The Aquarius Full Moon reaches its maximum phase at 8:59a PDT (11.76°), and this marks a moment in time in which we are being asked to think for ourselves, act for ourselves, and actually be our unique selves in service to our communities, groups, and teams. Yet in a society which seems to pride itself in creating popular ideas and ideological fodder for the masses, this is a Full Moon that may bring some interesting insights about creative self-expression – both individually and collectively so.

Aquarius is the humanitarian energy of the Zodiac, and humanitarian often implies being of service to others. Yet what is often misunderstood is that Aquarius energy is meant to inspire humanity to change, to try something new, to embrace unusual or unconventional concepts – to inspire human beings, and therefore, all of humanity to evolve. To this point, Aquarius has a reputation for being eccentric, weird, unusual, outside the norm. Aquarian energy brings the quirks to our lives – the unexpected twists or actions which changes the way we look at the world and ourselves in it. With the Moon in this sign, there is an emotional need to express our uniqueness in our groups, community, and even as part of humanity-at-large. But even moreso at this time, this 2020 Aquarius Full Moon represents an emotional need to evolve.

The interesting thing about the Aquarius Full Moon is it is opposite the Leo Sun. In this case, a Leo 3 Sun (for the 3 Universal month energy of August 2020). Three is a numeric energy of curiosity, learning, and growth. Leo often get a bad rap for being attention-seeking, but actually, what is sought after is acknowledgment of one’s unique creative self-expression as an individual. With this Light shining upon all of us at this time and being reflected fully by the Moon, we are being asked to acknowledge our individual selves and the unique creativity we can bring to our communities if not all of humanity. We get to see what we have forgotten about ourselves…

…but especially in this experience called 2020, we also get to learn how we forgot it.

The first thing to keep in mind is that as humans, we never do anything that is not in our own self-interest. There’s always something in it for us. The thing is… that “something” is a little different for everybody. Even when it comes to being of service or making contribution(s) to others, there’s something we are seeking in the process of ourselves because the human condition is inherently selfish, even in the name of the greater whole.

That said, how do you – as an individual – 1) see the world around you, and 2) see yourself in that world? These are important questions as your answers will reveal your motivation to either belong to a community, run from a community, or abstain from community altogether.

The events of this 2020 Aquarius Full Moon phase will challenge us to assess what it means to be human, what it means to be part of a community or group, what it means to be our True selves, and what it means to be fully self-expressed as our True selves.

We may find ourselves having new thoughts and ideas which take us out of alignment with the groups and communities we’ve felt part of until now. We may find ourselves feeling alienated from a group or team we’ve wanted to be part of. We may begin to see how we may have compromised our unique self-expression to “belong” amongst others. We may also begin to recognize that “belonging” actually means finding a community in which our uniqueness is welcome by others and others’ uniqueness is welcome to us.

This 2020 Aquarius Full Moon occurs, for most of the world, on a 6 Universal day of pragmatism and functionality, yet also health, wellness, and nurturing care. It’s a solution-driven energy – a “fixer” energy – which makes an interesting combination with Aquarius’ objective and intellectual air energy. This implies a “solving humanity’s problems” intention – that the emotions we’re feeling right now are coming up because we’re trying to figure out ways to change what is happening to us individually and collectively. We’re trying to figure out how to evolve… yet some of us are also trying to remain the same, and therein lies the rub.

Everything that is happening right now is to force us into evolution. The events and experiences we’re having are pushing us to see where changes are necessary in our individual lives and in our societies and in the whole of humanity. There are revelations of factual Truth which are leaving nothing hidden, yet those revelations are sparking individuals into new perspectives of themselves and their lives, which are leading to new and different actions in ways they may not have been moved to act otherwise. These revelations and changes are illuminating and inspiring.

Yet the catch in all of this is that as we individually step away from the familiar and comfortable, we may begin to seek fellowship and community again. We seek like-minded people to exchange ideas and take action with. But we cannot create community in the same ways we did before. We cannot expect everyone in our community to think the exact same way or take the exact same actions or engage in the exact same events and activities. Having these expectations will result in the same repressions of uniqueness and individuality that we’re all trying to break away from.

Now, in this time, we must create a new way of perceiving, experiencing, and practicing community; a new way of practicing humanity.

One major challenge at this time is finding the courage to leave our comfortable social surroundings by declaring our Truths, then going our own individual ways. In overcoming this challenge, the first key is to allow yourself to become comfortable with the possibility of being alone. This doesn’t necessarily mean you will be alone. The point is to wean yourself off of dependence on others for your identity, especially if you have a tendency to conform to your surroundings rather than allowing others to conform to you. It’s also to help you reconnect with your True individual self again – to be and express yourself as you really are.

Then, the other major challenge at this time is finding and/or belonging to a community, group, or team without sacrificing your unique self-expression. It’s going to take work to break out of our social and societal conditioning to think for yourself and be your own person, even if that means courageously taking a position that may not seem to align with the others you’re surrounded by.

The pressure to conform that most of us have been conditioned to cave into will be strong, but your individual will could be stronger… if you allow it to be. And if you can allow your will to be stronger than your conditioning, you will discover that “like attracts like” – it really does! You will be drawn to or draw others to you who are of like mind and spirit, seeking collaboration with you and eager to make contributions to your life journey. They’ll also want you to make contributions to their journeys as well.

And that’s the thing about this 2020 Aquarius Full Moon – it’s a challenge for each of us to recognize that the best contribution to make to our teams, groups, communities, and societies is to be our unique selves. That’s where being yourself for yourself actually makes a positive difference in your community.

That’s because you’re not depending on others to either tell you who you are or “should” be, and you’re not allowing others to depend on you to be someone to cater to or accommodate them. When everyone shows up as themselves for themselves, a remarkable thing happens – true collaboration.

Collaboration is like a jigsaw puzzle – an analogy I often use when it comes to Aquarian energy. Each person comes in with their unique talents, skills, and natural abilities. If everyone acts and believes the same way, the picture doesn’t complete. Each individual person is a unique piece of the puzzle picture, and even if their piece is “boring” or simple, it’s needed. It’s necessary for each person to come as they are.

So under the influence of this 2020 Aquarius Full Moon, consider the ways in which you can be your unique piece of the puzzle. Consider how you can be part of community on your terms.

Most of all, consider how much you may inspire others and be inspired by others when you all show up as your unique individual selves. How much will you learn from each other? How much will you grow individually and together as a team?

And most of all, how much will you be able to change the world together by being your individual selves? How will you evolve for and with humanity?

How will you evolve humanity?

Here are the transits occurring at the time of the 2020 Aquarius Full Moon’s maximum phase. These should give you a fuller picture of the energies in play at this time:

Grand Square/Cross: Leo 3 Sun square Scorpio White Moon Selene square Aquarius Moon square Taurus Uranus (10-11°) – Our openness to expanding our creative self-expression is challenged by an intense inclination to move toward our emotional and spiritual Highest good, which challenges us to face and allow emotional and intellectual awareness of our collective social/human condition (especially as it’s reflected through mass broadcasting and social media); which leads to surprising shifts in our values, morals, and lifestyles, moving us away from our status quo and into individual and collective evolution. All of these elements come together to assist us in embracing our individual uniqueness and recognizing that the stability we’re seeking outside ourselves is found within us through our creative self-expression.

(Cancer Vesta conjunct Mercury) opposite Capricorn Saturn Retrograde (26-27°) – This reveals a passionate determination to have the voices of the people emotionally, physically, and psychologically impacted by the harsh decisions of our authoritarian and disciplinarian societal structures, heard and acknowledged. The question is whether or not those in the positions of “leadership” in those institutions will listen and/or even hear the voices of those impacted by their forceful methods.

Capricorn Jupiter Retrograde square (Aries Mars conjunct Black Moon Lilith) (19-21°) – There is a growing awareness of the limits our societal structures place upon us, which only intensifies our desire to grow beyond those limits. However, it would be wise to take actions to move beyond these limits as a matter of creating the conditions to be your True self completely. Otherwise, you may be acting out of ego – “you’re not the boss of me” energy – which may find you becoming more limited (or constrained) than free.

Capricorn Jupiter Retrograde sextile Pisces Neptune Retrograde (19-20°) – The growing awareness of the limits our societal structures place upon us does have a positive purpose, though. It helps us dream more realistically. Though current conditions may seem like a nightmare, being in the lowest of lows gives more realistic perspective. We’re less likely to go pie-in-the-sky when it comes to creating goals for ourselves. Yet the challenging times may also encourage our visionary and/or escapist ideals. In this scenario, be careful as you may become more evasive of and more in denial about reality as things progress.

Capricorn Pluto Retrograde sextile Pisces Neptune Retrograde (20-23°) – Personal and collective transformation come through awareness of how everyone and everything is interconnected. Though these are challenging times, trust that anything that impedes our evolution – anything that is collapsing or being destroyed right now is something that in some way is obstructing our transformation, preventing it from occurring. Space is being made for new and True to come into the world.

Pisces Neptune Retrograde semi-sextile (Aries Mars conjunct Black Moon Lilith) (19-21°) – The interconnection, though ideal in many ways, could also be seen as a distraction from ourselves and the actions we as individuals need to be taking. Seeking connection and Oneness with others may be more about our egos needing the validation, acceptance, compassion, and/or forgiveness of others rather than applying the effort to simply find where or with whom we can be accepted for taking action in alignment with who we actually are as individuals. Through this transit, the call is to recognize that the Oneness is found within our one-ness – within our individuality. Being our True selves fully self-expressed connects us more with each other and with All-That-Is authentically.

Pisces Ceres Retrograde sextile Taurus Uranus (10°) – Personal values rooted in Oneness are supported by the major revelations and shifts in the value of our lives and lifestyles within these social and societal structures. What is being revealed is a schism between the valuing or devaluing of actual human life, and the valuing or devaluing of the physical, material, and financial resources which support human life. As you begin to recognize which side of the schism you’re on, notice how this may be inspiring you to change course in your own personal life and lifestyle… and notice if you’re choosing to value the collective Oneness or your individual one-ness. (Hint: They’re interconnected!)

Leo 3 Sun trine Aries Chiron Retrograde (9-11°) – There’s a growing confidence that individual creative self-expression will be embraced right now if you can find the right outlet/vehicle for that expression. The thing is… when you find the courage to take those first steps beyond your usual self-expression comfort zone, you’ll build your confidence, and that confidence will help you begin healing your self-identity wounds. Don’t be afraid to step out, go your own way, and try something more True to your authentic self.

The energy of this 2020 Aquarius Full Moon will be felt from 31st July through 6th August 2020.
Use this time to forge the path for your creative self-expression to emerge. It’s time to go your own way… toward evolution.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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