The 2020 Cancer New Moon reaches its maximum phase at 11:40p PDT on Saturday 20th June 2020 here on the west coast of the United States, but in pretty much the rest of the world, it occurs on Sunday, 21st June 2020 (0.35°). This is an exceptionally powerful New Moon phase for a number of different reasons, but most notably, because this Cancer Sun + Moon conjunction also forms an Annular Solar Eclipse (a.k.a. – “Ring of Fire” eclipse) that will only be visible in some African and Asian countries as the eclipse reaches its maximum shadow at 11:40:04p PDT.

The Annular eclipse is only one reason for this powerful New Moon phase. The other is that, in a very rare occurrence, this New Moon Eclipse’s maximum phase is also happening within 24 hours of the 2020 Summer Solstice. A New Moon to start off a new season! This being a Solar Eclipse, the Moon comes between the Sun and the Earth, and there’s truly no better metaphor than that for what is happening for all of us on the planet right now as throughout this 2020 Cancer Sun period, many of us will be experiencing the inevitability of feeling emotions that many of us have been avoiding, ignoring, or pretending aren’t there. The Moon puts itself in the way of the Light and forces us to personally feel the impact of what has already happened and what is happening now.

We’re about to find out just how present and strong our emotional Truths are within us. And some of us are about to experience just how accurate our intuitions are as well as we begin to more acutely pick up on the emotional truths of others around us as well.

And if that’s not enough “new beginnings” energy for you, Cancer is a cardinal water sign. Cardinal energy is initiative energy, and water is emotional-spiritual energy. This combination represents an opportunity for an emotional and/or spiritual new beginning or fresh start – a chance to begin anew in matters of emotional or spiritual development or importance. This is an excellent time to simply renew your emotional relationship with yourself by allowing yourself to feel your emotions, or to renew or start anew in a spiritual practice of some sort which resonates with you emotionally or intuitively now.

Numerologically speaking, this 2020 Cancer New Moon Eclipse is occurring on a 3 Universal Day in western North America and all points west of it. However, the majority of the world will be experiencing this phenomenon on a 4 Universal Day. For those in the 3 day energy, this New Moon phase will represent new emotional and/or spiritual growth (which could be personal or collective/community growth) and the expansion of your intuitive and emotional capacity. For those in the 4 day energy, this New Moon may represent either new resources or structures for establishing the foundation for much-sought-after stability and structure; or it may represent stubbornness, rigidity, and inflexibility. It’s likely we will see displays of both sides of the 4 energy as result of the New Moon + Eclipse energies.

These 3 and 4 day energies are happening under the influence of a 1 Universal Month which brings even MORE new beginnings energy – it’s seed-planting energy, which means what is set in motion now will reap more of its results later on, probably in about 7-8 months. And the day and month energies are working under the energy of a 4 Universal Year, so that energy of stability and security or stubbornness and rigidity will reinforce the 4 day energy active in the majority of the world. This may be a day where new beginnings may be impeded or delayed, or where those who are resisting change and evolution are met with change whether they want it or not.

Here’s the thing, though.

This 2020 Cancer New Moon + Eclipse is significant for the simple fact that it’s occurring in the Zodiac sign which taps into our personal emotional energies. Cancer is the sign in which we, as individuals, establish our personal emotional foundation. The location of Cancer’s presence in our natal astrological chart reveals where the foundation of our emotional and intuitive energies are. During a Cancer Sun period, we are most likely to focus on the people, conditions, and activities which give us a sense of home, family, and personal comfort.

Yet many of us right now are not comfortable. Many of us don’t feel at home, even in our homes. Some of us may not be sure how much longer we’ll have homes, and some of us don’t even have homes now. Some of us aren’t getting along with family members or close friends, or we may feel betrayed or abandoned by family and/or friends. There’s so much happening that’s leaving us certain about the present let alone the future, and in a lot of cases, we’re now uncertain if our past was even what we believed it to be. All of this is leading some of us uncertain about who we really are as individuals.

And that leads us to what this time is all about – reconnecting with your True self.

It may be a difficult task, but it’s a crucial one at this time. With so many calls to action and service emerging, it’s important to be in tune with how you feel about each one – what are you willing to stand for, which stands are you willing to take action to stand for, which ones are you willing to walk away from, and which ones must come to an end?

Throughout this week of the 2020 Cancer New Moon + Solar Eclipse, you will feel your way through these answers. After months of avoidance, denial, ignorance, impatience, and frustration, you will now begin to get to the root of what you’re really feeling. There will be anger. There will be grief. There will be relief. There will be joy.

There will be emotional honesty and clarity for the first time in a long time.
And you’ll know what you’re feeling is honest, clear, and True. You’ll just know. It’ll feel different than it has in a while.

Here are the transits in effect at the moment of the 2020 Cancer New Moon + Annular Eclipse’s maximum phase/shadow. These may shed more light on the energies in play at this special time.

STELLIUM: Gemini North Node conjunct Cancer Moon conjunct Cancer 1 Sun (29-0) – A heightened consciousness of the emotions we’re really feeling. These emotional truths will inform us of where we are going next in our journey, individually and collectively. Our emotions and emotion-driven choices and actions now will set our course for the future. Being clear about the future you want to create is important at this time, and this is the intention-setting, seed-planting stage. Now more than ever, what you sow will grow.

Aquarius Saturn Retrograde quincunx Gemini-Cancer STELLIUM (29-0) – efforts to obstruct the evolution of society and/or humanity are highly incompatible with current events which are quickly pushing humanity toward an evolved future. This conflict leads to hyperawareness of individual’s personal feelings and emotions, which leads to individuals seeking others who share their vision of the future.

Sagittarius South Node semi-sextile Aquarius Saturn Retrograde (29-0) – There are people clinging to past experiences as if they must be upheld by any means necessary, yet these people are obstructing social if not human evolution in the process. Just because those in positions of authority don’t like the changes happening doesn’t mean the changes will stop, especially because the changes are inevitable. The past is being phased out. It’s now time to gain the wisdom of new experiences.

STELLIUM: Capricorn Pluto Retrograde conjunct Jupiter Retrograde conjunct Pallas Athena Retrograde (24-26) – This represents a complete transformation of how societal institutions operate. There’s a growing awareness of the patterns these social structures tend to fall into in order to preserve themselves, as well as the restrictions being put in place to prevent the transformation from proceeding. Yet the more people push to preserve the current systems, institutions, and processes in place, the more people are pushing to eliminate if not completely destroy those same entities. This is not a trial run. People are ready to destroy the old ways in order to construct a new way, and they’re using the patterns of the past to figure out how to destroy it all… in order to create space to build something new that reaps beneficial rewards for everyone in its place.

Pisces Mars sextile Capricorn STELLIUM (24-26) – Emotion-driven actions of service are rooted in idealism – either empathetic service done in faith/belief in a moral conscience to care for each other intending to serve a common greater good, or the pretense of service done in delusion/fantasy of expectation or feeling entitled to a reward for one’s good deeds.

Pisces Ceres trine Cancer Mercury Retrograde (12-14) – Emotional dialogue between individuals with open minds and open hearts prove extremely valuable as two people who seem to be on opposing side of an issue can realize they can come together to serve a greater cause and/or a Higher good. When people share how they really feel emotionally, emotional understanding can be found and earnest shifts in personal values can occur. We will see these values shifts both on the individual/personal and collective/public levels.

T-SQUARE: Aries Chiron square Cancer Vesta square Libra Juno (7-9) – The desire to heal one’s self-identity wounds finds balance in seeking fairness and equal treatment personally and socially. When we interact with others who are truly willing to understand where we are coming from (and vise-versa), we can heal ourselves and each other through the commitment to make sure that each person involved feels like they are in relationship with an equal. Yet the challenge of this T-Square comes when we are forced out of our heads and into our hearts alone. This will bring challenges as individuals may find themselves uncertain about who they are once they are forced to feel their feelings; and this may result in either committing to a course of action, or reassessing the commitments you’ve already made.

Aries Black Moon Lilith square Cancer Mercury Retrograde (14-16) – Ego-driven self-identity desires are challenged by others sharing with you how they really feel about their emotional connection with your and/or their emotional investment in you. What you hear from others will likely have you asking yourself if you’re being True to your own feelings and if you’re really being your True self in every area of your life.

There are also currently six celestial bodies in retrograde motion right now – Mercury (thoughts and communications), Venus (equality, balance, beauty, 1-on-1 relationships of all kinds), Pallas Athena (patterns and strategies), Jupiter (positive growth and expansion, abundance), Saturn (authority, discipline, focus), and Pluto (power, transformation). Retrogrades bring feedback and second chance opportunities, so there’s a LOT of information and insight coming to you from the outside-in – another reason to take some time for yourself during this 2020 Cancer Sun period, and especially during this New Moon + Eclipse phase. Though you’re being called to tune into your own emotional truth, genuinely listening to, understanding, and internally processing the emotional Truths of others will help you find your way during this time. It’s just as important to listen as it is to speak. In fact, right now, it’s more important for you to listen than to speak. You’ll need the feedback to better assess where you actually are right now.

The effects of this 2020 Cancer New Moon + Annular Solar Eclipse will be felt from 17th-23rd June acutely, but we’ll feel the effects of these energy dynamics for at least 6 months due to the strength of the eclipse energy. There’s a lot of energy available for intention-setting now – pay attention to what it feels right for you to plant seeds for now. Trust your emotional and intuitive instincts at this time.

Let yourself feel it ALL.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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