When I say “working partnerships”, quite a few people think I’m talking about business-  people working together to create professional and/or financial success. That’s one interpretation.

Sometimes, they think I’m talking about those romantic relationships in which a couple seems blissfully happy and in love (a.k.a. – their relationship is working). That’s another interpretation.

Yet with Venus in Virgo, relationships are rarely idealized. In fact, under the influence of Venus in Virgo, relationships get real. Pragmatically real. This combo is about exactly what many of us are trying to avoid – the boring, mundane stuff of everyday life.

It’s about the people you relate and/or partner with on an everyday, practical level. These aren’t necessarily the glamorous, amorous, or otherwise exciting relationships we dream about – these are the ones which attend to the everyday stuff of life. These are the grocery shopping, laundry-doing, house cleaning relationships. These are the “drop off the dry cleaning”, “pick up the kids”, and “don’t forget to buy some milk” partnerships. These are the connections which help you make the day-to-day of your life function like a well-oiled machine. It’s these connections I’m talking about when I say “working partnerships”.

Venus entered the sign of Virgo at 6:15p on 19th September 2017. This 2017 Venus in Virgo is important right now because so many people are looking for an escape from the mundane aspects of their lives. We’re looking for the miracle connection that gives up a reprieve from “real world”, everyday life.

Of course, many of us want the dreamy, exciting partnerships… and some of us may have those and be enjoying them immensely. Good on you! Yet under the influence of Venus in Virgo, there is a question of how real your relationship can be if it doesn’t support the mundane functionality of your life. If the relationship is going to be fun or recreational, great! Go have that extraordinary experience! But if the relationship is going to be one for the long haul, it’d better also attend to the nuts and bolts of ordinary life which aren’t necessarily as exciting and fun.

This is a detail most people miss… or consciously skip over. This is also a major reason why so many relationships and partnerships fail.

It’s also because the way we go about the day-to-day of our lives requires some vulnerability. It requires us to drop any façades of extraordinariness we may have up partially if not completely in order to allow someone to come into the “boring”, ordinary parts of our lives. The day-to-day reveals more about our fundamental humanity, our personal preferences, our habits and routines than many of us would like to admit, and this can be very confronting for people who’d rather escape the mundane for a life of perpetual adventure or romance – those who don’t want to deal with the commonplace reality of their lives.

Venus in Virgo – especially this 2017 Venus in Virgo – doesn’t let you escape. In fact, it brings the reality of your relationships to the fore. Under its influence, you’ll notice which relationships and partnerships are contributing to your life in healthy, productive, and positive ways. You’ll also notice which ones are unhealthy or flat-out toxic for you, keeping you from being productive, and bringing a cloud of negative energy to your daily life. Life can’t always be rainbows and butterflies, but it also can’t always be storm clouds. There needs to be a balance…

…which is why the Universe did a perfect synchronicity number here by timing the 2017 Venus in Virgo with the 2017 Libra Sun Period starting only 3 days later. Libra – the sign of Venus’ rulership – is all about balance, especially in relationships and partnerships. With the Libra Sun bolstering Venus’ strength, these next 4 weeks provide us with a powerful moment in regard to relationships in that it calls each and all of us to look at which relationships work for BOTH or all people involved. Both people must feel that the day-to-day functionality of their lives is supported and encouraged.

The best partnerships are the ones who accept and/or improve the quality of our everyday lives. And functionality is a two-way street if a relationship is to have a healthy, positive, and peaceful balance.

Let’s look at the upcoming Venus in Virgo transits for the remainder of September to see what energy gets to support us early in this journey into “working partnerships”.

  • Virgo Venus trine Pluto Capricorn Retrograde, most exact on 22nd September – Diplomatic exchanges  and/or negotiations may embolden procedural changes in (or from) the structures of power.
  • Virgo Venus trine Capricorn Juno, most exact on 23rd September – Both parties have vested interests in moving toward the fulfillment of their promises. If those goals are in alignment, an agreement could be made which serves both parties extremely well.
  • Virgo Venus opposite Pisces Neptune Retrograde, most exact on 29th September – Practical and procedural details collide with idealistic perceptions. It’s time to balance out the romantic with the real in order for everyday life to function in healthy, productive, and positive ways.

Venus will be in Virgo now until 14th October.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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