The 2021 Cancer New Moon reaches its maximum phase at 6:16p PDT on Friday 9th July 2021 (18.02°). There’s a great deal of emotional energy moving within us and around us at this time, generating situations and fueling decisions which are more emotion-driven than they might be otherwise. We are in a heightened state of emotional awareness, though we may be having a difficult time discerning if we are expressing what we really feel, or if we’re expressing what we’ve been conditioned to feel. The energy of this Cancer New Moon phase will assist us in sorting all of that out, helping us reconnect with and feel our True selves again.

But this will require us to be honest with ourselves about the emotions we really and truly feel about ourselves and our lives.

For many of us, when we feel our emotions, our collective tendency is to rush around to alleviate any challenging emotional energies in order to promote and encourage positive emotions or a sense of “happiness”. Too many of us are quick to try to stop emotional discomfort as quickly and as thoroughly as possible, though often in superficial ways which may ease our internal discord for a short time, yet leave a trail of broken pieces of ourselves behind us. Because the issues causing the emotional discomfort are never really addressed and dealt with on a deeper level, these pieces often come back to us in some form, usually more obvious or painful than before, imploring us to seek resolution and healing for them, which is really resolution and healing for ourselves.

The important thing to remember which we often (purposely) overlook is that when we choose to confront the discomfort, we’re often taking our first steps on our path of healing. This is why this 2021 Cancer New Moon phase may prove much more profound than we realize – helping us discover our emotional healing path by bringing back people or situations which re-open past relationship wounds and/or re-surface long-present relationship patterns.

Over this 7-day period, we may notice we are (or have been) attracting the same type of emotional interactions again and again. Some of us may see it in our relationships with acquaintances, friends, and/or lovers. Some of us may see it in our workplace relationships with managers and/or co-workers. Especially with the Cancer influence, many of us may see this through an undeniable revisiting of the past in our family relationships. Some of us may even experience the return of people from past relationships we thought we were done and over with. The energy of this 2021 Cancer 3 Sun period, five retrogrades (Juno, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto), and the New Moon is likely to have one or more people or situations coming back around, trying to reconnect with us or re-enter our lives to help us learn and grow.

Understand that all of what is happening and/or coming back into your life now is meant to help you understand and address the fact that whatever emotional wounds you don’t do the work to heal now will continue to bring encounters and experiences which renew and reveal your emotional and spiritual pain. During this 2021 Cancer New Moon phase, many of us may need to acknowledge it’s becoming harder and harder for us to deny the past we haven’t wanted to face, the patterns we haven’t wanted to acknowledge, and the emotions about both we don’t want to feel and/or deal with. Yet the emotions are simply too powerful to ignore any longer. The emotional discomfort is too much to tolerate further.

Usually, there are some beliefs and behavioral patterns we tend to adopt and repeat in order to sustain emotional discord and discomfort in our lives. These beliefs and patterns are largely rooted in our perceptions of ourselves, keeping our emotional wounds open and vulnerable time after time, preventing emotional healing from occurring.

Regardless of which method(s) or pattern(s) you may recognize in yourself or others, understand that there’s a fundamental desire to feel good about ourselves and our lives underneath it all. When we feel emotional pain, it’s a message we’re acting out of alignment with our inner truth in some way. We know we are in denial about our parts in messy or painful relationships. We know we’ve played a role in the way things are playing or have played out. Even on a larger, more collective scale, we often know we may be or definitely are complicit in certain harmful behaviors against other individuals or possibly against humanity-at-large. We may also be aware that certain programs, systems, or beliefs we’ve participated in and/or perpetuated have done and may continue to do harm to or cause pain within others.

Our beliefs and behavior patterns are often what we use to manage our own individual/personal internal strife and/or protect ourselves from (further) emotional harm. However, there’s always a possibility for us to change course… if we choose to. But we must make that choice for ourselves. It’s up to us to make the choice to see our emotional selves fully, to break free of old beliefs and break through our old behavior patterns, to take the necessary steps to begin acknowledging and healing the emotional wounds, and then make the commitment to ourselves to follow through on honoring our emotional truth in our 1-on-1 relationships of all kinds, most especially in our 1-on-1 relationships with ourselves.

Everything that is happening right now is intended to bring you back to yourself – to bring you back to your emotional truth, to bring you back to your own inner knowing.

The numerology at the time of maximum phase supports this inward journey. This 2021 Cancer New Moon reaches its maximum phase on a 3 Universal Day in the Americas and all points west of it. With us also being in a 3 Universal Month, there’s a great deal of learning and growth to be had for people in these regions – more so than the rest of the world which will be experiencing a 4 Universal Day of stability, structure, and security. Outside the Americas and the Pacific Island regions, there is a sense that emotional stability is being sought or has begun to take form. There’s clarity where there wasn’t before, and this clarity is not only showing up in individuals defining themselves culturally, ideologically, and geographically, but also through people feeling empowered to take action in regard to their social and societal intuitions, trusting their individual and collective emotional truths as they initiate those actions. In the American and Pacific western regions, individuals and collective groups will still be going through a lot of questioning and uncertainty about what they are witnessing and/or experiencing in their personal lives and in their roles in their communities and/or in the world. People will need to either find definitive answers or they’ll be emotionally anxious or off-kilter because they’re not getting definitive answers. In both cases – and possibly in too many cases – people may not get the answers they wanted or hoped to hear, making them even more emotionally uncomfortable as the reality sets in that they won’t find the emotional “support” they seek outside of themselves. The answers they seek are going to be found within themselves.

With all of this occurring within a 5 Universal Year of unpredictability, change, and adaptation, there will be plenty to affirm in both these shifts in our self-perceptions and in how we feel about ourselves.

The astrological transits in effect during the 2021 Cancer New Moon’s maximum phase (3° orb) will give additional insights which will shed additional insights into the energies in play now. Here’s the list.

  • (Cancer Moon conjunct Cancer 3 Sun) semi-sextile (Leo Venus conjunct Mars) (15-18) – If you’ve ever wanted to know who people really are, this is the time to find out. Emotions always bring out both the best and worst in people, and this 2021 Cancer New Moon is no exception. This is the only major (multiple of 30°) transit involving the New Moon conjunction itself, so it’s especially telling that the conjunction’s energy leads to another conjunction emphasizing individual self-expression in 1-on-1 relationships of all kinds. There will absolutely be some ego-investment behind these expressions as individuals will reveal how they truly feel about their connections with others, for better and worse.
  • GRAND SQUARE: Pisces Pallas Athena square Gemini Mercury square Virgo Vesta square Sagittarius White Moon Selene (26-29) – Our collective emotional-spiritual-intuitive conditioning becomes more obvious as we recognize our collective and individual emotional patterns repeating. It’s proving very difficult to bring ourselves and others into new or different ways of thinking, speaking, and genuinely communicating with each other, not just talking at each other. There seems to be a stubborn determination to make the old ways work somehow – to find some sort of redemption in the way things have always been, in our relationships and in our societies and cultures. Yet deep within our individual and collective selves, each of us has a knowing that things must change, that our lofty ideals have been elusive for a reason, and it may be time to break the cycles and allow changes – healing, evolutionary changes – to finally begin.
  • SEQUENCE: Pisces Neptune Retrograde semi-sextile Aries Eris semi-sextile Taurus Ceres (23-24) – As more delusional ideals begin to collapse, more individuals become angry. Even though that anger may be projected onto others, it is really anger at oneself for believing in lies and deceptions. The shift in personal values may be profound as result – a sudden swing to the other side of where one once stood in their beliefs, principles, and practices. This transit holds the makings of rebellion, but that rebellious energy is likely to lead to an individual personal choice to act in alignment with a greater collective vision. The big collective change won’t happen overnight, but it begins with a single step, and individuals will begin taking those steps now – individually yet intuitively and spiritually together.
  • BLESSING TRIANGLE: Capricorn Pluto Retrograde sextile Pisces Neptune Retrograde sextile Taurus Ceres (23-25) – The more the old structures and old standards of success prove to be outdated and crumbling, the more we are collectively forced to emotionally, spiritually, and intuitively reassess our ideals and values. As we begin to recognize that our world really has changed and our old lifestyle values no longer fit the reality of the world we are living in, we begin to question what a new vison and aspiration might look and feel like. The key to manifestation is to feel the potential reality of what we envision – to really personalize it and trust it’s possible to bring it into our personal experience. It may not be exactly as we hope or expect, and it may not arrive exactly how we envisioned, but we’ll always get how we want to feel as result of it. The danger here is becoming attached to the feeling rather than keeping our focus on the reality. If anything, this configuration reminds us to dream a bigger dream, but remember where we’re starting and what we’re facing to get there. Miracles often take more work than we believe they should, but they can happen if we choose to do our (internal) emotional and spiritual work which reconnects us with our common Source.
  • Aries Chiron trine Leo Venus (12-15) – Creative self-expression helps you heal! The more you allow yourself to be yourself, the more you learn to love yourself. This is not only how your self-healing begins, it’s also how authentic and enduring connections begin – when people can see you for who you truly are and emotionally affirm and/or support you if they choose to.
  • Capricorn Pluto Retrograde square Aries Eris (24-25) – People who define themselves by the outgoing societal standards and norms are getting restless. They know the goalposts are moving, and that change is inevitable… and this makes people very angry. If you’re angry, ask yourself why. What societal standard or norm are you afraid to lose? And how would it change your self-identity if you could no longer define yourself by it?
  • NODAL BOWL: (Sagittarius Juno Retrograde conjunct South Node) sextile Aquarius Saturn Retrograde sextile Aries Chiron sextile Gemini North Node (10-12) – The commitment to old commitments and old wisdom is proving to be much stronger than expected… but so it the resolve of the people who are determined to change it and embrace their unique self-expression in both local and global community, and those in positions of power are beginning to feel that pushback now. As people seek self-healing, they also begin to seek out new ways of thinking, speaking, and seeing the people and the world around them, becoming increasingly ready for something truly new, not a return to the past.
  • Aquarius Saturn Retrograde square Taurus Uranus (11-14) – This is a double-whammy of ‘the status quo must change.’ Though it seems to be a collective influence at first, you may find yourself beginning to experience this on a personal level as well. Do you recognize how much you may have changed yourself to fit in with others? And is the way you see yourself and your personal lifestyle changing as result of your growing self-awareness?
  • Taurus Uranus square Leo (Venus conjunct Mars) (14-17) – As more individuals contemplate personal lifestyle changes, more of the people in relationship (of any kind) with them notice the shift. You’ll see a domino effect in which you’ll begin to see how individuals define themselves by their relationships (of all kinds) with others, and you’ll see how they respond when someone changes the way they relate to them. This is especially important when people make major lifestyle changes, take on new activities or interests, and/or start setting behavioral or social boundaries. Individuals embracing their unique self-expression can be confronting for the people they are in relationship with. Be ready for some ego-driven challenges and conflicts to arise.

The energy of this 2021 Cancer New Moon will be influencing us from Tuesday 6th July through Monday 12th July 2021. Throughout this time, notice how you feel inwardly about what is happening around you. You’ll learn a great deal about yourself and how you are choosing to move through the world as it is now. You’ll also have a clearer self-perspective from which you can choose how you want to heal then invest your emotional energies in healthier and more positive ways.

No matter which way you choose to approach this emotional self-exploration, once you understand and accept that everything happening right now is trying to bring you back to yourself, it becomes less of a fight against an uncertain future and more of a choice to seek freedom from your past.

It’s time to let go and let yourself feel your True self.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next time…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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