This Aquarius Full Moon is the first of two Aquarius Full Moons we will experience in 2021, reaching its maximum phase at 7:37p PDT on Friday 23rd July 2021 (1.44°) in the Americas and all points west of them, and Saturday 24th July 2021 in the majority of the world.

Aquarius (fixed air) and its opposing sign, Leo (fixed fire), represent what I call “The Axis of Expression”. Both of these signs refer to our individual self-expression. However, where Leo represents our individual self-expression and what we create from our inner Truth, Aquarius represents how we choose to share our unique self-expression and creations with others in our communities if not the world.

These two signs present an interesting paradox, one in which we as humans create our societies, yet we then allow our societies to influence how we create ourselves to be within them. We often forget that we ourselves have chosen the parameters of our self-expression as well as our standards of what is socially acceptable in expressing ourselves. In many ways, we choose to hold ourselves and each other back from what could be possible through curbing truly creative individual self-expression, and therefore, we hold ourselves – as humanity – back from what could be created for all of human kind as well as for the world and all its beings through unique individuals coming together for a common purpose.

Yet during this first 2021 Aquarius Full Moon phase, there are no Saturn transits within 3° orb which means there is no specific energetic restriction in play. In fact, this particular Aquarius Full Moon phase is opening doors and presenting us with opportunities to change the societies we created in the past and reconfigure them now for the present and the future… if we choose to move through them into new and different experiences of ourselves and our lives.

This Aquarius Full Moon, reflecting the light of the Leo Sun, is asking us to look at our individual selves in the context of our social circles, our networks, our communities, and humanity as a whole. Do the people we spend our time with really know us – do they really know how we think, how we feel, how we approach things, and why? As we seek ways to shine the light of our individual self-expressions, are the people around us seeing, hearing, and knowing us truly, or are they too caught up in seeking our agreement and alignment with their perspectives? Do we feel encouraged to be our True selves, or discouraged or disempowered to shine? The Aquarius Moon reflects this light of Leo’s unique and creative self-expression, bringing forth emotions through our experiences or assumptions of how we’re seen or perceived by others in our associations with them… but those emotions are really less about the other people and reveal more about how we individually feel in the associations and/or environments we’ve either co-created or chosen to be in.

As we begin seeking ways to express ourselves authentically, we’ve begun to recognize just how significant the shifts in our societal structures and routines have been. It’s clear that we are no longer living in our old normal, yet a new normal hasn’t stabilized. So, as we continue this transition from the old normal to the new one emerging, we’re being encouraged to get in tune with how we really want to feel about ourselves and the way we choose to live our lives, and getting in touch with these feelings may find our beliefs and values about our societies and communities changing. These are very uncertain times, a state of being which is right in Aquarius’ wheel house.

Aquarius is known for raising awareness of society and humanity on a large scale because it rules over our technologies and our sciences, and how those studies and creations affect us all as a society. As result, mass communication/broadcasting are also included under Aquarius’ umbrella as technology plays a pivotal role in how information is distributed within our communities and around the world. Mass communication and broadcasting are areas which hold major influence over many of us right now, affecting how we individually and collectively think, speak, choose, and behave as we seek leadership outside of ourselves instead of tuning into our intuition and emotion for guidance.

However, Aquarius is also very well known for its eccentric and rebellious nature – its willingness to explore outside of social and cultural norms and entertain different, unusual, and often unexpected ideas. As much as it can support the societies of its creation, Aquarius can also challenge or rebel against them, often through intellectual and communicative means. When this happens, it’s often due to individuals realizing how much a created society is limiting their individual creativity and/or self-expression. If someone doesn’t feel like they can be themselves, they will assert their individual self-expression by going silent, by disrupting the status quo, and/or walking out.

We’re seeing both expressions of Aquarian energy now.

The big lesson in this first Aquarius Full Moon is that as much as you may seek belonging and community, the fact of the matter is you are an individual. Other individuals may accompany you on parts of your journey, but the reality of it all is… you must know yourself and know your worth to know where you belong, and to learn where you truly belong, you must find a place where you can be all of yourself fully and truly expressed. You will be accepted by those who see, embrace, and encourage you to shine your light while they simultaneously shine their own. When you find a way to shine your light and have others around you shine theirs, you realize you shine brighter together than you ever could alone. This is the power of the Aquarius-Leo axis, and this is why it’s so important to know and shine your own light fully. Your authentic, unique, and fully-expressed self is needed, now more than ever.

The numerology of this Aquarius Full Moon gives more depth to this growing awareness of one’s freedom of self-expression.

This first Aquarius Full Moon of 2021 is occurring on an 8 Universal Day in the Americas and Pacific regions, revealing that much of the self-expression and community awareness energy will be focused on themes of power, control, and influence. How do you make yourself seen, heard, and known in your 1-on-1 relationships and your group associations and affiliations? Do you have power in the circles you’re currently moving in, or do you feel powerless within them? Do you feel like you’re making powerful and valuable contributions to your groups, or do you feel like you’re not contributing as much as you could? Are your contributions being acknowledged, or are they being ignored? The changes are yours to make, but they’re also yours to choose. Too many people are willing to stay where they are because they’re too afraid to lose the sense of belonging they have being part of groups which, ironically enough, they don’t really belong to.

This first Aquarius Full Moon is occurring on a 9 Universal Day in the rest of the world, revealing how many peoples are done with certain conditions and circumstances in their lives and in their circles, or how certain conditions are coming to an end and transitioning into their new forms. In these regions, many of these endings are coming whether people want them or not – they either get to accept them or resist them, and acceptance is much easier to move through this time with than resistance. In these regions, it’s also a matter of choice, only the choice is simpler to make because the circumstances aren’t as flexible because the endings are already underway. It’s now a matter of coming to terms with the course that has been set… which some people will have a difficult time with.

Both energies are occurring under the influence of a 3 Universal Month of learning, growth, and expansion and a 5 Universal Year of variety, change, and adaptability. People are being asked to adapt to the changing world, and simultaneously, grow up both in their self-awareness and their emotional intelligence to deal with the changes. This won’t be an easy time for most of us, even if you’ve been on your self-awareness journey for a while, but it will definitely be a revealing one. It’s a period of experiential education that will reveal you and other people for where they are in their both their intellectual and emotional journeys. It will also encourage people to seek out places, spaces, and affiliations which support the growth they choose to have.

The astrological transits within 3° orb at the time of this Aquarius Full Moon’s maximum phase also bring more specifics about how these eccentric, creative energies might be expressed at this time.

GRAND TRINE/KITE: Aquarius Moon trine Gemini Black Moon Lilith sextile Leo 3 Sun sextile Libra Vesta (0-2°) – There’s an emotional need to contribute to something greater than one’s self alone, yet also an ego-driven need to be heard, a need to be acknowledged as individual, and a powerful desire to work in dedicated and earnest partnership with others. The point of the kite it the Leo Sun, which is the driving energy in this configuration encouraging you to seek others who see, acknowledge, and celebrate your Light.

SEQUENCE: Capricorn White Moon Selene semi-sextile Aquarius Moon semi-sextile Pisces Jupiter Retrograde (0-1°) – Though everything may be well-intended, you may find yourself pursuing societally-accepted ambitions as a way of connecting and creating a sense of belonging with others. Yet this path may prove emotionally challenging as those you seek belonging with may be pressuring you to grow in directions you don’t want to grow. Pay attention to how you feel as you seek your place in community or group environments.

SEQUENCE: Leo 3 Sun semi-sextile Virgo Venus semi-sextile Libra Vesta (0-2°) – It’s one thing to give yourself permission to let your unique brilliance be known. From there, it’s finding other people who are supportive of your self-expression as a matter of day-to-day life – people who accept you as you uniquely are, who are willing to fully express who they uniquely are, who you accept as they uniquely are, and both of you are dedicated to making your partnership (in whatever form it may take) work.

Capricorn Pluto Retrograde square Aries Eris Retrograde (24-25°) – The world is changing, which means you’re changing, yet it also means other people are changing, too. Keep that in mind as you seem to experience a lot more anger and hate from others. Understand it’s because so many people are fearful and angry about the uncertainty of the world. They’re not sure how to express their fear and frustration, so they’re taking it out on others. This doesn’t excuse their behavior, but hopefully, it brings some sense to a situation which is likely to continue for some time.

Capricorn Pluto Retrograde quincunx Leo Mars (25-26°) – Societies around the world are in the midst of massive transformation, and more than a few people are not happy about it. There’s a great deal of anger bubbling up to the surface as people are believing their self-identities and/or self-expressions are being compromised or denied. The thing is… the changes that are bringing this threat aren’t personal – they’re global, and that’s what makes them so upsetting for so many people. They’re starting to realize they aren’t as exceptional as they believed they were or thought they should be. This is a rather harsh reality check.

Capricorn Pluto Retrograde trine Taurus Ceres (25-27°) – As societies transform, the personal values of people within those societies must also transform. What do you value most, and are you living in alignment with what you value most? If ever a time to reassess your values all around – your social values, what you value most in life, and your own intrinsic value to society, now’s the time. You are encouraged and empowered in honoring your True values now.

Aries Eris Retrograde trine Leo Mars (24-26°) – Anger and frustration come to a head now, and you begin to realize if you don’t take action now, you may not get a say in how your circumstances change. The key to navigating this is to figure out if you have a legitimate issue to be angry about or if your upset and frustration are simply a matter of bruised ego and not getting your way. If you truly have a valid grievance that’s not ego-driven, it’s time to do something about it. Opportunities will present themselves, but you have to be willing to walk through one of the open doors.

Pisces Jupiter Retrograde opposite Virgo Venus (0-2°) – Awareness of the grandeur of our ideals, visions, and possible delusions grows as our partners of all kinds are unafraid to keep us grounded in practical reality. This isn’t to discourage us from pursuing the realization our visions, but it is to remind us that there’s an everyday reality which must also be attended to. If we can’t handle the day-to-day, how are we supposed to handle our wildest dreams?

Pisces Neptune Retrograde trine Cancer Mercury (21-22°) – There’s a growing need to communicate how you individually feel about the changing visions and ideals about what is possible for the future. However, the future cannot be created from a nostalgia for the past. As it becomes more clear that some of the aspiration is rooted in denial of change, it will be important to acknowledge that there won’t be and cannot be a return to what was. If we are to move forward, we must be willing to let go of the old and explore what’s possible moving forward.

The first Aquarius Full Moon of 2021 will be felt from Tuesday 20th July through Monday 26th July 2021, leaving the doors open for us to walk through toward paths of full self-expression of our creative power in contribution to something bigger than ourselves. However, the Leo New Moon on Sunday 8th August will be a powerful day of revelation and realization, bringing opportunities to break the patterns which keep us locked in other people’s visions and allow us to reconnect with our own personal visions for ourselves and our own lives. It’s followed by the second Aquarius Full Moon on Sunday, 22nd August which will be (and feel like) the closing of the doors which have opened during this first Aquarius Full Moon while simultaneously providing an opportunity for each and all of us to commit to our chosen visions and paths, seeking community with others who share part of our vision. This entire Aquarius-Leo cycle is intended to remind us that we are individuals yet we cannot be all of who we get to be in this world alone. We each and all bring something to the table so we can all shine and thrive.

Remember, your authentic, unique, and fully-expressed self is needed, now more than ever..

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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