It happened in the early hours of 9th January 2017 – a stellium of the Capricorn 3 Sun conjunct Venus and Pluto in Capricorn at 19° of the sign at approximately 1:00a PST.

Capricorn is cardinal earth energy – an initiative energy strongly conducive to intention-setting, ambition, focus, discipline, and achieving desired results. Cap doesn’t mess around – it can be fierce in its determination to set a new direction, start on a new path, and follow-through to get things done. This makes the combination of energies in this stellium potent for a number of reasons.

  • Capricorn 3 Sun – Its focus is on learning what can move you closer to the fulfillment of your goals and objectives. The intention is to grow toward your goals, not just to go to them.
  • Venus in Capricorn –Its focus is on which partners/relationships can assist you in fulfilling your goals or objectives. The intention is to connect with those who either share your goals or who can help you take the steps toward them.
  • Pluto in Capricorn – Pluto’s position is a generational influence which has been active in this sign since 2008, and will be active into 2024. Its focus is on what transformation is necessary in order to achieve your goals. Is empowerment needed, or is it time to clear the slate and create new intentions and objectives? And is the transformation needed on the personal level, the collective level, or both?

Together, these energies indicate a heightened awareness of the powerful partnerships and alliances which are effectively transforming the societal landscape of various communities, nations, and the world. Some of these connections are trying to sustain old, outdated benchmarks for success and achievement while others are trying to dismantle them. Some are trying to implement new benchmarks for societal, professional, and individual success while others are trying to prevent that progress or innovation. Either way, the function of this Capricorn Sun + Venus + Pluto stellium is to initiate a major societal shift at hand, and we get to be present to that shift more than ever from 5th through 11th January 2018.

The Sun’s 3 numeric energy is enabling growth and expansion of both sides of these issues. The question is… which side is growing in presence and power quickly enough to overcome the other?

Pluto – as the ruler of the sign Scorpio – gets some help here. At the time the Capricorn Stellium is most exact, Mars and Jupiter are still within 2° of each other at 18-19° Scorpio, placing their conjunction at sextile aspect with the Stellium. This is an indicator that decisive actions could bring life-transforming (and likely positive) emotional growth and expansion to our lives.

Mars + Jupiter is not the only conjunction active while this stellium is occurring. Ceres Retrograde is approaching conjunction with the Leo North Node within 1° of each other (15-16° Leo), making for a wide quincunx aspect with the Stellium and a square aspect with the Mars-Jupiter conjunction. This means our personal and collective values will be challenged as we face decisions about if and how we want to grow. Our efforts to align our personal values with our intentions and objectives will also be met with a great deal of resistance which will challenge us to recognize either just how out of alignment our societal goals are from our values, OR they will challenge us to recognize just how out of alignment our values are from our societal expectations.

And as if a stellium and two conjunctions weren’t enough, we can add one more –  Uranus is approaching conjunction with Pallas Athena within 3° of each other in the sign of Aries (24-27°). Though this conjunction doesn’t connect with the Stellium at all, I found it interesting that it’s also within conjunction orb at this time. Uranus in Aries indicates many of us claiming our independence from communities or associations which we can no longer contribute to and/or which may no longer contribute to us. It encourages us to follow our own inner guidance – to pursue what we already know to be true. We don’t need additional answers – we have the answers we need. Now, we get to take action in alignment with what we know to be true for us.

The energy of this conjunction-palooza was at its strongest early on 9th January 2018. However, it will continue to be felt for a couple more days – now through the 11th January 2018. This is a good time to make some decisive choices and to take some decisive actions to initiate your journey toward fulfillment.

This will be a defining moment for many of us in our individual/personal lives. It could also bring a defining moment for us as a society. In some ways, we will see how we are defining ourselves… and in others, we will see the outcomes of these days in the weeks, months, and years to come.

What are we really striving for? What choices are we making through our actions? And how do our intentions and goals reflect what we value most in ourselves and in each other?

We’ll find out as these conjunctions converge and these energies come together to forever affect our lives.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, & Blessings,




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