The 2018 Sagittarius Full Moon reaches its maximum phase at 7:19a PDT on Tuesday 29th May (8.17°). The Gemini 7 Sun–Sagittarius Moon opposition brings awareness of the role our thoughts and words play in our everyday lives, and how what we think and speak can find expansion in our minds and in our perception of the world around us. It also gives us the opportunity to understand that many elements of our lives are give-and-take exchanges – we give, then we receive, ideally in equal measure in order to maintain balance in our lives and in our relationships with others. This 2018 Sagittarius Full Moon will bring forth energies which encourage balanced intellectual and experiential exchanges and balanced, mutually beneficial growth in every way.

The Sun is in Gemini, so we are currently experiencing the awareness or light of the “student” – this is a questioning and learning energy. Gemini likes to gather ideas and informational to create theories which often act as truth until new or different information comes into consideration. This Sun placement places the spotlight on what we want or get to learn, the theories and/or perceptions we form with the information that is available to us, and the opportunities that are available to us depending on how our perceptions and perspectives are tuned into them.

The key here is to understand that we see what we’re programmed to see, hear what we’re programmed to hear, and we are conditioned to think about things in certain ways or to interpret the information we receive in particular ways. If we want to have new or different experiences, we get to open our ears, eyes, and minds to new and different viewpoints and interpretations of the matters at hand.

As we open ourselves to these new and different interpretations of the world around us, we may realize just how much we didn’t actually know and how much we still have to learn or experience. We may also learn how much we have in common with those we didn’t think we could ever agree with on anything, and this could be very enlightening and empowering for all parties involved.

The Moon is in Sagittarius, which is a “teacher” energy – this is both a “truth seeker” energy and a “wisdom of experience” energy. This is an energy that encourages us to think we know more than we may actually know.

The emotional rollercoaster that may occur during this 2018 Sagittarius Full Moon is one in which we find out that we may know more than we realized and might have something to teach others. We may also feel called to test Gemini’s theories through first-hand experience to see if they are factually true. This can bring up all sorts of emotions, mostly for the better. Yet for some of us, this could also be a call to step up into a greater role and/or purpose which could trigger some challenging emotions if believe ourselves to be unprepared or lesser than others.

Of course, this can also push those of us who thought we knew everything off-kilter emotionally as we recognize that our base of knowledge is not as extensive as we believed it to be, or that others know more than we thought they did. We may have underestimated others, and this may trigger all sorts of emotions.

We may also find others are not as trustworthy or honest as we believed them to be. This could al be very emotonally upsetting.

In other words, under the influence of this 2018 Sagittarius Full Moon, those who think they know may find they actually have no idea and are about to be schooled and learn a few things; while those who think they don’t know may find they have more wisdom than they realize and are about to be in position(s) to teach a few things.

This 2018 Sagittarius Full Moon phase reaches its maximum phase on a numerological 9 universal day in most of the world. This means that there’s a growing desire and equally increasing optimism for possibilities of and opportunities to bringing matters to completion – to “getting things done”. There may even be more assertive if not aggressive pushes to bring matters to a close, or at least to set matters on a path toward some form of resolution. However, in a 7 universal month, there are more details to consider before final decisions can wisely be made; and in an 11 universal year, the effects on everyone directly and indirectly involved must be considered as the choices made will affect the entire group/community, and possibly the entire world.

This Gemini Sun+Sagittarius Moon opposition does not stand alone. It is also part of a “Golden Rectangle” configuration with the Leo North+Aquarius South Nodal Axis at the moment of maximum phase (7-8°), giving the events of this day a more karmic yet also fateful quality. There are opportunities for past and current lifetime karma to be balanced today, and there are opportunities to decide our individual and collective fates on this day – will we choose to repeat a familiar past or to embrace an uncertain future? The choices will be up to us, both collectively in our societal and cultural matters and individually in our personal matters.

Also, the Gemini 7 Sun is in quincunx aspect and the Sagittarius Moon is in semi-sextile aspect with Capricorn Saturn Retrograde (7.84°). This is an interesting set of transits because it indicates that there will either be some sort of responsibility expected and there are likely to be accountabilities issued for one’s knowledge and communication of that knowledge; or there will be some clear boundaries if not obstacles to overcome which may require a great deal of trust-building and negotiation before progress can be made.

In other words, exchanges of ideas and information will have consequences, for better or worse. The interesting thing here is that those with more to experience and learn will likely experience the challenging end of these exchanges, learning to be more responsible with their expressions of their thoughts and ideas; while those with more wisdom and experience to draw from and teach may feel called upon to hold others accountable to factual truth, and may be the ones in position to implement necessary disciplinary or accountability measures.

There are a couple more interesting configurations on this 2018 Sagittarius Full Moon day which do not involve the Sun or Moon themselves.

A T-Square configuration involving Capricorn Vesta Rx square Aries Chiron square Cancer Pallas Athena (1-4°) reveals that there are self-identity wounds being triggered at this time, and the biggest choice which may be at hand is whether or not we are going to reopen or enlarge the wounds or if an earnest and honest effort to heal those wounds will be made. It all depends on how well we can balance our determination to achieve a particular societal/institutionally-driven goal and our willingness to recognize the emotional pain patterns being repeated as a matter of self-protection/self-defense.

There’s also a conjunction of Capricorn Pluto Retrograde+Black Moon Lilith opposite Cancer White Moon Selene (18.97-22.38° by proxy) in effect at the time of the Full Moon’s max phase, and this indicates that this 2018 Sagittarius Full Moon could prove to be a profoundly transformative time as the choice between (institutional) darkness and (emotional) light is laid bare. Usually hidden motives will not remain hidden at this time. In fact, more than usual (and more than probably desired) is likely to come to light… and though it may not seem like a good thing to those who are having their “secret: agendas exposed, a weak Water Grand Trine between Cancer Selene and Scorpio Jupiter Retrograde and Pisces Neptune (15.85-18.98° by proxy) affirms that this is actually a really great thing in the big picture of things. That’s because the truth is emerging, whether the parties involved like it or not, and with Cancer Selene and Leo Ceres in exact semi-sextile aspect (18.98°), this indicates a conscious and heartfelt shift in values must occur if creative efforts are to be acknowledged and respect is to be given.

But the problem transit on this day (beyond the challenge of the T-Square) is likely to be a square aspect between Aries Juno and Cancer Venus (11.97-14.81°). This transit reveals that 1-on-1 relationships which require emotional nurturing and care may be neglected in favor of a aggressive commitment (or commitments) to one’s personal self-interests. Almost any effort to bring balance to a matter or to find common ground may be threatened by selfish agendas on the part of one or both parties involved.

Everyone will have something to learn during this 2018 Sagittarius Full Moon phase. The thing to remember is that as long as we stand in the belief that our view is the only correct view, no progress can be made; no transformation of the circumstances can be expected. In our personal life experiences and on the collective levels of our families, our communities, and/or our worldly interactions with other nations and cultures, we each and all must be willing to see things from different perspectives; and must be willing not only to listen to and learn from others, but also to teach or share what we know with others.

Only when there is a true two-sided exchange of insight and information and a genuine desire on both sides to find common ground can a powerful, positive transformation occur to the benefit of all parties involved. Only then can both sides of a matter teach, learn, and grow.

We’ll see what happens.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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