Ceres entered the sign of Leo at 10:41p PDT on Saturday, 23rd September 2017. This now has our personal lifestyle values focused on courageous and creative self-expression.

To explore the influence of this 2017-2018 Ceres in Leo further, let’s ask a few questions which may come up in the months ahead with this influence in place.

What do you value?

Generally speaking, we tend to value what establishes or affirms our personal lifestyles. These lifestyles aren’t necessarily glamourous or luxurious – they are usually based upon what we are most comfortable with or what is easiest for us to access, though sometimes they may also be rooted in fantasy or dreams of living in better conditions or having easier access to resources which could improve the quality of our everyday lives.

Our values are determined by our personal perspectives of reality and the world around us. Values are going to vary from person to person, and our personal values are going to reveal not only our individual perspectives of the world within and around us, but also whether we believe we are surviving or thriving in our individual and/or collective lives.

For some of us, our values are rooted in having a practical purpose to serve in our everyday lives. For others, they’re rooted in having others celebrate our uniqueness or individuality. For some, values may be rooted in your ability to stand out from the crowd, while for others it may be contributing to something bigger than themselves without being shoved into the spotlight alone. Some value having a partner or companion to share the spotlight with while others value being alone and free.

Your experience of reality rarely changes unless your perspective of the world is forced to change. Change from within only occurs when your perspective is externally proven to be questionable, false, or no longer valid; when your discomfort becomes unbearably greater than your desire to maintain your familiarity with the status quo; OR when your actual physical survival is at stake.

That all said, what do you value most in your life?

Where are you valued?

Who values your unique self-expression most? Who values your creative energy most?

Who are the people who seek out your creative contributions? Who looks to you to be the one with ideas or the one to present something new or different to the group/team/community?

Which areas of your life encourage, expect, and/or demand your unique and creative self-expression?

Does this valuing of you by others happen at work with your co-workers or bosses asking for or looking to you to live into your creative self-expression? Or does this valuing of you by others happen at home with your family members or close friends looking to you to be the one who brings the excitement (or drama) to matters? Maybe it happens in both environments… or in others.

During this 2017-2018 Ceres in Leo period, it will be important for you to recognize where you are most and least valued by others. This information may influence choices you get to make about the communities or environments you participate in moving forward.

Who values you?

Are the people in your life encouraging and celebrating you, or are they trying to change you? Pay attention to this.

If they are encouraging you and celebrating you, are you receiving their support? Are you embracing it and them? Are you allowing others to admire and encourage you, or are you resisting their positive affirmations of your self-expression?

And if they are trying to change you, is it because they see you have more to offer the world and want you to shine, or is it because they feel embarrassed or threatened by your unique self-expression and want to play yourself down or hide your true self? This is VERY important to distinguish because you may find yourself having to make choices about the relationships you have in your life moving forward.

But what may be the most important question of all – do you value yourself?

Do you honor your own creative energy or your own unique self-expression enough to make yourself known? Do you hide your individual self-expression from others, or do you seek ways to express yourself and share your uniqueness with other individuals? Do you value what you – and only you – can bring to the world? And can you see how embracing and sharing your creative self-expression with others could move you forward and upward in your life?

So, four questions – what do you value, where are you valued, who values you, and do you value yourself?

Answering those questions is “the easy part”. There are two major challenges which come with the 2017-2018 Ceres in Leo and makes this position more complicated.

The first challenge of Ceres in Leo is the challenge to be a true original. Most of us have been conditioned by society to duplicate whatever or whomever proves to be successful or popular. We see others step into and express their unique brilliance, and many of us immediately try to emulate or straight-up copy what worked for those who “did it first”. We often forget that once it’s been done, it’s no longer new. In other words, if we’re getting on the bandwagon after the other person has done something for the very first time, we’re already late to the party to some degree.

Yet the key under this 2017-2018 Ceres in Leo isn’t necessarily to do something no one else has done before. If you can, great! … but that’s not exactly the point.

The point is to do what expresses your unique individuality anyway. Don’t wonder or worry if it’s “already been done”, because there’s NOBODY who will do it exactly like YOU. Whatever makes it unique to you is what the focus gets to be on right now.

Under the influence of Ceres in Leo, you will realize that the world needs what only you can bring into it. What you do may not seem significant to you, but someone else needs what you bring to the world. They need or want it the way you present it, the way you express it, the way you do what you do.

The second challenge of Ceres in Leo is that in order to be acknowledged as a unique individual, you may have to stand alone.

For your individual value to be recognized, people need to see YOU. One of the primary reasons people don’t make themselves known is because they either fear being rejected by others for their individual self-expression and/or that no one else will recognize them as having value. Another reason is because they fear failure OR they fear success, because either way, they’d be losing the comfortable familiarity of their lifestyles. These fears are especially strong if you have a Taurus or Leo Sun, Moon, or other strong Taurus or Leo influences in your personal astrology chart as you are wired to either seek acknowledgment for your unique self-expression, or to seek ways to maintain your status quo. It’s fear of vulnerability that could prevent others from seeing your value, and prevent you from receiving and feeling valued by others.

Leo is the sign of heart-felt courage and determination to create and be seen, while Ceres represents where your values reside or what influences them most strongly. With Ceres in Leo, you have an opportunity to either stand with rigid determination to maintain your values/comfort zone/status quo, or to stand with radiant courage to make yourself known and valuable to the world.

Ceres will be in Leo now through late June 2018. Over these next 10 months, allow yourself to explore your personal values… and the value of your own self-expression. See how you can be of value to your community and the world, and notice how your communities and the world may value you…

…but you’ve got to put yourself out there to find out.

Find the courage to push through your fears and you may find that you have more value to the world than you ever imagined possible.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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