Mars is the planet of action, and Aquarius represents individuals eager to collaborate with others by making unique contributions to something greater than themselves. Under Mars in Aquarius, many of us will want to take some sort of unique and individual action(s) in order to contribute to our communities. Yet once Mars in Aquarius begins moving in retrograde motion at 2:04p PDT on Tuesday, 26th June 2018 (9.22°) and throughout the retrograde period, instead of taking action, it will be important for each and all of us to stop and take a moment to observe what is happening around us before we take action. By observing the actions of various communities, causes, and crusades (including the ones we are affiliated with) and the individuals within them, we’ll be able to determine some things:

1) What (if anything) we really want to contribute to the group.

2) What (if anything) we have and can actually and uniquely contribute to the group.

3) If we even want to become part of the group or continue being part of the group.

When we consider making contributions to groups and communities, we must assess what would actually assist those communities. We must determine whether or not what we have to offer can make a positive difference for others. Sometimes, we may find that we have more to offer than we realized. Other times, we may find that we have little or nothing of value to share.

That’s because others’ actions reveal the ideas and beliefs they truly support, and as the actions of collective communities, causes, or crusades reveal their true intentions, this 2018 Mars Retrograde in Aquarius may find you reconsidering your affiliation with certain groups, communities, causes, or crusades. You may find yourself wondering whether or not you can make the unique intellectual contribution you want to make to something bigger than yourself through your connection(s) with them.

And the biggest question of all – can you do what you want to do for and/or in your current circles, or is it time for you to find a new tribe?

That’s because once you’ve witnessed everyone else’s beliefs, ideals, and actions for what they truly are, you may discover that they don’t need or want what you have to offer them… or you don’t need or want anything they have to offer you. You may find you don’t want to be part of that particular community any longer – that you’ve served your purpose there, or that they’ve served their purpose in your journey. You may realize that you don’t share the same values or hold the same beliefs, or maybe that you don’t interpret or practice them the same way as others. You may not feel you can be your True self or that they are bring authentic in their self-expression. Heck, you may find that they just aren’t into you, or maybe that you’ve just not into them (anymore, if ever)…

…which is why it’s so important that we witness the choices and behaviors of others during Mars Retrograde in Aquarius, especially this 2018 Mars Retrograde. This placement provides multiple opportunities for us to gauge the eccentricity of our own behavior in their company.

Awareness of who we are associating with and surrounded by isn’t as much for assisting us in recognizing what we want to walk away from. This awareness is meant to empower us to consciously choose the groups, communities, causes, and crusades we want to participate in or with – associations which bring out the best and brightest in us, inspiring us to make our best contribution to the whole of humanity however small or large it may be.

There’s that old saying that the people we spend the most time with are often the most accurate reflection of who we are. Mars Retrograde in Aquarius gives us openings to ask: Are we also as weird as they are? Are we also that unusual? And most importantly, are we choosing to be our one-of-a-kind, individually-expressed selves within and/or for a greater whole; or are we choosing to just going along with the crowd, following rather than leading, trying to blend in rather than stand out?

This leading and standing out thing is Aquarius’ specialty as Aquarius is known for being the eccentric of the Zodiac. This is your opportunity to recognize whether or not your chosen participations are advancing humanity forward by courageously letting your uniqueness be seen, heard, or felt. To put it bluntly, are you committed to maintaining the status quo of the past to the present or are you ready to be part of a real change, possibly a revolution leading yourself, your community, and humanity from the present into the future?

Use the awareness which emerges during this 2018 Mars Retrograde in Aquarius to assist you in making that choice for yourself.

To that point, two transits of significance:

  • Aquarius Mars Retrograde will make opposition with Leo Mercury (felt 2nd-7th July, exact on 5th July, 8.75°), giving you a prime opportunity to make your voice heard and your individual creative self-expression known. If ever a time to let others know what you have to offer in contribution their community, this is it! The key here is simply making it known – you don’t have to sell it or force it on anyone. Just speak or show your truth and those who are drawn to your light will find you.
  • Aquarius Mars Retrograde will make conjunction with the Aquarius South Node in mid-July (felt from mid-June through end of July, exact on 20th July, 5.95°), indicating a return to actions of the past. Will we allow history to repeat, or will our actions stop it from repeating – both in our individual lives and in our collective experience(s)?

Mars will be in retrograde motion in Aquarius now through 12th August, then continues its retrograde in Capricorn until its return to direct motion (28.62° Capricorn) on 27th August.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, & Blessings,





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