 11 Projection + Uranus in Gemini square the eclipse’s Virgo Mercury Retrograde (7.24-8.88°) – The feedback from the rest of the world isn’t pretty – the U.S.’ power position in the world is being  challenged and compromised by its current stance.  may want to take a step back and figure out how it really wants to be seen by the world community and how its communications are shaping its self-image and its public image. This is an opportunity for the U.S. to change course, but it needs to acknowledge that its

This 2017 Total Solar Eclipse-New Moon is natalizing some highly combustible energy which will be present for not only 18th-24th August, but potentially over the next six months through February 2018! And the impact of these energies will be felt for the long haul, well beyond those six months.

That’s due in good part to the fact that the United States experiences four major astrological returns over the next few years :

  • Nodal Return from May-Oct 2018 (exact in mid-June 2018 – Leo North Node/Aquarius South Node – 6.58°) – The Nodal Return will bring a major fork in the road for the people of the United States. How do they want to create themselves and their country to be for the next 18 years? This direction has been chosen by the people before; it will be chosen by them again, and there will be a strong expectation that each individual citizen will participate in and contribute to collective direction that is chosen. This return coincides with the campaigns for the next round of U.S. Congressional elections.
  • Its first Pluto Return around the time the next Presidential election cycle is occurring. The transiting Pluto in Capricorn moves with 3° orb of the United States’ natal position for the first time since 1776 in mid-March 2020 (think “Ides of March”), only to move out of orb due to retrograde in early-mid June 2020, but moving back into orb in early-mid January 2021, only a few days before the U.S. presidential inauguration day. It will be in effect through early 2024. This Pluto Return marks the United States’ entry into the thick of the major transformation of its societal structures and institutions (i.e. – governments, schools, corporations, etc.) via accountability and responsibility – both domestic and foreign. This could mean a complete collapse of the current structures in place… or at least a major reset within the current structure. One thing is for certain – the current powers-that-be will either be strengthened and emboldened, or eliminated/destroyed to make way for something new.
  • Ceres Return from May-December 2020 (most exact in May, August, and December 2020 – Pisces 8.69°) – The Ceres Return brings a shift in values for the United States. As this is retrograde in the U.S.’ natal chart, there will be questions about how much the rest of the world and the condition of the planet will affect this reassessment of values. In Pisces, it reveals an investment in the transcendental experience of being One with All-That-Is. This could also indicate a renewed valuing of the Earth as well as increased curiosity about worlds beyond our own, resulting in a new approach to environmental/planetary awareness and care; and a renewed valuing of visionary pursuits, transcendental philosophies, and/or spiritual beliefs.
  • Chiron Return from March 2024-April 2025 (exact in April 2024, November 2024, and February 2025 – Aries 20.12°) – The Chiron Return marks the re-visiting of the United States’ long-held wounds around its self-identity within the world community. In Aries, it struggles to find its unique role and contribute effectively to the community while wanting to stand out and be acknowledged for its unique contribution to the group. It needs affirmation of its initiative leadership presence. If it hasn’t done its internal healing work (healed the collective connection of its citizens), the U.S. may act out aggressively if it’s not getting the global acknowledgment it craves. Yet if it has done its social healing work, the U.S. could step back into a world leadership role with ease.

The afore-mentioned returns will play a prominent role in forcing the United States to see itself and examine itself more closely through its 8-year transformation process.

Now with all that said, it’s time to discuss the elephant in the room.

There are many people trying to make this eclipse solely about the current U.S. President, Donald Trump. They are trying to predict his great rise to power or his fall from grace in some way. That could very well occur.

But what people need to understand is that Trump – in this particular circumstance – is more like the pine cone that falls from the tree (or the force which shakes the pine cone from the tree to make it fall) which rolls down the hill collecting snow until it becomes the massive snowball which forces significant change(s) to occur. He is NOT the massive snowball itself. There is a lot of wishful thinking about his fate over these next few days, but it is my assessment that this is a distraction from what we really need to be seeing and giving attention to right now. His presence or absence is only part of what is to come.

The fact is… the United States was and is going to go through this transformative period regardless of who was voted in back in November 2016, and people really need to understand that if this country is going to make it through whatever is to come.

That said, this eclipse does interact with Trump’s natal chart in a few very interesting ways and reveals that he may serve as an accelerant for some transformational events for the United States.

To start, the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse-New Moon (28.88°) is about 1° shy of Trump’s natal Ascendant/Projection energy of Leo 11 (The Radiant Rebel – 29.92°). He sees himself as a popular, charming, and influential leader who is respected and admired among his peers. However, this eclipse brings a 9 energy – the energy of fulfillments, completions, and endings. The endings and completions occurring around him will either challenge or empower the self-identity he projects (how he wants others to see him).

Trump’s Uranus is conjunct his Gemini 7 North Node, but his Gemini 7 North Node is also conjunct his Gemini 4 Sun (The Nosy Neighbor – 22.95°) to create a wide stellium in his 10th house of career and public persona. All three are opposite his Sagittarius 7 South Node conjunct Sagittarius 5 Moon (The Gambler – 21.20°) which are in his 4th house of home, family, and private persona. The kicker here is that the eclipse’s Sagittarius Black Moon Lilith conjunct Saturn Retrograde is also conjunct his South Node + Moon conjunction to form another stellium which is opposite his Uranus+Sun+North Node stellium! This reveals that he is likely being pushed way outside of his emotional comfort zone as more and more people seek factual truths to hold him accountable for who he is and what he may be doing behind the scenes – truths he’d much rather keep private and personal. Due to the eclipse, it is likely that people will be less drawn to the public persona and more drawn to what makes him tick privately.

This eclipse + Trump stellium in his 4th house trines his Mars in Leo in his 12th house “blind spot”, which indicates that he will likely be unaware of how his own actions taken to defend himself may only further entrap him as more truth comes to light. It will be interesting to see what actually happens in this regard. With Trump’s Mars is at 26.77° Leo, the eclipse itself is occurring at 28.88° Leo, and his Leo 11 Ascendant/Projection energy is at 29. 92° Leo, this eclipse will connect his actions to his projected self-image in a very revealing way. The more he seeks the acknowledgment and adoration of the public, the more the public wants truth. The citizens of this country – regardless of their political ideologies or affiliations – seem to be holding their collective breath for some decisive truth emerges or a decisive event takes place. We’ll see if this eclipse produces it, but as stated before – pay attention to the small stuff today as it may provide insight into bigger events to come.

As a relatively young nation, the U.S. has always been determined to prove its strength to the rest of the world – it has felt its need to prove its maturity and wisdom of experience.  There’s always been a need for the U.S. to prove its strength & knowledge to the world.

But now we will be faced with changes and challenges we could never have imagined. It will be up to those of us who are citizens of this country to choose how we want to re-create our country. Do we really want it to be “liberty and justice for all? Can we really live into the promise of this nation and the evolution of its founding documents? Or are we stuck in a past  which destroys that promise and chooses to extinguish that Light because the fear of true equality is too much for many to take?

The next few months will give us opportunities to look into our individual hearts and collectively choose our path. The great awakening of the United States has officially begin.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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