Mercury enters the sign of Cancer at 12:59p PDT on Tuesday, 12th June 2018, shifting the focus of our thoughts and words from intellect to emotion. This is a bit of an awkward shift as the Sun continues forward in Gemini. The dominant energy is intellect… and now Mercury in Cancer wants us to talk about our feelings?

Actually, yes. That’s exactly what Mercury in Cancer wants us to do.

There’s been a LOT of changes over the last few weeks. So many in fact, many people are intellectually and emotionally overwhelmed by the whiplash. Just when things seem to be calming down, they stir up again or get knocked off-center by an unexpected event or twist. It’s difficult to keep up with the chaos, yet we try… but in “trying”, we’re often trying to save face. We’re pretending to have everything under control. We’re pretending to know what we’re doing. We’re pretending that everything is fine…

…even if it’s not.

That’s why this 2018 Mercury in Cancer is so important. It gives us permission to talk about how we feel about ourselves and our lives. It opens up opportunities for us to share how we really feel about what is happening around us and within us.

It gives us a chance to say what we feel… and to be heard… by someone. Anyone.

And that’s the thing. We often don’t say anything because we want someone in particular to hear us. We remain silent or make our voice known only to them, yet they ignore us or shut us out or don’t make time, etc. yet we keep trying to make them hear us…

…but that’s NOT the point of making our voices heard and our feelings known. It’s about making our selves heard and our feelings known so the right people can hear us – the people who can hear us; the people who want to hear us. They are the people our voices will make an impact on and a difference for. They are the people who need to know they aren’t alone… and who will let you know that you’re not alone.

This works both ways. For some of you, you may find that instead of trying so hard to be heard, you may want or need to listen for those who are desperate to be heard. In taking a moment to be quiet – not to silence your voice, but to hear those of others –  you find the people you resonate with. You find others who are experiencing what you’re experiencing, who are feeling what you’re feeling.

And then you, those who hear you, and those you hear can come together to make your common message heard. You can make your voices louder together than you ever could alone, and that is when those who wouldn’t hear you before may finally hear you. And even if they don’t or won’t hear you then, you’ll have new people to talk to and share your life with. You’ll no longer be bothered by people who can’t be bothered to hear you.

Over these next 2.5 weeks, use this energy of the 2018 Mercury in Cancer to make your emotional truth be heard. It doesn’t even matter as much who hears it as much as it matters that you speak it so you can be heard… by the “right people” – the people who do hear and do respond to your voice and your feelings.

They’re the ones who matter, along with you.

Speak up and listen up. Be heard and hear them. Be found and find them.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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