Even though the 2022 Aquarius New Moon reaches its maximum phase at 9:36p PST on Monday 31st January 2022 (12.33°) here in the western United States, this New Moon phase will reach max phase for most of the world on Tuesday 1st February.

The 2022 Aquarius New Moon marks the Lunar New Year, which for many cultures is celebrated more so than the collectively-agreed upon Gregorian Calendar New Year. “The Year of the Black Water Tiger” (officially beginning on 1st February 2022), Tiger years are known for being years for pursuing one’s ambitions and building one’s wealth. However, with the Moon’s presence in conjunction with the Sun’s Light, there’s a great deal of emotional energy as well, and with one’s emotions invested in one’s worldly and/or financial ambitions, family and friends could feel emotionally neglected. This could also prove to be a personally transformative year as both existing and new relationships show you who can and will emotionally support and encourage you as you pursue your dreams and goals.

With the Black Water Tiger Eastern Astrology designation for 2022, there’s no surprise how well it meshes with what’s happening in the Western Astrology during this New Moon phase. Though this is an Aquarius New Moon phase (conjunction of Sun and Moon), there’s a lot of action in the sign of Capricorn right now. Mercury Retrograde, Venus, Mars, Juno, Vesta, White Moon Selene, and Pluto are all moving through Capricorn; and with the Sun, Moon, and Capricorn’s ruling planet Saturn in Aquarius; this is a far more serious time than most Aquarius Sun periods. This isn’t to say that Aquarius isn’t a serious sign. It is to say that with so many Capricorn/Saturn signatures present, this is a time far more focused and intentional about the future we’re creating… and in some cases, about the past many of us are trying to hold onto.

On a collective level, we’re witnessing and experiencing a return of the Uranus placements right now. The last time Uranus moved through Taurus was from 1934-1942, which was the emergence, pinnacle, and fall of Nazi Germany. We’re now witnessing an attempted resurgence of those racist/genocidal and authoritarian/fascist themes in national and global politics around the world. The difference between now and then? Back in the mid-1930s and early 1940s, Pluto was traveling through the sign of Cancer, transforming emotional and interpersonal individual and family dynamics as families and communities were torn apart. This time around, Pluto is moving through the opposite sign of Capricorn, transforming not only our societies but our global power dynamics as well. And with Neptune currently in Pisces now as opposed to the Neptune in Virgo back then, there’s a collective awareness of how all of humanity, all beings, our planet, and the Universe are truly interconnected and how all of it needs to be served in the spirit of Oneness. There’s far less tolerance of division and violence than there was in the past, especially in humanity’s younger generations. Now, there’s little to no acceptance of mindsets and practices in which destruction, violence, and genocide are acceptable, despite the fact that there are still groups trying to push for these methods as a means to a long-desired end. These factors are what makes this moment in our time and especially this 2022 Aquarius New Moon and Lunar New Year so profound. There’s a much greater awareness of the “crimes against humanity’ happening now because there’s more awareness of the human condition – past and present – than there ever has been before.

Aquarius is known as the sign representing humanity-at-large while encouraging individual self-expression within it. It also encourages rebellion against societal norms, innovative advances in technology and mass communication, the evolution of society and humanity, and celebrations of eccentricity and true originality (as in things truly never done or existing before). It celebrates and encourages unique individual self-expression, and though this can lead some people to exile themselves from society and live a life of solitude, it can also lead some people to embrace their uniqueness of individual expression in collaboration with others in ways which create something greater together than any one of them could create alone. This is an energy of coming together, but it can also represent a coming apart so things can be brought back together in a collectively positive way.

One of the most interesting things about what’s happening now is that Saturn – Capricorn’s ruling planet – is moving through the sign of Aquarius now. In some cases, it’s trying to slow the evolution of humanity in its efforts to uphold “traditions” or “the way things have always been”. In more and most cases, it’s becoming more serious in its determination to evolve humanity. The Aquarius Sun is making a significant contribution by bringing institutional and social corruption and reckless to light in order to encourage personal and collective discipline and focus to be restored and stabilized. While all of this is happening, Capricorn Pluto is transforming societies on the institutional, structural, and “professional” levels, Taurus Uranus is shifting our collective and personal values in unexpected ways, and Pisces Neptune is inspiring us to create a future that takes everyone and everything into consideration.

But it’s the Aquarius Sun and the Moon’s conjunction with it that are doing the real work right now as the more the Sun brings to light, the more the 2022 Aquarius New Moon encourages us to feel our emotions about what is being revealed to us now. Many of us are feeling disillusioned, betrayed, angry, and sad about what is being exposed. These emotions have people discussing ways to rebel against what is happening, or to start a revolution to claim or reclaim what we feel is being lost.

As revelations of factual and undeniable Truth keep coming, talk of rebellion and/or revolution in order to facilitate or eliminate humanity’s evolution keeps coming as well. However, this talk of rebellion – wherever it may be coming from – stems from perceptions that things in society are out of balance, and that they need to be balanced in order to be “fair” and “just.” The determination to bring balance, fairness, and justice to social and/or societal matters is intense, but the question that determination must address and answer is whether or not our social and/or societal matters can be brought into balance, or if they’re so far out of balance that the only way forward is move into something completely new and different from anything before.

The thing is… in order for humanity’s evolution to continue forward, people must be willing to let go of values and priorities which are very personal to them, or which have been conditioned into their psyches from a very young age. For many people, some of these values and priorities are simply “how the world works” or “the way things have always been done”, and even if they’ve said they’re committed to progress, their actions betray their words and prove they’re not really interested in changing course. Yet as the physical and/or material realities around them change more significantly and rapidly, people are finding it harder and harder to justify their comfortable worldviews and their behaviors aligned with those views.

Some people have been triggered into frustration and anger with how these social and societal changes are pushing them, making them even more resistant to the natural evolutions of humanity and society. In fact, they’re being so stubborn, they’re actually trying to regress matters back to what they’re most familiar with, most comfortable with, and most determined to accomplish… subjecting everyone else to their worldview – a worldview that is no longer aligned with humanity’s evolution. This tug-o-war between the progression and regression of humanity is where these calls for rebellion and revolution are coming from.

Yet in order for a rebellion or a revolution to take place in a significant way, there must first be collaboration. Individuals must find others of like mind, then feel that they have something unique to contribute to the advancement of the community of those like-minded individuals. The individuality component is where rebellion and revolution diverge because rebellion can be an individual/solo act, but revolution requires individuals coming together in common purpose to achieve a collectively beneficial goal.

The major questions coming up during this 2022 Aquarius New Moon aren’t about why are these rebellions happening now. They’re about what the objectives/goals/results these rebellions are trying to achieve or accomplish. What is the desired end result?

These questions about desired results bring the second point. A rebellion cannot become a revolution without a clearly-defined and clearly-communicated common purpose motivated by collective benefit. And under the influence of this 2022 Aquarius New Moon, many people are realizing that most if not all of the current rebellions do not have a desired goal or result beyond saying ‘no’ to something.

It’s not It’s not enough to say “I don’t want to do that” or “I don’t believe in that”, because then you have to ask yourself what you do want to do and/or what you do believe in.

A rebellion is simply a “no”. Even if you find others to collaborate with you on saying ‘no’, that’s still only a rebellion because it’s only against something – it’s not for anything.

But a revolution is a ‘no’ which also includes and/or is followed by a ‘yes’, and for other people to collaborate with you toward a common purpose and goal, you need to know and align in mind and heart with both what you’re saying ‘no’ to and what you’re saying ‘yes’ to.

It doesn’t stop there.

The fact is that most people are seeking a sense of belonging to something bigger than themselves needs to be considered. People want, and in some cases, need to know that their individual presence means something to others, and that there are others they can align themselves with.

Yet humanity is moving beyond hierarchy, competition, and “win at all costs and by any means necessary” ways of being. Community and collaboration are now the ways forward in many if not all situations. More evolved individuals, groups, and entities are seeking ways to work together to figure out ways to move everyone forward together in harmony and peace while maintaining unique individual expression in the process. This is what the 2022 Aquarius New Moon is bringing to the fore – the awakening to, awareness of, and emotional investment in a world in which we can all work together to bring us all together, rather than continuing to divide, compete, and conquer each other to our collective detriment.

This is reflected in the numerology of this 2022 Aquarius New Moon, which actually has two completely different sets of numbers! For most of North America and all points west, this will be an 11 Universal Day and the last day of a 7 Universal Month in a 6 Universal Calendar Year. For the eastern time zones of North America and the rest of the world, this will be a 9 Universal Day in an 8 Universal Month in the same 6 Universal Calendar Year. These are two very different energy signatures which somewhat reflect the turning tides.

In the 11 UD/7 UM group, the energies reflect the awakening to truth as more and more social and societal reality is being brought to light. The response to this growing consciousness is an equally-growing collective desire to come together in collaboration with others to create conditions which bring community and harmony for all. There’s a great deal of research, thought, and analysis being put into exploring all possibilities and options for how to make this happen. Yet there’s also a great deal of energy being put into how to prevent these truths from being brought to light. These prevention methods are likely to employ the structures of mass communication and societal order which are already in place. The more the prevention tactics emerge, the stronger the effort to deny or reject them. It’s an interesting dynamic as people collaborate to figure out what is real and true, and what is being used to deceive or deny.

Meanwhile, in Eastern North America and the rest of the world, the 9UD/8UM energies reflect the phasing-out of old standards of achievement, power, control, and influence. Though New Moons often herald new beginnings and fresh starts, this is a new beginning born from the gradual ending of an outdated era. This will feel more like a dissolution rather than a blunt destruction; an acceptance rather than a caustic argument. This completion will be clear, and will mark a critical shift in the way power and influence are wielded in the world. The tone is being set for the evolution of humanity to be the priority moving forward, and those who are mindful of the people will be the ones who will hold and wield power in the world. The emerging leaders of the world understand that empowering all people to be mindful of each other – how we treat each other, how we support each other, how we celebrate each other, and how we collaborate to create community with each other through a community of the world is now the collective goal.

What does all of this collective change mean for you personally?

There will still be many of you who resist these emerging values and changing standards. You’ll do your best to regress the innovative progress being made in the world. You’ll be more determined than ever to manifest the ways you believe the world to be, and you may be determined to see your beliefs manifest to prove your correctness about “how the world is.” You’re not only determined to make your dreams (or delusions) your reality, you’re determined to make your reality the reality of others and the world, for better or worse.

The greatest challenge for those of you who are determined to move in the direction of humanity’s progression will be the afore-mentioned resistance of those unwilling to allow the world to change. In many ways, this 2022 Aquarius New Moon is the beginning of the past’s last stand – the last gasp of life for those determined to bring back a world that the new generations are too evolved to tolerate. Yet in order for those old ways to be phased-out, those who see what is possible for the future of humanity will have to do what they themselves are most resistant to do – they’ll have to fight. You’ll have to fight.

Yet the evolved have evolved beyond physical violence. This means you may need to find a new way to fight beyond the usual physical thuggery – a way that may not even be created yet. It may be a way that makes the most of the technologies available now and/or it may be a way which brings individuals and/or groups together in creative collaboration for a common intellectual and/or practical goal. It might even be a combination of the two – technological and creative collaboration.

You’re also strongly encouraged to embrace your individuality completely… in the context of contributing to a collaborative effort and/or in leaving what you believed was a collaboration in order to find (or attract) one which is truly a fit for your uniqueness. Your unique talents, skills, and abilities are valuable when they add something that would be otherwise missing from the whole. Yet only you’re the only one who can bring you to the table, and others only know what you can offer when you allow yourself and your uniqueness to be seen and known. You don’t have to be on display or in action all the time, but it would be wise to take action when you know you can make a difference. We often hesitate because we’ve been conditioned to try to be like everyone around us, that agreement – whether we actually agree or not – is peace, and that we should simply be content with the way things are or what we have. And though “we” is not an individual concept, all people have the right to be known and celebrated for their individuality, uniqueness, and ability to contribute to the greater whole in creative and innovative ways which benefit all people, whether that all is our local communities or the whole of humanity.

Nevertheless, this 2022 Aquarius New Moon will reveal the beginning of the end for those who are determined to repeat the past, and this ending will be apparent on many levels. You may even notice there’s less interest in things being revived or brought back from the past as people are seeking truly new and innovative experiences which inspire them to see and think about the world differently. That said, if you’re determined to bring something from the past to the present, people will expect you to do it in a truly modernized and innovative way, not in the way they’ve always been done.

For additional specifics about the energies present during this 2022 Aquarius New Moon, here are the astrological aspects within 3° aspect orb at the time of the max phase:

  • (Aquarius Moon conjunct Sun) semi-sextile (Capricorn Vesta conjunct Venus) (11-12°) – The more determined others become trying to get you to “play by the rules”, the more emotionally invested and determined you become to break the rules. Convention and tradition may inspire you to move in a very different direction than what would be societally accepted.
  • (Aquarius Moon conjunct Sun) square Taurus Uranus (10-12°) – As your personal values change, so do your perspectives about conventional and socially-admired goals and ambitions. As you begin to move in a life direction much more aligned with your unique individual self-expression, you may find yourself challenged in upholding the values those conventional goals and ambitions align with.
  • (Capricorn Vesta conjunct Venus) trine Taurus Uranus (10-11°) – Assistance and opportunities come to those who play by the rules, yet the rules are constantly evolving. If you’re trying to prove your loyalty in order to get ahead, don’t get too confident that your loyalty will be reciprocated. You’ll only get the best perks while you have value to the structure in place.
  • (Taurus North Node conjunct Ceres) sextile (Capricorn STELLIUM Pluto conjunct White Moon Selene conjunct Juno) (26-29°) – It’s easy to fall back on a commitment to uphold the societal institutions and structures already in place. Yet when corruption of those institutions and structures begins to come to light in order for them to be transformed, it’s time for you to look at your personal values and to assess whether or not your own values still align with the results of the institutions you’re trying to uphold.
  • Capricorn Mars sextile Pisces Jupiter (5-7°) – Focused and determined actions give support to the realization of your dreams and ideals. It’s important for your actions to have a purpose and an objective or goal. Without an end result in mind, your actions may prove aimless, so make sure you have a reason for your actions.
  • Pisces Neptune square Gemini Black Moon Lilith (21°) – It’s difficult to tap into the collective consciousness to align with Oneness when you’re too busy proving what you know. The challenge here is to let go of your ego-driven need to prove your intelligence to others, and to open your mind to learn from your environment and the situations and people around you.
  • Capricorn Mercury Retrograde square Aries Eris (23-24°) – The feedback you’re receiving from those in your professional/public environments may be challenging to your self-identity, and you may feel betrayed or wronged in some way. Yet the feedback may serve a different purpose than you may feel at this moment – it may be telling you whether or not your ambitions are well-placed or if there’s a better place for you to set your sights.
  • Pisces Neptune semi-sextile Aries Eris (21-23°) – The more you tap into the Oneness of All-That-Is, the more you may realize just how much you are (also) being deceived. However, this isn’t an invitation to be outraged by the injustice of being scammed – it’s an invitation to see how you are no better than anyone else. It’s also an opportunity to gain insights into how “those people” may have ended up where they are, and for you to realized you may not be as different from them as you once believed.
  • Pisces Pallas Athena semi-sextile Aries Eris (23-25°) – It’s nice to come up with strategies for bringing people into awareness of our interconnection with All-That-Is, yet you’ll quickly realize that if you haven’t worked through your own feelings of being wronged or betrayed, your strategies will always be flawed. It would be wise to make sure your plans are truly in service to others, rather than righting a perceived wrong you’ve experienced. If it’s ultimately about you, it’s not True.
  • Aries Eris sextile Gemini Black Moon Lilith (21-23°) – Feelings of being betrayed or wronged may lead to a need to prove that you understand what happened to you. You may be inclined to take action(s) to prove that you “know” what they did. However, will making sure they know change anything for you?
  • Pisces Jupiter semi-sextile Aries Chiron (7-9°) – The more you recognize how everyone and everything is interconnected, and the more you realize others are also recognizing how interconnected everyone and everything is, the more you may find your self-identity beginning to heal. There’s something about realizing you’re not the only one who’s felt the pain you felt or experienced the same questions about if you’re really part of something bigger than yourself.

The 2022 Aquarius New Moon energy will be felt from 29th January through 4th February 2022. This is a time to find and go your own way, trusting it will lead you to the people you need to be connected with in order to create a new way – an effective way – to rebel and revolt for the Highest good of everyone and everything.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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