We have the 2020 Gemini New Moon reaching its maximum new phase at 10:39a PDT on Friday 22nd May 2020 (2.08°). Since we’re still in a numerological 9 universal month for the month of May 2020, it’s a Gemini 9 Sun + Moon conjunction that forms this 2020 Gemini New Moon. This is a powerful New Moon phase in that it represents the completion stage of an intellectual beginning, and/or the beginning of an intellectual and/or informational completion. There will likely be clear signs of both the beginnings and endings of completion cycles in this 7-day New Moon window.

Gemini is the ‘student’ energy of the Zodiac. Very intellectually and communicatively inclined, Gemini has a reputation for being chatty. Yet if you pay closer attention, you’ll notice that most Geminis talk in order to get other people talking… and then they become remarkably quiet, listening and learning. “Gems” communicate in order to draw information from others. They’re sponges this way, eager to feed their brains with whatever they can see, hear, touch, and emotionally feel; and they learn very quickly.

There’s an inherent duplicity in Gemini’s nature as it likes to see both or all sides of a situations, then make its choice about how it wants to align. It’s not an easy energy to pin down because it likes to keep its mind and its options open. It doesn’t want to be limited to only one way of seeing the world or one realm of ideas. It wants to have as much freedom as possible to learn as much as possible from everyone and everything around it. This often gives Gemini a reputation for being shifty, changeable, difficult to pin down… and since it is a mutable air sign, that would be an accurate assessment of Gemini’s nature. It also has a strong child-like nature and won’t hesitate at all to play jokes or games – especially intellectual/mind games – with others, in order to make sure people can’t pin them down.

That said, numerologically, this 2020 Gemini New Moon’s maximum phase occurs on a 4 universal day or a 5 universal day (depending on where you are in the world), in a 9 universal month, and in a 4 universal year. This is important because it reveals that, thanks to the recently-completed 2020 Taurus Sun period, we’re now much more aware of the structures we’ve created within and around ourselves, and we’re more aware of the current condition of the social and societal structures that have sustained us before now. We’ve also realized – and are gradually beginning to accept – that things are not as stable as they once were in those social and societal structures, and that it’s now up to us to strengthen our own personal lifestyle foundations and to strengthen our connections with others. The energy of this 2020 Gemini New Moon urges us to learn how to establish our own sense of structure for ourselves rather than expecting or depending on others to make it for us.

This hyperawareness of structure is especially strong for those experiencing the 4 universal day energy as it mirrors and intensifies the 4 universal year energy while the 9 universal month energy shifts our attention to completions and endings, or rather, what may need to be completed or ended. In fact, this combination of numeric energies makes the need for these structural endings undeniably clear. However, those experiencing the 5 universal day energy may be more inclined to actually make the necessary changes to bring structures which no longer serve to an end. We may notice this difference in the coming days and weeks as Eastern nations and regions experience or make changes to shift their systems and structures, while Western nations and regions under the 4 universal day energy will likely continue to resist major structural or systematic change – a resistance to change which will prove to be an exercise in futility in the coming months.

These powerful numerological dynamics pair well with the astrological Capricorn Pluto energy (currently retrograde) that is very much present now, and will continue to be present through early 2024. This combination gives the 2020 Gemini New Moon the purpose of revealing critical information we’ll need in order to enter the next phase of the transformation of both our societies and our world, furthering our collective human evolution.

Though the information we need is now coming to us, it’s coming to us in a chaotic variety of forms and tones. Yet if we allow ourselves to stand in the eye of this information storm, observing and listening to everything swirling around us, we may begin to connect the dots between ideas and behaviors that have long seemed disconnected, and this will help us identify which societal systems and structures need to be gutted but have their frameworks remain intact; and which societal systems and structures need to be eliminated or destroyed completely so we can clear their foundations to build something new from scratch.

But let’s take a step back for a moment to talk about the importance of information and communication at this time. Because a New Moon is a conjunction of the Sun and the Moon, there won’t only be information and communication – there will also be emotion. A LOT of emotion.

Emotion isn’t an easy concept for Gemini – a mutable air sign – to experience. Gemini prefers to remain in the realm of thinking and talking, not feeling. This isn’t to say that Geminis can’t feel emotion. It is to say that when they do, it’s uncomfortable for them… which makes things uncomfortable for all of us.

There will be a great deal of information coming to light during this 2020 Gemini New Moon phase. Much of that information is going to create strong intellectual discomfort, which in turn will create a substantial amount of emotional discomfort. Cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy are at peak levels for many people right now; and for every peak, there is a valley. As more factual truths are seen, heard, and experienced; as reality sets in and there’s no longer a way for people to escape their self-generated logic traps, it is very likely that feelings of disillusionment, disappointment, frustration, and anger that are already present will become even more intense.

Yet for those who have already been seeing and hearing the hard realities, and who have been feeling those intense painful feelings for a while as they’ve struggled to understand and accept the chaos that has been ensuing, there may actually be an experience of peaceful calm as result of the information now coming forth through this New Moon. All that is coming to Light now confirms their suspicions, affirms their choices, and encourages their actions, letting them know they have indeed been on the correct path all along in believing that we’re in the midst of inevitable and permanent social and societal transformation; in knowing that the world cannot and will not ever be able to go back to the way it was.

There are two distinct groupings of things we get to look at to further understand what is happening during this 2020 Gemini New Moon.

  1. With six bodies moving in retrograde at the moment of the Moon’s New phase maximum, we’re receiving a great deal of feedback and insight into what’s being communicated to us and why it’s being communicated the way it’s being communicated now (Gemini Venus Retrograde – 5°); the patterns being revealed by the information coming to us, and how we can use it to make social and societal changes (Aquarius Pallas Athena – 0°); the commitments that we made to others that may need to be broken or changed now (Libra Juno – 5°); the opportunities for growth now available or being made available to us again (Capricorn Jupiter Retrograde – 27°); the need to be focused and organized in order to make effective social and societal change (Aquarius Saturn Retrograde – 1°); and the need to allow things to implode and collapse if necessary in order to create space for something new and True to be formed in its place (Capricorn Pluto Retrograde – 24°). You can read more about these six currently-active retrogrades here.
  2. It’s also important to review the transits occurring as this 2020 Gemini New Moon reaches its maximum phase to understand how what’s been hidden in the shadows is now coming into the Light. Some of these transits will include the afore-mentioned retrogrades.
  • The Gemini New Moon (a.k.a. Gemini 9 Sun conjunct Moon) trine (Aquarius Pallas Athena Retrograde conjunct Saturn Retrograde) (0-2°) – This transit shines light on the patterns we’re inexplicably repeating which are no longer serving us well. In fact, our fierce resistance to stepping out of these patterns is likely why we now find ourselves oppressed by them now. And as much as we may try to blame others for our frustrations and limitations, we have no one else to blame but ourselves, collectively and individually. The sense of restriction we feel now is a wake-up call to make the changes we want to see and experience in the world, and it’s intended to inspire us to get serious in figuring out which changes are most important to take on first.
    This transit is also a call for people of like mind to individually get their thoughts, ideas, and intentions clear so they can come together with others in an organized manner to bring their shared concepts into manifest reality.
    Much of the limitation we’re experiencing is due to our own lack of cohesion. As soon as people can share their independent ideas and insights with others, they will find others with like minds. And as soon as they find others with like minds, they’ll begin seeing how the dots connect between ideas which didn’t seem connected; which will make them able to define and/or clarify their focal points, objectives, and strategies; which will help them gather more individuals together in collaborative efforts to implement those strategies, finally overcoming setbacks from “the game-players” by diligently forging ahead with new energy and clearly-communicated processes and goals.
  • Pisces Neptune square (Gemini Venus Retrograde conjunct Mercury) (20°) – Do you feel like what you’ve been hoping and dreaming of is being sabotaged by what you’re seeing, hearing, and learning right now? Are the exchanges of ideas and information you’re having with others killing your blissful, idealistic vibe? The first thing to look for is whether or not you’re being strongly influenced or pressured by others who are not aligned with your vision for yourself and your life. If you find yourself giving up on your dreams because others are telling you to, these people are probably not your tribe.
    Conversely, you may also find yourself thinking differently as you learn new things from new or different people than the usual in your life. This new way of seeing and thinking about the world may find you envisioning a different dream and/or future than the one you may have been holding for a while. The question is… is the new vision you’re seeing more aligned with a Truer, Higher version of your Self, or do you feel you are losing yourself in someone else’s ideal or dream? Take your time to assess this. Get all the info you need, then make informed choices that feel aligned with you.
  • SEQUENCE: (Pisces Mars conjunct Ceres) semi-sextile Aries Chiron semi-sextile Taurus Uranus (6-8°) – Actions are taken to either serve Oneness with love and compassion, or rip Oneness apart with anger and/or apathy. Whether the Oneness is served or attacked is a matter of which values are held by the individual(s) taking action. This will largely be determined by the health of one’s self-identity. For those who believe they must live up to certain lifestyle standards (often determined by pop culture), there may be a great deal of anger or self-hatred that gets projected onto others. But if there is healthy self-esteem or if there is self-identity healing work being done, these people have the potential to influence and change the popular standard to celebrate being where you are and being the best person you can for yourself, not for others, not to impress others.
  • Gemini Vesta quincunx (Capricorn Pluto Retrograde conjunct Jupiter Retrograde) (24-27°) – There’s a strange determination to hold onto certain ideas or ways of thinking, yet as our societal structures and institutions are showing their nearness to implosion, we’re finding that these ways of thinking and speaking no longer serve us well. One perspective shift that comes through this transit is an opportunity to see the collapse of the stagnant and outdated as a clearing to make room for something newer and truer to come into manifestation. What can grow in the space that remains once stagnant and outdated elements of our society are no longer present? When you focus on the good that can come after the collapse, the collapse will still be bad, but at least it has a positive purpose. This is a clear message to stop thinking about the past, to stop repeating the past, and to look at what is happening right now so you can start thinking ahead.

There are a LOT of games being played right now – word games, mind games, strategy games. You don’t have to play along, especially when those creating the games are only playing them in order to manipulate, deceive, control, and resist or deny factual reality. It’s not that they aren’t seriously playing or that there aren’t serious matters at stake. It’s simply that you don’t have to engage in their chaos on their terms. That, and frankly, you’re not really in a position to effectively contest them. At least not yet.

Will you be affected by their chaos? Of course, you will! But as long as you remember that this 2020 Gemini New Moon represents the end of the beginning of the end of our societal systems, institutions, structures, standards, and norms as we’ve known them; and as long as you remember that we’re experiencing all of this chaos because we’re about to move into the next phase of collective transformation and human evolution; you’ll be able to step back, pause, and give yourself time to look, listen, and learn from all that is happening now from a place of calm, not panic. It’s okay to give yourself permission to take stock of your thoughts and your emotions right now. It’s okay to think through your own thoughts, ideas, beliefs, and next steps right now. And as you allow yourself to get your mind, your heart, and yourself calmed and sorted, clarity will come.

You’ll find it by allowing yourself to stand in the eye of the storm.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until the next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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