While I was working on the 2022 Pisces New Moon article, and got an intuitive hit that I should look at the current Ukraine-Russia situation from both astrological and numerological perspectives as well in the context of its possible alignments with the 2022 Pisces New Moon through its theme of interconnection.

A colleague of mine also recently asked me about Ukraine and what I see in its natal chart. After looking it over and sharing my findings with her, this combination of Ukraine and the Pisces New Moon has sufficiently distracted me from finishing my latest book manuscript, and you get to reap the… reward?

Anyway, this article is a ‘more thorough than I intended’ examination of the Ukraine-Russia conflict and how the energy of Pisces New Moon may have contributed to the dynamics. I don’t usually go on record with things like this – I usually wait until a situation has played out and analyze afterwards as I strongly believe in free will and choice as a determining factor in how situations progress. Each of the players in this conflict will make their choices, and their choices will determine the ultimate course of events.

(Yes, that’s my disclaimer.)

I’m not 100% certain how this situation is going to conclude. I sincerely hope there is a peaceful outcome with the least amount of bloodshed and loss of human life possible. I’m personally not taking a side in this because 1) I look at charts objectively, 2) I usually watch international news outlets instead of mainstream domestic ones, and 3) as I talk with a few friends with personal ties to eastern Europe. I’m realizing there are many different ways of looking at this situation, which also helps me look at the charts objectively. Those of you who know me and work with me know that I don’t play favorites and I don’t sugar-coat anything, so keep that in mind as you read through this.

That all said, here’s what I’ve deducted from natal charts and current transit analysis of the major players in the Ukraine-Russia conflict since the 2022 Pisces New Moon.

I’ve shared this information in four parts:

This is Part Four.


What has actually happened since the chart and transit reviews from last week (based on multiple reports):

  • The conflict in Ukraine continues. Russia alongside the regional forces in Donetsk and Lugansk continue to defend what they believe are their territories, Russia continues to attack its targets, and Ukraine continues to fight Russia’s advances. With volunteers that are not government-appointed troops coming in from various foreign nations, it has become an international war, though no other nation-states have officially sent troops nor are any of them hosting combat fronts on their sovereign lands directly related to the combat between Ukraine and Russia that began in late February 2022.
  • It has become a global economic war, with severe sanctions being placed upon Russia, and many western companies pulling their business operations out of Russia entirely. Russia has also started to take actions to sanction western countries, though not as severe as the west… yet.
  • Other nations are beginning to take sides in the conflict. Many usually neutral countries are actually choosing to align with one side or the other. Some are still trying to remain neutral. Some are openly aligning with Russia. Sanctions on other nation-states which are aligned with Russia or that have remained neutral are being considered by NATO and western allies.
  • NATO continues to stay out of direct involvement with the conflict as of now. As mentioned in Part Three of this series, it’s very unlikely NATO will become directly involved.
  • After adamantly declining to do so twice before when asked, Poland publicly offered to give all of its MiG-29 jets to NATO to allocate them as they wished. NATO declined as to not escalate tensions with Russia further.
  • There are growing calls from NATO members and other western countries for China to negotiate a cease fire and treaty between Russia and Ukraine. To date, China has declined to take that on.


I’m going to combine summaries and predictions by individual nation-state or person.

Keep in mind- these predictions can change. This is what I’m seeing based on the natal charts, progressed charts, and the transits in play at this time. It’s important to remember that in astrology, the aspects, inter-aspects, and transits show the energy and potential for things to happen. Each of the nations and individuals involved in this Ukraine-Russia conflict, in NATO, and in the world have free will – they can choose their courses, and of course, their choices will affect others’ choices. HOw they each choose to use/apply the energy available to them is up to them.

That said, everything and everyone is interconnected, bringing us back to the theme that the 2022 Pisces New Moon brought to us with such clarity. Therefore, the choices each of these parties make will impact others and may change the course for others.


The United States is dealing with its first Pluto Return, and that return will be the astrological focus for this country throughout 2022 and well into early 2025. It will be doing all it can to maintain its power in the world. Though it may be successful in the short-term, its “success” will likely come at a long-term price. I wouldn’t be surprised to see some of those costs making an appearance near the end of March 2022.

Many of the nations that have partnered with the United States in the past may be questioning those partnerships as they see they may no longer share the same values or priorities. This is important as the United States’ strength in the world is determined by how much power the world gives it. Don’t be surprised if the United States is really on a run to hold onto to its power and position in the world by the end of March 2022 as other nations begin to question their alignment with and in some cases, allegiance to the U.S. In fact, I wouldn’t put it past the United States to betray the alliance by taking some sort of action on its own in an effort to maintain its power in the world without consulting the other NATO countries first – an action which could very well fracture the long-standing alliance.


To that point, NATO may experience some unexpected events around the Spring Equinox on the 20th as its progressed chart shows a Yod involving Cancer Uranus and Virgo Saturn conjunct Midheaven with Aquarius Jupiter at the point and transiting Capricorn Pluto within 3° orb of Jupiter, Uranus, and Saturn. This is one heck of a combination, especially with Pluto making the quincunx to Saturn while sharing elemental energy (Earth). This reads to me that there could be some major structural shifts in NATO due to individual choices by its members. The membership component reveals itself in other transits to the natal chart, as strategies built upon NATO members taking certain roles may be weakened by those choosing to pursue their own ideals.

Many of the questions that arise within NATO will likely have to do with how much partners really have a say in how the alliance acts in global matters. There may also be internal debates regarding the moral and ethical values of the member nations, and the desire by some of the member to distance themselves from others due to growing disapproval of the tactics or means being employed. There will need to be a lot of negotiating to keep the alliance together. Keep in mind –it will probably fall to the U.K. to manage the scene. Some memberships will strengthen, but some may dissolve.

With all of that said, I don’t see NATO completely dissolving, but I do see some changes ahead.


Many of the questions that arise within NATO will likely have to do with how much partners really have a say in how the alliance acts in global matters. There may also be internal debates regarding the moral and ethical values of the member nations, and the desire by some of the member to distance themselves from others due to growing disapproval of the tactics or means being employed. There will need to be a lot of negotiating to keep the alliance together, and it will probably fall to the U.K. to manage the scene.

Some memberships will strengthen, but some may dissolve. The thing that’s most difficult about this is that the United Kingdom is likely to take the hit for how things play out. If so, I wouldn’t be surprised to see the U.K. lash out at the U.S. for putting it in such a compromising position. Between the 20th and 31st of March 2022, there may be an intense behind-the-scenes argument regarding the U.K.’s role in NATO. I’ll be curious to see if and how this plays out on the public side of things. We’ll have to see if any NATO members challenge the plan for this to be realized.


As far as challengers go, it won’t be France.

Expect France to make another small move to make its presence known again around 20th March, affirming both its commitment to NATO and its desire to be a solid, reliable alliance partner. However, by the end of March 2022, transiting Mars conjuncts France’s natal Chiron, which could trigger all sorts of public relations insecurities and encourage some surprising statements or moves on the part of the French government in regard to NATO activities in the Ukraine-Russia conflict. This could be more about posturing for the upcoming elections then the situation itself, but it could still stir up a few questions about the stability of France’s role in NATO.

Despite that, based on the charts and transits, I don’t know if we’ll really be able to assess France’s role in NATO or the Ukraine-Russia conflict until after France’s next Presidential election in April 2022. France’s leadership will be a deciding factor in what France’s role in NATO might be moving forward. Its role will be likely clarify by mid May 2022.


It won’t be Poland, either.

In fact, if Poland’s role in this matter isn’t clear before 10th March, it should be clear by the end of March as Poland is likely to stand up for itself a few more times as NATO tries to get Poland to play a particular role in this situation based on how Poland shows up in the world – its Pisces 1 Midheaven gives off eager and willing self-sacrifice vibes. However, the rest of its chart shows Poland to be quite self-protective and very smart. Poland may surprise many by giving NATO leadership some strategic pushback of its own as it tries to express itself as a good, practical partner while not being allowing itself to be a pushover.


If there’s a challenger, it might be Germany.

As I stated in Part Three of this series, if there’s a significant NATO member that would be the first to openly challenge the alliance leadership and/or possibly even leave the alliance, it would likely be Germany. If Germany does try to evolve its role in NATO or finally comes to a point where “enough is enough”, I’d expect it to make some early tentative moves sometime in mid-March, and if a major action is indeed taken, it could be as soon as the last few days of March 2022 (28th-31st) or in early April.

The other possibility is that Germany tries to take over the directive leadership of NATO. This could prove interesting as the United States has the headquarters of its European operations based in Germany.

It will be curious to see what shifts here, but I’m pretty certain something will shift regarding Germany’s role in NATO.

Another NATO country could take steps to leave NATO – Hungary and Turkey could be other candidates… but I have a stronger feeling that Germany would be the one.


I don’t see Zelenskyy staying in office for very long after the conflict, and he may not even get through the conflict. There are many questions about his position in regard to his relationships with both Russia and western and NATO nations, most notably the United States. Zelenskyy has now become a target on both sides of the Russia-NATO/EU matter, with western nations expecting if not demanding him to continue the fight against Russia, Russia and Russia-allied Ukrainians within Ukraine referring to him as a western proxy or pawn, and even the Ukrainian nationalists questioning his loyalty to the country.

Zelenskyy has expressed a great deal of frustration with NATO and the EU for not accelerating Ukraine’s admission to either organization nor providing requested airborne military assistance in the face of Russia’s attacks on Ukrainian military. In the meantime, Zelenskyy is becoming increasingly endangered by the divisions both within his country and outside it. He will likely need to resign and flee or risk being assassinated, especially if the conflict drags on.


Putin won’t be going anywhere… unless someone in his administration and/or the oligarchs of Russia take him out of office. There’s been so much mixed information about the people in Russia, and though there have been large anti-war protests and many arrests being made, there is question if there is enough anti-Putin sentiment across the country to push him out of office. There’s also the question of if he’d step out of office if it was demanded by the public.

I find it highly unlikely Putin would leave his role as President unless his strategy truly fails Russia and/or the regions of Ukraine he is seeking to either liberate and/or annex. He’s not going anywhere anytime soon… yet. If he does, it’ll be after the conflict or he’ll be taken out by those in positions to do so and likely for economic reasons, not military ones. However, like Zelenskyy, Putin’s fate may also be determined by how long this conflict continues.


It’s going to be a rough month for Russia as they adjust to the sanctions and restrictions being placed upon their country and its citizens. There is a lot of hate toward this nation and its people being stoked right now, and that won’t be easing up anytime soon.

The thing is, adversity breeds creativity, and Russia and its people may find themselves shifting focus on how the world sees them to how they can shore themselves up. This will likely show up as Russia taking simple, practical steps to establish a new normal for themselves – one based on very different cultural values than they’ve had for a while.

The only thing that could really self-sabotage Russia’s new direction is those who had much to lose with the sanctions. If the companies and oligarchs are angry enough about their funds and properties being lost or in limbo, there could be enough push back to disrupt things within Russia at the government or leadership level.

Time will tell how impacted Russia will be from all of this, but I don’t think it will take very long – probably two to three months to see Russia’s likely trajectory.


Last but not least, I only see this situation becoming increasingly difficult for Ukraine. As the month of March continues, it seems it will be come harder and harder for Ukraine to sort itself out, and that won’t be entirely because of the Russians. There will be too many factions all vying for their interests, with few if any of them united in any way other than defeating the Russian presence in the country.

I say “Russian presence” because some of the factions don’t only want the Russian troops out of Ukraine, they want all Russian loyalists and sympathizers out of Ukraine. Other groups are foreign volunteers who likely won’t be welcome long-term. This will not resolve easily or anytime soon.

Even if the Russian troops do close up shop, without a strong and authoritative leader in place who’s will to make hard decisions and take decisive and likely divisive actions, Ukraine may be a center of chaos for years to come.

At this point, Zelenskyy is the only one who can end this. Without him making a clear, unambiguous agreement with Putin/Russia that ends this matter within the next 10-20 days, there may be no end in sight within the next few years. That “years” timeline is dangerous because that creates a chance that the discord in Ukraine can spread out into Ukraine’s neighboring countries. If that’s the case, NATO would be sure to step in to defend its members, unless of course, it spreads into Russia, in which case Russia would likely escalate its use of force.

Sadly, without a negotiated outcome, the only way Ukraine has its order restored is if Russia or NATO takes control of the region in a devastating way. There’s simply too much happening to contain it any longer. Spring Equinox (20th March) may be the point of no return, though that might be able to stretch until the end of March 2022. After that, I have no idea as of now.


These two have some remarkable synastry between their natal charts. Putin’s Aquarius North Node and Imum Coeli sit on Zelenskyy’s Midheaven, and Zelenskyy’s Leo Moon and Imum Coeli sit on Putin’s South Node and Midheaven. This is fascinating astrology because it reveals that how one is seen or perceived publicly is how the other is seen or perceived privately. Zelenskyy’s unconventional if not rebellious approaches to matters-at-hand and his socially relatable persona are likely how Putin is privately, while Putin’s public persona of pride and arrogance are likely very relatable to Zelenskyy’s private persona.

Zelenskyy’s Aries South Node is met with Putin’s Eris Retrograde, revealing that Zelenskyy may be counting on the disdain and retribution others want from Putin to carry him through… but that may not be enough. His Libra North Node shows he’ll need to forge his own path to peace with Putin/Russia if he’s truly there in the interests of his nation’s people. Putin’s Capricorn Chiron makes and exact T-Square configuration to Zelenskyy’s nodal axis, meaning Putin will be aware of what’s at stake for his nation in these negotiations, and that he’ll be showing up as a representative of Russia, first and foremost.

There are other conjunctions – Putin’s Sun with Zelenskyy’s Selene, Putin’s Mars conjunct Zelenskyy’s Ceres and opposite Zelenskyy’s Jupiter Retrograde – which show the two will give each other quite a contest, but it would be a serious deliberation, if it happens. Putin seems to have the upper hand in his demeanor – he’s better wired for negotiations. Zelenskyy may be good at making an impassioned plea, but his passion may get the better of him in negotiations – he would be the wild card in this situation, which again, brings it all back to him. Zelenskyy is the only one who can stop this whole thing, and it’ll depend on how he responds or reacts to his direct interaction(s) with Putin.


Again, this is what I’m seeing based on the natal charts, progressed charts, and the transits in play at this time. It’s important to remember that in astrology, the aspects, inter-aspects, and transits show the energy and potential for things to happen, but each of the nations and individuals involved in this Ukraine-Russia conflict, in NATO, and in the world have free will – they can choose their courses, and of course, their choices will affect others’ choices. Everything and everyone is interconnected.

Time will tell, though things are moving quickly, we may not need to wait long for more clarity to come.

This is a time of massive and profound change. There are so many things that have happened in the last three years – changes which have transformed the way we see the world, each other, and ourselves. Changes which have brought us to this very moment now. Embrace this moment, and embrace these changes as best you can.

I hope this series has brought some helpful insights to you regarding the Ukraine-Russia conflict. Most of all, I hope that having some sense of the energy dynamics in motion will bring you clarity and objectivity as you read and watch all the information being shared moving forward. Most of all, may you find some peace in the midst of the chaos.

Wishing each and all of you well, wherever you are in the world.

~ Light, Love, Blessings, and Peace,




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