The 2022 Pisces New Moon – the last New Moon phase of this 2021-2022 Zodiac cycle – reaches its maximum phase at 9:34a PST on Wednesday 02 March 2022 (12.11°). This New Moon will act as an awakening to our collective interconnection. For some of us, this awakening will be reassuring, maybe even inspiring. Yet for some of us, this will be a rude awakening, especially if you believe that certain aspects of all that is happening now will only affect others and not affect you in any way.

There’s a LOT happening right now, and most of it is happening in the last three signs of the Zodiac – Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces – which (along with Sagittarius) focus on self and others or the whole of humanity and the world. Sagittarius goes out into the real world to discover what is real and True; Capricorn chooses its goals, and sets its ambitions on reaching them; Aquarius is the eccentric collaborator who needs to make a unique contribution to the greater whole and supports the evolution of the whole of humanity; Pisces is the selfless servant who has empathy, compassion, and love for everyone and everything out of the belief that we are all One.

Pisces is the twelfth and final sign of the Zodiac ellipse with its energy of mutable water. It encourages us to “go with the flow” of life rather than trying to force it to happen in certain ways or move in certain directions. It’s not to say that we can’t have influence over the direction our lives go, but it is to say we can’t control everyone and everything around us. Every being has free will, and that means everyone has choice. It’s our choices which determine our paths and the experiences we have as we travel on them. It’s our choices which determine which fork in the road we choose next.

Pisces also represents the culmination of the soul’s journey through the Zodiac, and the opportunity for each of us to “level up” to another, higher cycle of consciousness by going through the cycle again. Each time we get to experience this part of our life’s journey, we have an opportunity to further awaken to and more deeply understand the interconnection of All-That-Is. Everyone and everything is connected through Oneness, and because we One with All-That-Is, we get to treat each other as we would treat ourselves. The energies of empathy, compassion, care, selfless and/or spiritual service – these energies are given and received by everyone and everything, and can be expressed in visionary, inspirational, artistic, and spiritual ways.

Pisces energy can also be intuitive and mysterious in a psychic kind of way as it may awaken or amplify an inner knowing or perceiving of things that we aren’t be able to explain – a higher consciousness or a sense of connection with Source, which after time, you may recognize as a shared consciousness which connects us all on our heart, mind, soul, and spirit levels. In fact, Pisces can be so in tune with everything and everyone around them, it can be easily overwhelmed. Yet more often than not, Pisces is often inclined to advocate for others, serve others for a higher purpose or cause, and/or heal others (or make the effort to try). Pisces people or strongly Pisces-influenced people are the lovers, dreamers, and visionaries of the Zodiac.

There is a toxic side to Pisces, though. Unlike the other two water signs which have some sort of self-protection (Cancer with the crab’s shell; Scorpio with its scorpion stinger), Pisces has no inherent defenses – it can feel everything and its only option for self-protection is to swim away. Its empathy and desire to be of service can make it easy for Pisces to be taken advantage of as it’s inclined to serve beyond its means, becoming self-sacrificial for others or its causes. This may lead to Pisces being victimized by the same causes or people it champions, often because it overextends itself and forgets that it, too, needs to be served. However, there are times Pisces may reject offers of assistance because it either doesn’t believe it is worthy of being served, or because it believes that only people who are in need should receive support or gifts and they need to show (or prove) that they aren’t needy themselves.

Toxic Pisces can also become very idealistic and dreamy – think rose-colored glasses syndrome. In order to avoid experiencing confusion, criticism, or emotional pain, and to avoid being subject to any reality which brings pain, suffering, or struggle of any kind, Pisces may create fantasies or alternative realities as filters to live their lives through. This longing for a painless and simplistic existence usually ends up creating conditions rife with deception, denial, or delusion. As result, when emotional pain and suffering or confusion cannot be avoided or denied, this may result in avoidant escapism which may take the form of compulsive lying, addiction to substances, literally escaping/running away/going missing… anything to get away from any reality that does not meet Pisces’ ideals or fulfill its fantasies.

With that all said, Pisces is where the Sun and Moon will conjoin (along with Jupiter) to create our 2022 Pisces New Moon. Therefore, the events during this New Moon phase will undeniably prove how interconnected we have become in this world, and will reveal how interconnected we have always been. Our interconnection will be revealed to us now in ways which will help us understand what’s at stake for humanity, the planet, and beyond.

What you may notice during this 2022 Pisces New Moon is that through seemingly isolated events, the collective whole is being exposed to itself – to its best and worst qualities, character traits, and behaviors. Though there are events happening in the world which are powerfully claiming (or trying to claim) our attention, these big events all have one thing in common: They aren’t just isolated to specific peoples or regions. In fact, what we thought or wanted to believe was isolated is actually playing out throughout the world. We will see this in what connects us in positive and/or uplifting ways, but also in what connects us in negative and/or discouraging ways.

You’ll notice how many people are engaging in escapist behaviors, and how that number seems to be increasing. You’ll also notice how there are people idolizing celebrities and public figures, championing certain causes, or joining certain movements with little to no discernment or clear purpose. All of this is in order to feel like they belong to something bigger than themselves – to feel connected, to belong.

Yet the beauty in this is that while so many are getting caught up in the emotional angst and drama of facing reality, there will be others who will be able to move through and beyond their emotional chaos to embrace reality and begin moving themselves forward. By doing their own work, they are also moving all of humanity closer to collective healing and evolving. The people willing to go through this process are the ones who will learn that when they address their individual pain and suffering, they can get through their fear of feeling the pain, heal from it, and move on. It’s no longer keeping them trapped in fear. In fact, they may discover that outside of the fear-based fish tank of their own making, there’s a whole lake or ocean waiting to be explored.

But this healing process requires each and all of us to first acknowledge that we are in pain.
Then, to recognize how we may be projecting our pain onto others through our choices and behaviors, through our blaming and shaming, through our projecting and preaching.
Then, to take ownership of the pain we caused others by not owning our own pain.
Then, to take ownership of the pain we feel for hurting others.
Then, to stop playing victim to others and ourselves in order to heal ourselves.

Once we’ve started the healing journey, that’s when we begin balancing the energy.

We must be willing to give to others, but we also must be willing to give to ourselves.
We must expect others to receive from us, but we also get to allow ourselves to receive when others give to us.
We must allow the energy to flow both ways because that exchange of energy is what connects us.
The exchange of energy is what interconnects us with each other and the world and the Universe.
The exchange of energy is what makes us One.

In the way the world is today, we’ve severely damaged the energy exchange. There are too many of us who don’t recognize that we have enough. Our greed is insatiable – there’s never enough and never too much. Even when we can meet our own needs tens if not hundreds if not thousands of times over, we continue taking far more than is needed, which is creating profound energetic and material resource imbalance in the world.

Yet there are also too many of us who are waiting to be given what we need in order to have enough. There are too many of us that allow ourselves to suffer and struggle, not understanding that no one deserves that way of living. There are also too many of us are giving far more than we are allowing ourselves to receive, ask for, or demand. Yet even when we go above and beyond the service or contributions necessary, we still don’t ask for more for ourselves. These behaviors also create imbalance.

Many of the imbalanced actions are being done out of habit, but in some cases, these are conscious efforts to preserve or restore the imbalances of the past in one or more ways. These efforts will come at the price of bringing that past to light out from whatever shadows it’s been hiding. Though there will be no shame or guilt from those bringing disturbing and dangerous elements of the past back to life for their last fight to survive. There will also be no guilt and shame from those challenging this attempted revival – those who recognize the new world that’s emerging now through those committed to creating a new, more inclusive, interconnected future where everyone and possibly every living being is valued treated with compassion, care, respect, and dignity.

What’s most important to understand right now is that the people clinging to the past are too afraid to be seen as the ones who did wrong, too afraid to face their shadows, too afraid to come to terms with themselves. They’d rather avoid their shadows with violence, blaming or shaming others with the blame and shame they should be owning as their own. They’d rather point fingers and make up lies than take responsibility for their behaviors.

So, what makes this time different than before?

Those who would have been victimized in the past won’t respond as victims this time around. They won’t be complacent or compliant, and they won’t be silenced. They will hold those who have done these deeds to account, and they will do so with compassion, care, empathy, and respect…

… eventually. The fight may be a bit ugly at first. Some ideologies will be proven to be delusions as the reality of how all of us are interconnected comes to the fore – stories will become their experiences, and fictions will become their facts. The falsehoods will need to be confronted and released, and there will be some people who won’t be able to do this, or at least not yet. It’s okay – go with the flow and move on.

There will also be many of us that won’t even know where to begin as we’ve never experienced what we’ll be dealing with now at any time before in our lifetimes, and those of us who haven’t thought about how our initial perspectives and beliefs affected others may find ourselves struggling to come to terms with the pain we caused them. There is a lot of fear, a lot of pain, and a lot of healing to be done; and we get to navigate the paths to healing as best we can.

This 2022 Pisces New Moon phase presents us – all of humanity – with opportunities to heal our individual selves so we can heal our collective whole and realign ourselves in our Oneness. This healing won’t be an overnight thing, but it will be a journey we must commit to by taking steps in that healing direction, understanding what’s at stake for humanity, the planet, and beyond. Now more than ever, the steps we take will shape our collective future.

The numerology for this day is wonderful as it is an 11 Universal Day in the western hemisphere, and an 3 Universal Day in most of the eastern hemisphere. For those under the influence of the 11 UD, this numeric energy blends well with the Pisces energy and encourages collaboration as the vehicle for experiencing the synergy of Oneness – when individuals come together and make unique contributions to a greater cause. This may result in your working in collaboration with others to heal yourself and others – it may be a common goal, or a group/team/community effort that helps you find your path to healing and awakening to your interconnection with All-That-Is more fully. For those under the influence of the 3 UD, this numeric energy will amplify the Jupiter-Sun-Moon in Pisces energy, encouraging you to ask questions and exchange ideas with others to develop and expand your capacity for empathy, intuition, and awareness of your interconnectedness with All-That-Is. We just began a 9 Universal Month, which brings the energy of completions and endings, encouraging a releasing of outdated experiences and beliefs and a clearing of the slate for new opportunities to enter your life. All of this is under the umbrella of a 6 Universal Year which encourages us to do our practical work, tend to our day-to-day lives, take steps to address our health and wellness, and nurture ourselves and each other emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

There may not seem as if there are a lot of transits during this New Moon, but there are – they just clump together to form configurations.  The transits for this 2022 Pisces New Moon have serious power, and could prove to be very enlightening and transformative if we allow ourselves to be open to receiving the energy they bring. Here are the transits within 3° orb at the time of the 2022 Pisces New Moon’s maximum phase:

STELLIUM: Pisces Moon conjunct Sun conjunct Jupiter (12-14°) – The emotions are running very high, but so are the intuitions. As more information comes to light, it becomes clear that there is a growing intuitive and spiritual awareness of what is actually happening both in the world and within us. For some it may be inexplicable, while for others, it’s been a long time coming, and it’s exciting for others to be awakening to the interconnection of everyone and everything in numbers which could finally tip the scales away from repetition of our destructive past and toward our beautiful, creative future.

STELLIUM: Capricorn Vesta conjunct Venus conjunct Mars conjunct Pluto (10-12°) – Your dedication to your goals also makes you dedicated to your partnerships and the actions you take together in order to create powerful results. Yet it’s the process of pursuing your goals that is likely to transform you both, possibly more that achieving the goal itself. The reward is found in the journey.

SEQUENCE: Aquarius Juno semi-sextile Pisces STELLIUM semi-sextile Aries Chiron semi-sextile Taurus Uranus (10-12°) – If you make a commitment to acknowledge and honor the humanity in everyone, this commitment leads to greater awareness of the interconnection of humanity, not only amongst itself, but with everything around it, which leads to a desire to heal oneself as you would be healing part of the Oneness by doing so, and contributing to the evolution of humankind in an experiential way.

Aquarius White Moon Selene trine Gemini Ceres (2-4°) – There is a sense that Universal Truth and the morals and values aligned with it are not lost. This transit encourages people to talk with one another, to exchange ideas and information, to debate and learn from one another. Even if you have different ideologies and can’t change each other’s minds, at least you gain a better understanding of where the other is coming from and acknowledge each other’s humanity in the process.

Aquarius Saturn conjunct Mercury (19°) – This is a caution to be very disciplined in what you communicate to others, especially if those communications are on a public scale. The old adage, “Loose lips sink ships” may apply at this time.

Pisces Neptune semi-sextile Aries Eris (22-23°) – Fantastical or delusional beliefs may lead to irrational actions rooted in a sense of betrayal and desire for retribution… but before you act, make sure you’re not taking action on something that you made up. You could end causing someone else as much pain as you’re trying to resolve in yourself.

Aries Pallas Athena sextile Gemini Ceres (4-6°) – Strategies for action may need more fine tuning. It’s a good idea to exchange information and ideas with others, to learn what you may be missing which could make your actions more productive and successful.

The energy of this 2022 Pisces New Moon will be felt from Sunday 27th February through Saturday 5th March 2022. Remember that during this time, there are more of us (re)awakening to our interconnectivity – to our Oneness – than ever before. Remember that our interconnection is being revealed to us in ways which help us understand what’s at stake for humanity, the planet, and beyond. Remember you cannot control anyone else’s healing journey, only your own. Most of all, remember to go with the flow – it’s a journey, and there’s times when you’ll be able to choose your path, and other times when you’ll have to see what the water takes you.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers, Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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