The first New Moon phase of 2022 reaches its maximum phase in the sign of Capricorn at 10:33a PST on Sunday, 2nd January 2021 (12.33°). This is the first major moon phase of the new calendar year, and being a New Moon phase, it comes at a perfect time for bringing the energy of new beginnings and fresh starts.

Yet this 2022 Capricorn New Moon feels in many ways more like “a beginning of an end” rather than a completely new beginning. Why?

Capricorn is a cardinal earth energy. Though it’s popularly known as the tenth sign of the Zodiac focused on career/professional/public persona, ambitions, goals, and societal status; I also interpret it as the driving force behind the earth element triad of the Zodiac. You’ve got to know what your goal is (Capricorn) in order to know what resources you’ll need to achieve it (Taurus) in order to know how to put those resources to use effectively (Virgo) in order to achieve your goal (Capricorn). The manifestation/realization cycle of the earth triad begins, ends, and begins again in Capricorn.

Capricorn is also ruled by the planet Saturn, which is known for being “the father/authority/disciplinarian” of the Zodiac. It has a harsh, authoritarian presence which encourages focus and discipline in order to achieve goals. It also happens to be moving through the sign of Aquarius right now, indicating how old rules and standards for social and societal success may be evolving as humanity evolves into a Higher consciousness; but it also indicates possible resistance to and limitations being placed on humanity’s evolution by individuals, institutions, and structures in positions of societal power. That all said, Saturn’s rulership is what gives Capricorn its stern and serious nature…

… which is why this new calendar year and 2022 Capricorn New Moon phase pairing isn’t exactly bringing the happiest of happies. There’s a lot of serious stuff happening right now in and around our lives, and we’re beginning to deal with the consequences of keeping things “light and fun” for way too long. Everything has an equal and opposite reaction – it’s the natural balance of nature and the Universe – and we’re experiencing that equal and opposite now in our societies, communities, and in our individual lives. This 2022 Capricorn New Moon reminds us that in order for us to earnestly begin reaching our goals and realizing our dreams, there are some heavy realities we must face, and there will be some challenges to overcome as we move through, and in some cases, break through those realities.

There’s plenty of celestial body influence moving through the sign of Capricorn right now (Sun, Moon, Juno, Venus Retrograde, White Moon Selene, and Pluto), which is encouraging us to set intentions and goals for our next 12-month cycle. It’s important that any intentions and goals you set are ones you’re emotionally invested in achieving because they align with your True self. Without your emotional investment, you won’t be able to follow through on the steps necessary to stay aligned with your intentions and/or to achieve your goals when challenges come up. Even if you’re still committed to achieving your goals, your motivations may change…

… and that’s because despite all of the Capricorn focus and discipline in place right now, having Jupiter, Pallas Athena, and Neptune in Pisces reveals an increasing need to dream bigger dreams, hold greater visions… and this tends to encourage people to keep things positive or optimistic by any means necessary. Yet for too many, those feel-good efforts are actually motivated by escapism, idealism, and/or delusion – an unwillingness to deal with the realities at hand. Yes, on a larger scale, this could indicate more people sharing a common vision of what is possible for us as a collective humanity interconnected with our planet and Source. Yet this could also indicate a growing avoidance or denial of what could prevent those visions from ever being realized.

This 2022 Capricorn New Moon isn’t a call for negativity or pessimism, but it is a call for reality, and too many people need to face reality right now. Yet in order to face the realities of their life and the world around them, they must first grieve their delusions – their lofty dreams and ideals that will not or cannot be realized – if they’re going to reach their goals. This is the hard part, because grief never feels good… at first. None of us really enjoy feeling our pain, especially our emotional pain. This is usually what many of us are determined to avoid – actually acknowledging our feelings of pain, disappointment, anger, grief.

Yet on the other side of that pain is the freedom and sense of possibility we crave. On the other side is the inspiration and determination we seek which will support our growth, our ambition, and our “success”. The other side of our pain brings the realization and manifestation of our intentions and goals. We just have to be willing to let go of our façades of happiness to express and release our pain so we no longer need the façades and can express genuine positivity, optimism, and happiness in our lives, even in the face of challenges. The genuine expression comes through knowing we are acting in alignment with our inner Truths, and by doing so, we are contributing to a shift in our collective values and priorities. Our personal, local, societal, and global standards and rules for success are beginning to change because the majority of us are changing…for the better.

Numerologically, this New Moon is occurring on a 9 Universal Day in the majority of the world. However, it’s occurring on a 1 Universal Day in Eastern nations. The 9 day brings energy of completions, endings, and closures – an interesting type of energy to have at the beginning of a new calendar year. The 1 day brings energy of fresh starts, new beginnings, and initiative actions – energies which are ideal for the beginning of a new calendar year. This is all happening at the beginning of a 7 Universal Month of intellect, analysis, and contemplation which encourages each of us to think for ourselves and consider what is best for us individually; and the beginning of a 6 Universal Year of nurturing, care, health, and healing through practical effort (a.k.a. – work). This care includes pragmatic and physical work and support as well as emotional and moral work and support. After all of the major changes and minor adjustments made in 2021, 2022 encourages us to nurture and otherwise tend to what we want to have blossom into full manifestation a couple years from now.

For the regions and people experiencing the 9 day energy, you’ll likely experience this as closure or an ending in one or more aspects of your life. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, especially if you’ve been going through a rough time for a while prior to this Capricorn New Moon. That said, matters may be a bit more challenging before the upswing. It’s also important for you to acknowledge and possibly grieve the endings which are happening in your life as many of the things coming to an end are likely structures or relationships which have been in place so long, you likely were taking their presence for granted.

For those experiencing the 1 day energy, you’ll likely have that clean slate feeling, and will likely be eager to take steps to move yourself forward. This is excellent energy to have paired up with the new calendar year and the Capricorn New Moon! However, you may be so eager to get started, you might rush things along a bit too soon. It’s great to be inspired into action, yet it’s also important not to force matters. Allow some things to develop in their own time if you want them to last for a while… or in some cases, to even move forward at all.

For a deeper dive into the astrological transits in effect during this 2022 Capricorn New Moon phase (3° orb), here are the specifics:

  • (Capricorn Moon conjunct Capricorn 7 Sun) trine Taurus Uranus Retrograde (10-12°) – An emotional need to 1) express and release any (emotional energy around goals achieved and/or failed, and 2) to emotionally and intellectually invest in setting and pursuing new goals is empowered by evolving social values. There’s a reassessment in progress about what is really important in life – what truly defines success, and what our individual and collective life priorities should be. As we experience things in ways many of us have never expected or experienced before, we may notice our values and definitions of success are changing… or that we’re beginning to demand that they change.
  • STELLIUM: Capricorn Venus Retrograde conjunct Black Moon Lilith conjunct Pluto (22-25°) – Recognize your partner(s)’ ambitions and goals and the abilities they may have to navigate societal structures and institutions in order to either find power and success within them and/or to find ways to transform them from the inside-out. This may also indicate how (outdated) societal traditions, norms, and expectations may be preventing your partnerships of all kinds from becoming as powerful as they could be.
    • semi-sextile Sagittarius Vesta (25°) – There’s a determination to grow, thrive, and expand the reach of your knowledge, which may demand societal transformation as the current societal structures may be limiting or obstructing your ability to share your knowledge with others in some way
    • square Aries Eris Retrograde (23°) – You and/or your partner’s goals may be driven by a desire for retribution or justice in a matter in which you/they feel wronged or betrayed in some way. Be aware of this motive behind your goals, as if this is the case, you may want to realign your intentions with your personal growth and goals – a more positive, self-affirming intention rather than one which is negatively focused on others
  • NODAL T-SQUARE: Sagittarius South Node square Pisces Jupiter square (Taurus Ceres conjunct Gemini North Node) (28-1°) – The old ways of looking at the world and the new ways which question them find themselves in a battle of ideals and beliefs. The challenge here is for those who idealize the old ways as individuals’ personal values are shifting in favor of the new ways, putting more pressure on those attached to the old ways to widen their minds and world views. But there are deep-seeded beliefs in play here, and plenty of idealism to cling to. Many of those who are set in their ways will be in denial of the results of their long-held world views, and will cling to their delusions of what was and/or what should be because they’ve defined themselves by them. For them, to lose their ideological battles would mean losing themselves and everything they’ve stood for. As result, the energy of this configuration will not be easy to move through. In fact, it may be the most challenging element of this 2022 Capricorn New Moon – overcoming the delusions of those who have such deep faith in something that is failing not only them, but really all of humanity.
  • Aquarius Saturn square Taurus Uranus Retrograde (10-12°) – People are seeking stability, security, and comfort in the social and societal structures they’ve always relied upon. Yet those structures and the values they’re built upon are evolving as result of people evolving. This is upsetting for others who are not evolving (or who aren’t evolving as quickly), and they are putting up a great deal of resistance to the changes in progress. The challenge is in whether or not those in positions of authority are supportive of the progression of humanity, or if they are supportive of its regression. It’ll be pretty easy to see right now which communities and cultures are moving forward into evolution and which ones are sliding backward into obsoletion. (NOTE: The ones moving forward are listening to their people’s voices and concerns, and addressing them, creating a higher quality of life for them and all involved. The ones moving backward are trying to hold onto their worldviews for dear life, regardless of what people have to say about their approach.)
  • Aries Chiron semi-sextile Taurus Uranus Retrograde (8-10°) – Individuals are hurting, and their pain is what is evolving their personal values and social/societal views. Don’t be surprised when people you thought you knew surprise you with new life priorities. It’s part of their evolution, and it may challenge or inspire you to consider your own… and may challenge or inspire others to reconsider theirs as well.
  • Capricorn Pluto trine Taurus Uranus Retrograde (25-28°) – The major shifts occurring in our societal structures are the results of the changing perspectives and values of the individuals within the society itself. As a collective consensus forms and public opinion shifts, the powers-that-be are being asked to adapt to public opinion. However, the more rigid the institutions are about maintaining their status quo, the more those asks are likely to become demands. Whether those in power change course or not, this combination of energies indicates powerful, profound, transformative societal change is underway.
  • Sagittarius Mars square Pisces Pallas Athena (14-16°) – Actions being taken to expand one’s worldview will challenge an emotionally comfortable pattern of behavior for you. As you see and experience things you didn’t expect, it may bring a hard check to your beliefs and ideals as the actual, factual reality isn’t what you were led to believe it was.

This 2022 Capricorn New Moon is an excellent time to assess what you need to not only release, but also grieve in order to truly move on into your present and your future. This seems like a strange process for the start of a new calendar year, yet it’s a necessary one in order for you to let go of what needs to be cleared from you and your life so you can truly accept what’s coming into your life. The realization of your intentions and manifestation of your goals cannot be received with hands and hearts already full of the past. The pain of the past must be released and the grief of that pain must be expressed for you to be open to the experience of a more peaceful and positive future.

It’s more likely you’ll experience the “optimistic” newness of 2022 during the Lunar New Year (the Aquarius New Moon on 1st February 2022) or the Spring Equinox (on 20th March 2022). The Lunar New Year is likely to be more of time for finding new partners and/or collaborators with common goals, each of you contributing to each other’s progress while progressing a collective vision; and the Spring Equinox is likely to be a time for taking action toward your goals – actions which may break some harmful self-sabotage patterns, finally healing some old self-identity wounds, and enabling you to be truly ready for the good you’ve intended to manifest in your life.

But for now, let yourself face the realities of what is happening now. Let yourself feel it, grieve it, and release it. Then, experience magic unfolding in your life as your open hands and open heart will be able to receive.

The energy of this 2022 Capricorn New Moon can be felt and worked with from Thursday 30th December 2021 through Wednesday 5th January 2022.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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