The 2022 Leo Full Moon reaches its maximum phase at 8:56a PST on Wednesday 16th February 2022 (27.99°). Under the influence of this Full Moon phase, people may be more determined than usual in seeking ways to make their individual selves heard and known.

Those of us who aren’t yet conscious of how we are all interconnected as a human race will be seeking ways to have their unique and individual self-expressions seen and/or heard, and may be emotionally frustrated because they feel alone, ignored, or unexceptional. In contrast, those of us who are conscious of how we are all interconnected as human beings will be seeking ways to contribute their unique individual talents and abilities to others through collaboration or community, and may be emotionally frustrated that they haven’t found where they “fit”. Either way, this 2022 Leo Full Moon phase will have our need for individual acknowledgment while simultaneously needing to feel connected to others on full display.

Leo is a fixed fire sign, meaning it is very much about creative, active energy that expands from itself out toward others. In practice, Leo seeks to express its individual self in ways which present it as unique and exceptional to others so they can be acknowledged for being one-of-a-kind. Yet when Leo doesn’t receive the acknowledgment it craves for what it wants others to see in them, Leo can become quite an attention whore, desperately doing almost anything to get others to see or hear them in order to feel acknowledged as unique and/or special. Once it gets its acknowledgment, Leo can be very generous in sharing its spotlight with others, even occasionally stepping aside to make sure others get the acknowledgment they deserve. But until then, Leo often puts Leo first.

That’s because Leo is an individual energy which needs affirmation from other individuals. Its opposing sign, Aquarius (fixed air), is similar yet different in that it’s individual energy which seeks affirmation in its role within a collective whole – one in which its uniqueness can contribute to something greater than itself. It wants to bring something unique to a community or collaboration.

In other words, Aquarius is humanitarian, where Leo is human.

The way the “Axis of Expression” balances is that Leo expresses itself and is acknowledged for its individuality through Aquarian contribution of its individual uniqueness to the community if not the whole of humanity. It’s by doing what no one else can do the way they do it in collaboration with other unique individuals where Leo can find the acknowledgment it craves for itself. Yet Leo has to be willing to move beyond its individual ego needs in order to find collaborators to merge with. As long as it’s all about them, there’s no growth or evolution in its self-expression, and no peace for others who have a difficult time with Leo’s need for individual acknowledgment.

So, how does Leo’s energy show up through this 2022 Full Moon phase?

At this time, there’s so much information coming to light and being communicated/shared on a very public and very global level through the use of technology. Technology has changed the world and how we express ourselves in it, and we’re experiencing those changes not only from the past leading up to now, but right now in real time as changes continue to happen so quickly, we can barely keep up. This rapid exchange of information is bringing an equally rapid shift in social values, which is pushing those who want a slower (or no) shift in those values to evolve. More people are finding themselves being almost forced out of their individual/personal comfort zones faster than they want to move, and are openly expressing their upset, often in unexpected ways. Nevertheless, this push toward a new social value system is meant to force people to step outside of their self-importance, which for some people is a very uncomfortable experience which may lead them to push back with resistance or hard rejection of the “new normal” that is still forming.

These pushes are amplified by this 2022 Leo Full Moon, which will bring multiple opportunities for people to recognize and acknowledge themselves for their uniqueness as individuals, to explore what they can contribute to collaborative efforts that no one else can, and find a role and a way to bring their uniqueness to purpose. This could be a very productive creative time for many. It could also bring positive networking conditions on both personal and professional levels.

But this push could also amplify the emotions of people feeling as if they aren’t being seen. Those who want attention drawn to their individual selves will have no problem expressing themselves in ways which draw the desired effect… only their emotion-driven efforts may not be as well-received as they thought or believed they might be.

The ill reception (or lack of reception altogether) is due to the fact that everyone is going through something right now, and very few people have much tolerance for anyone who’s trying to make themselves seem special or exceptional at this time. This is not a time for showboating or making it all about you. This is a time for showing others what you can do for others, and if you can’t do something for everyone, most people won’t be bothered to give you much if any acknowledgment.

Despite the emotional need to have one’s individual self be seen, heard, and acknowledged, now is not the time. Many people are dealing with the fact that their lifestyles and life roles are changing. Some are embracing these changes wholeheartedly, while others are upset that they’re “being forced” to change. Nevertheless, this is a call to acknowledge that the world is different now, and we must adapt to continue forward.

People are also becoming more aware of other people’s lives and livelihoods, and in many cases, they’re only now realizing how just uncomfortable they are in acknowledging how much others are struggling. A great number of people are taking extreme steps to alleviate their personal discomforts with the realities coming to light. Yet they don’t seem to understand that these changes to societal and global structures and institutions are inevitable now. There’s no going back to the past, no going “back to normal.” There is only moving toward a new normal, and we can either choose to participate in its creation or sit back and complain while others create the world that works for them, which is hopefully, a world which works for all of us.

The numerology for this Full Moon phase is interesting. The 2022 Leo Full Moon’s maximum phase happens on a 6 Universal Day for the majority of the world, with only the very furthest East and South Pacific regions experiencing a 7 Universal Day. This is happening during an 8 Universal Month and a 6 Universal Year.

For the 6 UD regions, this means there will be great care taken in nurturing one’s best interests, or in other words, making sure one’s individual emotional, physical, material, and financial needs are being met. The double-six energy makes this a very pragmatic focus – one that won’t easily be taken off-task. Those in these regions are willing to put in the work to make sure they’re getting what they believe they deserve or are entitled to. This work could be done in service to others, but don’t think for one second that service to others is being done with any selfless motive. With the 8 UM energy, actions taken now could not only be a matter of self-care and self-sustenance, but also self-empowerment. Yet we’re dealing with Leo energy, so be careful that self-empowerment doesn’t become a ego-driven power grab or a cover for efforts to control others in order to make sure your personal agenda is fulfilled.

For those in the 7 UD regions, there will be a great deal of mental assessment around purpose and intention. Though they will also be considering what’s in their individual best interests, they will also be in a position to give more thought to the options and consider the effort each possible path could take in order to get what they need or want. Again, the 8 UM energy could make this an empowering moment of choice, yet this could also bring up awareness of choice in how that power is applied – for oneself alone, or for the Highest good of everyone including oneself. Under the 7 UD energy, Leo isn’t as eager to seek the spotlight until it has a plan or a clear understanding of the conditions it finds itself in. Don’t expect anyone or anything in the 7UD regions to bring themselves center stage, but know if they do, they’ve put a great deal of thought and care into how they’re choosing to express themselves now.

This 2022 Leo Full Moon phase doesn’t have a huge list of transits, but the ones it does have are pretty impactful. Here’s the astrological breakdown of the transits in effect at the time of maximum phase:

GRAND SQUARE: Aquarius 8 Sun square Taurus North Node square Leo Moon square Scorpio South Node (26-28°) – A lot of information coming to light and being communicated/shared very quickly on a global level through the use of technology. This information is moving a bit too fast for most, and many people are either intellectually and/or emotionally overwhelmed or exhausted. Yet this presents an opportunity for people to both slow down and dig deeper within themselves. It’s important for people to recognize their uniqueness as individuals, but also important that people dig below their surface presentations to explore what they can contribute to collaborative efforts that no one else can. This could result in people becoming fearful and desperate to hide their uniqueness for fears of being ridiculed and abandoned, or it could result in people moving through their fears to reveal their secret selves fully to others to be acknowledged for their long-hidden, one-of-a-kind talents and skills. One thing to remember: you can’t be acknowledged if you won’t let anyone see and know who you are or what you have to offer.

BLESSING TRIANGLE: (Aquarius Selene conjunct Mercury) sextile Aries Pallas Athena sextile Gemini Ceres (0-1°) – Communicating Higher Truths is a priority right now, and a strategy is needed if the communications are to be valued by others. People will be thinking and speaking in their own best interests, so listen and learn what they value most – the information you gather will assist in the development of your strategy to reach as many people as possible in a personal way.

STELLIUM: Capricorn Venus conjunct Mars conjunct Vesta (16-19°) – Dedication to professional or public partnerships makes taking action toward the accomplishment of goals easier and more rewarding for each of the people involved. The joint effort actually strengthens the dedication between the two people or parties to make the partnership successful or to produce results which are considered successful.

  • semi-sextile Aquarius Saturn (16-19°) – If you want your actions to make an impact on society, you’ll need to be extraordinarily focused and disciplined. You’d best have a plan, and best have contingencies in place. That can only happen if you know without doubt what your goal is. With a clearly defined and determined goal with clearly defined roles for each member of the team, a small group of people can be more productive and effective than a massive crowd.

SEQUENCE: Pisces Jupiter semi-sextile Aries Chiron semi-sextile Taurus Uranus (9-11°) – There’s a growing awareness of how we are interconnected – everyone and everything is bonded. This sense of Oneness is healing for many of us on a self-identity level, especially those who often feel alone in the world. Yet this awareness of interconnection also awakens us to how our actions may harm or hurt others, and therefore challenges us to truly embrace our collective Oneness. The more we understand how we are all One, the more our personal/individual values shift. It become less about “what’s in it for me” and more about “what’s in it for all of us, including me.”

Capricorn Pluto (27°) – Pluto is very active and busy transforming societal institutions and structures, clearing away what no longer serves the whole of humanity, and bringing opportunities to create new definitions of and standards for achievement and success in society which are changing the types of goals and ambitions that are being pursued, individually and collectively.

  • trine Taurus North Node (26-27°) – encourages if not empowers the shift in social values which influences a shift in one’s personal values; how do institutional changes affect the way you see the world and your place in it?
  • semi-sextile Aquarius Sun (27°) – institutional and structural transformations lead to greater social/collective awareness as more people become aware of what others are dealing with
  • sextile Scorpio South Node (26-27°) – the clearing of the past is underway; the death of the past is inevitable, and the birth of a new normal is inevitable; there is no going back; the bridge is being burned
  • quincunx Aquarius Moon (27°) – this isn’t about how you stand out as a unique individual; this is about how you use your uniqueness to fit in, to contribute to something greater than yourself alone. If you can’t figure out how not to make it about you, this will be a very difficult time.

Aries Eris sextile Gemini Black Moon Lilith (23°) – Acting out in anger and frustration may actually provide you with an excellent opportunity for learning… about yourself!  Notice what makes you angry, and notice the beliefs you may have behind that anger, and notice what you may choose to do about it (or think about choosing). This knowledge may prove very valuable to you later on, as things continue to change rapidly around you.

The energy of this 2022 Leo Full Moon will be felt from Sunday 13th February through Saturday 19th February. Use this time to acknowledge your unique self-expression and the unique self-expressions of individuals around you. Despite the fact that we can never go back to what was before, this is a time to brush off and bring out the best in yourself in new and different ways – ways in which you never imagined could have your individuality serve a purpose in this day and age of technology. This also brings opportunities for you to bring out the best in others’ individualities so your collaborations can bring Light into humanity and the world, and you can each and all be acknowledged for being your extraordinary selves in contribution to the evolution of humankind.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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