Venus entered the sign of Leo at 9:30p on Friday, 25th August 2017.

Venus is the planet of one-on-one relationships and partnership of all kinds. Leo is the sign of creative self-expression and the acknowledgment of that expression. These energies will blend in a couple of different ways, with both partners striving to be seen and known.

One way is that as individuals, we seek partners who see and acknowledge our uniqueness of self-expression. We each want to be known as being one-of-a-kind in some way, and with Venus in Leo, we may be inclined to seek companions who give us this acknowledgment. Of course, for a healthy, balanced relationship, your partner needs to be acknowledged by you, too. It is important to find partners who you feel supported and encouraged by, but also who you feel supportive and encouraging of, even if you’re acting on separate stages or creative-expressive paths. You would be seen and known as individuals first, and as a pair secondarily.

Another way is that as individuals, we seek partners in creative self-expression. We may not want to do it alone, or may be unable to. We may need a partner who balances our own creative energies – who can be the yin to our yang (or vice-versa). In this case, the two of you would be sharing the spotlight in a true partnership of creative expression – creating and expressing something that probably wouldn’t be as brilliant if you were acting alone. You would be seen and known as a pair first, and as individuals secondarily.

The questions likely to come up under the influence of 2017 Venus in Leo are…

  • How do you and your partner allow each other to shine fully in a shared spotlight?
  • How do you and your partner encourage each other in the event that your self-expressive intentions are not shared?

You’ll notice in the transits below that the 2017 Venus in Leo is very active during the 2017 Virgo Sun Period, yet not in the most auspicious of ways. Though there will be a few bright spots, this will likely prove to be a very difficult month for many partnerships as individuals are embracing and applying their newly-awakened expressive energies. The main challenge will be balancing the energies of two individuals who are eager to express themselves in and outside of their partnerships; AND individuals who seek acknowledgment and support from their partner(s) through the relationship(s) they are in, each with their expectations of what relationships is or should be and how they should be treated in their partnership(s). This could be a time in which people make changes in or to their relationships in order to make sure they have the best partners to support and encourage them moving forward.

Let’s look at the upcoming 2017 Venus in Leo transits for specifics.

  • Leo Venus quincunx Capricorn Juno, most exact on 27th August (2.73°) – Creative self-expression may be challenged or compromised as commitments to goals and ambitions may not allow for the formation or celebration of diplomatic partnerships or creative exchanges between two (or more) parties..
  • Leo Venus quincunx Pisces Neptune Rx, most exact on 5th September (12.83 °) –Considering you’ve recently awakened to or reclaimed your self-identity, you may be realizing that your relationships may have supported who you were, but now do not support your vision of who you’re becoming. Does your vision need a reality check, or do you need new or different relationships?
  • Leo Venus quincunx Capricorn Pluto Rx, most exact on 9th September (16.95 °) – You may be recognizing how societal and institutional structures – the powers-that-be – are undergoing a transformation. You may be having difficulty figuring out where you fit in. Consider that you might not need to fit in right now, and if anything, you may need to make your own way rather than waiting for someone to tell you which role you need to play.
  • Leo Venus trine Sagittarius Saturn, most exact on 12th September (21.50°) – Are you choosing to express our creative energies individually or in partnership with others? Do you share common goals or objectives with your partners? Are you aligned with the same factual and experiential truths?
  • Leo Venus conjunct North Node, most exact on 14th September (23.99°) – Our partnerships (of all kinds) are moving (or pushing) us toward increased and evolved creative self-expression, or they may be holding us back from it. We’ll be able to clearly and quickly assess which connections are empowering us to be all of who we are, individually and collectively.
  • Leo Venus quincunx Pisces Chiron Rx, most exact on 17th September (26.65°) – The more you realize where and how you are wounded on the emotional-spiritual level, the more you realize which relationships are either re-opening or healing those wounds. You may recognize that the support and encouragement which is exchanged in a healthy partnership may not be present in one or more of your connections with others.
  • Leo Venus trine Aries Uranus Retrograde, also most exact on 17th September (27.73°) – Looking at your professional and social communities in a new way may have you looking at your partnerships in a new way as well. Which relationships support both your individual and community roles… and which partner(ships) can you be supportive of while still pursuing your own expression? Are there any relationships which serve both roles for you?

Venus will be in Leo until 19th September when it moves into the sign of Virgo.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, & Blessings,





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