The 2018 Scorpio Full Moon occurs at 5:58p PDT today, Sunday 29th April 2018 (9.69°). This is a profound Full Moon because it is a Sun-Moon opposition between the two signs which make up the astrological “Axis of Influence”. We often don’t look at Taurus and Scorpio as signs of influence, yet when it comes to how we wield power and influence in our world, these two signs are the most influential of all because they deal with the fundamental matters of our human existence – survival and trust.

Taurus represents our lifestyle resources (a.k.a. – survival needs). This is the sign which reveals what we value most in matters of sustaining our self-identities established in or by the sign of Aries. Taurus deals with our physical and material resources, making sure we are able to acquire or sustain what is necessary for our self-identities to survive not only in the day-today, but through any threats to their existence.

On the flip side, Scorpio balances our physicality and materialism with emotional and spiritual intimacy. It represents how we feel about what we have, where we stand in the physical and material matters of our lives, and who we choose to trust with our emotional and spiritual depths as well as our personal lifestyle resources.

In our astrology charts, the placement of Taurus reveals what we value most, and what we tend to invest our resources in most often, while the placement of Scorpio reveals where we invest ourselves in finding out what people are holding in their deepest, darkest depths so we can decide whether or not to trust them and let our guard down with them. Scorpio tends to push people to their emotional limits in order to bring out the best and worst in them on purpose – they are testing who can be trusted with the safety and security of their lifestyles (the Taurus end of the opposition).

This 2018 Scorpio Full Moon brings energies forward which epitomize this dynamic. It puts it on full display and gives us opportunities to engage in the full experience of how the Taurus-Scorpio axis gets its reputation for being the Zodiac “axis of influence”.

The distinction between survival and trust is important, as is the distinction between value and worth. These distinctions are applied in matters of diplomacy and negotiation – both in world politics, and in our personal lives.

In international politics, all parties involved have their list of demands which they claim must be met. They posture and prod at each other in order to get the upper hand in their negotiations. Most world leaders make it clear – they do not want to be bullied into an “agreement” that is not fair or just to their interests. They want to be valued, but they also want the other parties to earn their trust. And in any diplomatic situation, all parties involved want to trust that their interests will be valued and protected and that they will be duly compensated through whichever agreements and treaties are formed if any matters are to move forward, but they must also feel that the parties they are negotiating with respect and trust them. They will repeatedly test each other to find out if that trust is and continues to be warranted.

In our personal lives, this dynamic shows up in many aspects of our lives. We may find ourselves in very similar situations as world leaders, only in matters of our personal or professional relationships and roles. Some of us poke and prod at each other either emotionally or physically/materially to get the upper hand in our relationships or to test our power and influence in them, fearing giving up our personal power to another or others and being controlled and manipulated by them. Sadly, this often plays out through dependent or co-dependent relationships – one person depending on another for lifestyle resources and emotionally investing themselves in their pursuit and establishment of those resource connections, or one person playing on another’s desperate need for emotional and/or spiritual intimacy in order to extract physical or material resources or benefits from them. Yet sometimes, it plays out with both parties respecting, trusting, and loving each other enough to maintain a balanced, equal, and fair physical-material partnership which fosters genuine emotional-spiritual trust and intimacy.

The one challenge all parties involved in any level of these types of interactions must become aware of and remember is their own worth. In international diplomacy, these parties must remember the resources they have to contribute to other world nations and communities and what those are worth to themselves as well as what they may be worth to others. In personal relationships, we must remember what we bring to the relationships we are in and what those qualities are worth to ourselves and may be worth to those who we share the experience of relationship with (in relationships of all kinds). We must realize and remember our worth in our partnerships with others.

The thing is… we often don’t realize or admit our value. Therefore, we don’t know our worth. This unawareness of our worth often puts us at a disadvantage in our negotiations. It also puts others who see our worth in a position to have power and influence over us. We’ll feel these power plays in the days leading up to the Full Moon’s maximum phase, and in the few days after as well.

It may not be a pretty picture, but it’s what is playing out in the energy of this 2018 Scorpio Full Moon. Yet the Taurus-Scorpio axis always holds potential for amazing transformations… and this Full Moon is absolutely no exception.

The Taurus 6 Sun-Scorpio Moon opposition which forms the Full Moon is also part of a fixed energy Grand Cross/Grand Square configuration, with both the Sun and Moon squaring both the Aquarius South Node and Ceres conjunct the Leo North Node. This creates a dynamic in which it is clear – the past and future are meeting at a crossroads in the here and now. The actions taken now and the decisions made now will decide the paths we each and/or all will be moving forward on from here.

And it just so happens, Ceres is the ruling body for Taurus, so… this Full Moon will also confront us with the impact our personally and collectively-held lifestyle values have on others, ourselves, and how we uniquely express ourselves in our lives both as individuals and in contribution to the greater whole. Not only will we be pushed to face our values and the beliefs and biases they are rooted in, we will also be forced to face their impact on our partnerships, our families, our communities, our societies, and the world. These impacts must be faced and known if we are to evolve humanity.

This means that we will also be drawing attention to our personal talents and abilities in order to share our values with others, and in doing so, we are trying to prove we can make a unique contribution to something greater than ourselves. But these acts of self-promotion will require us to know our worth.

Which begs the question – what are we worth to ourselves?

Really. If someone were to ask us our price, what would we say? If someone were to ask us how much our talent or ability costs, what would we tell them? If we were to trade resources with someone, what would be most important to us?

And most important, how do we feel about accepting an offer or making a trade?

This is where and how value and worth will be the paramount matters of this 2018 Scorpio Full Moon. The deals and trades offered may not be worth devaluing ourselves for. These offers may awaken us to our own personal values and our own worth.

These deals and trades may also awaken us to whether or not we still align with long-held values and/or perceptions of our worthiness. We may find during this 2018 Scorpio Full Moon period that we have grown and are worth far more now to ourselves and others than we were then. And the simple recognition of this fact can transform the way we see ourselves and each other in profound emotionally and spiritually-healing ways.

Through this transformation, we may finally realize that we cannot get through life alone… and we may want to consider it no longer serves us to resist letting our guard down or believing no one else can be trusted. We may need to allow ourselves to be vulnerable and let others contribute to us the way we want to contribute to them – allow others to show us that they, too, have something to offer the world.

Validation works both ways, ensuring the survival of everyone involved when we realize we all have something unique and valuable to contribute to the greater whole.

Know your worth, and allow it to be validated through the energy of this 2018 Scorpio Full Moon.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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