The 2020 Aquarius New Moon reaches it’s maximum phase at 1:42p PST on Friday, 24th January 2020 (4.36°). This one brings an interesting energy as the energy it brings forward really feels new, like we’re on the cusp of something revolutionary… or rather, evolutionary.

The evolutionary note is important because before this last week, it seemed that the more that happened, the more people and things seemed to be dividing. But in the last few days leading up to this Aquarius New Moon, there seems to be a uniting – as if there are more Truths coming to Light, more recognition of what is really at stake, more awareness that the things that have been happening really will affect us and our lives and livelihoods moving forward. Everything – even the things which don’t seem to affect us directly – is beginning to affect us, and we can choose (if not change) how things happen from here.

Aquarius is fixed air energy, which may seem like an oxymoron, but what it means is fixed intellect or fixed communications. Known as “the water-bearer”, Aquarius can become very stubborn in how it perceived the world to be or how it perceives itself to be perceived by the world. This energy actually encourages us to carry our emotions with our minds. It encourages us to recognize how interconnected our thoughts are with our emotions – how much our emotions drive our beliefs, and how our desire to feel differently can affect the ways we think and speak. These emotion-driven thoughts are what inspire the revolutionary thoughts, ideas, and communications which literally change the world and change how we are connected with each other and All-That-Is.

This 2020 Aquarius New Moon is our collective and individual call to make some powerful changes.

This 2020 Aquarius New Moon is occurring on an 11 universal day in the Western nations (numerologically speaking), which is quite a synchronicity as 11 is the number most similar to Aquarian energy. Encompassing and encouraging the spirit of individuals allowing their unique talents and abilities to be applied in collaborative service to something greater than themselves, this is the spirit of community. As individuals inspire other individuals to become more self-expressed in the world, the world become a better place for it. The Eastern nations of the world are experiencing this Aquarius New Moon on a 3 universal day of growth and expansion, bringing the possibility of opportunities for personal growth through community interactions and collaborative efforts. Under the umbrellas of a 5 universal month and a 4 universal year, this is an opportunity for us to make the necessary changes to ensure we are building a solid foundation for the social and societal future we want to experience in our lives as both individuals, as a community, as humanity.

All in all, this 2020 Aquarius New Moon is really about allowing your True self to be seen and feeling out where you belong in the world – a feeling which cannot be found anywhere but within you.

That seems to be another paradox… and to some degree, it is. Yet let’s explore what I’m saying.

We’ve been conditioned by our society to try to fit ourselves into a social norm – into what is popular, into what is accepted by a majority of people, or what is believed by the people around you. Yet for many of us, we’ve found ourselves doing “all the right things” and “playing by the rules”, yet realizing that we still don’t feel fulfilled or satisfied. If anything, we may feel fraudulent or fake, like we’re going through the motions of life, pretending to be people we’re not in order to “fit in” with our families, communities, societies, etc. In some cases, we may even feel depressed or anxious (or both), born of our frustration in not being able to fit in, not being able to get out, or for not feeling the way we “should” feel about what society tells us we should value.

Yet our feelings of inauthenticity are meant to be red flags – they’re meant to let us know that we’re not in alignment with our inner Truth in some way. If we aren’t feeling like we belong, chances are we don’t. We’re in the wrong circles in that we are in an environment which doesn’t encourage or support our most authentic and genuine self-expression – an environment which doesn’t accept or encourage our unique self-expression.

Though it’s easy to dismiss as shallow or superficial, awareness of this need for acceptance we each and all have is important because we need to be 100 percent ourselves fully expressed in the world. We are each designed to bring something to the world that no one else can bring. There are NO negatives in this, and there is no role too small or too large. When we’re being and living into our True selves, we’re able to fulfill our worldly roles with little to no question and little to no doubt.

The thing is… we often mistake this acceptance as a need for acceptance from the outside – from others.

In reality, we need to accept and positively embrace who we are and how we want to express ourselves in the world. Rather than external acceptance from others, it’s really self acceptance we’re seeking.

Self-acceptance is difficult in a world which has been teaching us that it’s what’s outside that matters more or most. Yet with mental and physical health and the environmental impact on those factors coming more to the fore, it’s becoming clear that the solutions we seek are an inside job, and that we get to look within ourselves for what we need in order to find our way in the outside world. We get to recognize then align with our inner Truths… though in some cases, we may need some assistance in finding those Truths again. After all, we’ve been trained to stuff them away, to hide them, to deny them, to dismiss them. It may take some of us a bit to dig them out and dust them off…

…yet that’s the work this 2020 Aquarius New Moon inspires. This New Moon is our call to claim our authentic selves – to claim our Light from within, to claim our right to make unique contributions to the world. This is a call to evolve how we choose to think about ourselves as human beings and as a collective humanity.

The Aquarius Sun + Moon conjunction makes three separating transits at its time of maximum phase:

  • sextile Aries Chiron (2-4°) – The sense of community that is emerging is helping people heal their self-identity wounds. The interesting thing about this is that
  • square Taurus Uranus (2-4°) – Yet this emerging sense of community also comes with its challenges as people realize that to build a true community, it also means you may have to align with others who may not share your values and principles… yet. The key word in that last statement is “yet”. The beauty of community is the opportunity to learn from each other, but if we’re too determined to
  • semi-sextile Capricorn Pallas Athena (2-4°) – Recognition of your success (or “failure”) pattern leads to a shift in how you view and feel about your social circles. Do the people around you lift you up and encourage your success, or do they hold you back or bring you down? Do you see collaborative opportunities with them, or do you feel misunderstood or left out?

Two other transit configurations of note:

A Sequence involving Sagittarius Mars semi-sextile Capricorn Jupiter semi-sextile Aquarius Mercury semi-sextile Pisces Venus (12-14°) – Bold and adventurous action leads to expanded goals and ambitions, which lead to exchanges of ideas and information with more people which leads to partnerships which could assist you in fulfilling your goals beyond your wildest dreams. Don’t hesitate to reach out and/or speak out – it might pay off.

A Blessing Triangle involving Libra White Moon Selene sextile Sagittarius Mars sextile Aquarius Mercury (13-14°) – This one encouraged us to keep it positive when interacting with others. It doesn’t have to be fake or super-sunshiny – just as kind as you can make it. This encourages actions to be taken which open minds and increase options and opportunities. It also supports more open lines of communication with more people. You never know what an act of kindness could inspire and open up for all involved.

The effects of this 2020 Aquarius New Moon have been felt from Tuesday 21st January, and will continue to be felt through Tuesday 28th January.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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