The 2022 Aries New Moon reaches its maximum phase on Thursday 31st March 2022 at 11:24p PDT (11.52°), though this will be happening on Friday, 1st April 2022 in majority of the world. This New Moon phase will bring a few very interesting energy dynamics to the fore.

This is a time of new beginnings in every sense. With Aries bringing its cardinal fire energy to matters as well as being the first sign of the Zodiac ellipse, there is a sense of urgency to take action to begin new things. The key words for this 2022 Aries New Moon are action, begin, and new because for a truly new beginning, you must take new actions. You must be willing to take steps on a new path toward new conditions, or possibly even an entirely new environment. We’ll be feeling this push to take on new things during this powerful New Moon phase.

That said, there are some of us who will thrive during this time by taking steps on new and different paths. Many of us are ready for a new beginning or maybe even a clean slate. The Taurus North Node/Scorpio South Node axis will play a role in this New Moon phase, and some people will take steps to gradually transition to a new path that is more aligned with their personal values while others may cut ties completely to move on to something new. Words communicated and our emotional responses to them also play a definitive role, and some of us will be driven by pure emotion and may act in decisive yet impulsive extremes, while some of us who are driven by inspiration, intellect, and emotion are likely to make choices in a more measured way. Either way, it’s the actions that count, and those of us who find success at this time will be the ones who dare to do something different than we have before. This will likely look like taking a chance on ourselves as individuals, trusting in our unique talents, abilities, and skills as contributions to something greater than ourselves in ways which also help us sustain our personal livelihoods.

There will also be some of us who will struggle during this time. Consider that 1) we may be experiencing these challenges because we’re still looking to others to make the changes we want or need, or 2) we may be experiencing challenges because we’re trying to do things the way we’ve always done them in a rapidly-changing world. In fact, the world may have moved far beyond our methods and ways now, with others taking care of their business the way business is done today rather than the way it was done in the past.

On an individual level, if you’re trying to hold onto the way things were in the past, you may find you’re being pulled down with a sinking ship. There’s been too much advancement – too much evolution for things to go back now. If you’re finding the circles and connections you’ve been part of are no longer aligning with your personal values, it may be time for you to phase yourself out of some of the partnerships or communities you’ve been part of in order to find new opportunities to grow. You may also find yourself being let go or removed from some of your circles or associations. However it happens, it’s all good. It’s all affirming the same messages – it’s time for you to go your own way.

You won’t be alone. There’s a distinct collective movement away from absolute extremes right now. Many of us are beginning to realize that our choices about who or what to collaborate with can be far more complicated than simply picking a side in a conflict. There are no clean and clear choices right now. Every option has its pros and cons, and we each have to decide which chances we’re willing to take to support ourselves and our livelihoods not only materially, physically, and financially, but also emotionally and spiritually. Without everything being taken into consideration in the short term, we may be doing ourselves a great disservice in the long run.

To that point, it’s important for you to find those who best align with your values and objectives/goals. As much as you may want to, you won’t make progress alone – you’ll need to work with others. This is an excellent time to find new partners and/or communities to work with and through in balanced and healthy collaborative efforts which utilize the talents and abilities of each person involved. You may not agree on everything, and that’s kind of the point. The question is whether or not your points of difference are dealbreakers, or if they can be overcome for a greater purpose.

In the far west, the 2022 Aries New Moon occurs on a 4 Universal Day in a 9 Universal Month. These energies actually reflect a desire for safety, security, and stability that is coming into fulfillment/realization; or possibly safety, security, and stability coming to a completion or an end of some sort. It can also reflect a determination to achieve a particular result or outcome – a focus that may be more “tunnel vision” than ambition.

However, most of the world will be experiencing the 2022 Aries New Moon under the influence of an 11 Universal Day in a 1 Universal Month, affirming many of the astrological signatures of this New Moon phase. These energies reflect opportunities for new beginnings emerging from collaborative and/or community efforts. Those who share a common goal will find themselves providing and provided with opportunities to begin anew in one or more ways in both their individual and collective journeys.

Both groups are experiencing these energies under the umbrella of a 6 Universal Year focused on nurturing care, health, wellness, functionality, and protection. It’s important that things work as efficiently and effectively as they possibly can. The 4 UD/9 UM group may be focused on making things work “the way they’re supposed to work,” while the 11 UD/1 UM group is more likely to be focused on “in the face of these changes, how can we make this work?” It’ll be easy to see who and what is operating in which energy during this 2022 Aries New Moon phase.

There’s a lot happening astrologically during this 2022 Aries New Moon, even though it doesn’t look like it at first. There are a large number of conjunction aspects creating little pockets of intensity that are likely to be reflected in the events occurring throughout this New Moon phase. Here are the transits within 3° orb at the time of maximum phase.

STELLIUM: Aries Mercury conjunct Moon conjunct Sun conjunct Chiron (9-12°) – This is an especially powerful combination of planets in that it proves the power of words/communications in evoking emotional (re)actions which reveal still-open or newly opened self-identity wounds. Pay close attention to what people are saying and what they are doing.

  • semi-sextile Taurus Uranus (9-12°) – These actions may result in a shift in values and a change in perspective when it comes to collaborative efforts. There will be some individuals who choose to become more independent, and others who may choose to ally themselves with new and different collaborators. The key here is that you may discover that you really cannot do it alone and/or that you may not be the leader you believe yourself to be.
  • sextile Gemini Ceres (9-13°) – Your words reflect your values. Be conscious of how what you communicate may be interpreted. This isn’t to say you should guard your words. It is to say that because your words will be driven my emotions right now, your words may reveal far more than you think they do, and may even be interpreted as the intention(s) behind your actions.

Aquarius Vesta sextile Aries STELLIUM sextile Gemini Ceres (9-13°) – You may have a fierce dedication to your side of the story or to your perspective on one or more collective matters. Yet there’s a fine line between communicating and convincing, and if you communicate impulsively, you may reveal more than you intended in ways which may become inspirational to some, but may be instigative to others. There will be a lot of thought given to shared values and common goals during this New Moon phase. Impulsive words and actions may be honest, yet they may result in some very large and unexpected changes. It may not feel like it now, but these changes will ultimately better align you with your true feelings and values.

  • T-SQUARE: Taurus North Node square Aquarius Stellium square Scorpio South Node (21-23°) – This configuration is fascinating because it highlights the power in this stellium combination in shaping the future. There is a collective shift in values occurring – the value of life, the value of money, the value of collaboration – they are all shifting now. The question is if they are shifting toward or away from the power of extremes or absolutes where individuals must choose where they stand (a.k.a. – “pick a team/side”).

DAISY-CHAIN STELLIUM: (Aquarius Mars conjunct Saturn)(Saturn conjunct Juno conjunct Venus) (19-25°) – Actions on behalf of the greater whole may find either loyal and reliable support, or severe delays or limitations to progress. This will affect the strength of one’s commitments to collaborative efforts and/or partnerships and alliances, or possibly the strength of a community’s loyalty to an individual or member of their collective.

Pisces Jupiter conjunct Neptune (21-23°) – Growing intuitive awareness amongst the masses in regard to how interconnected we are to each other and everything around us. This collective consciousness is expanding exponentially, and new visions of what is possible for the world are becoming

Aquarius Vesta square Taurus Uranus (10-12°) – The determination to establish new alliances or collaborations, or to sustain existing communities or alliances, may be challenged by shifting social values. You may quickly learn that not everyone sees the world in the same way you do, or that others who used to align with you no longer do. It’s up to you to choose to stay or to leave and find new circles and collaborations to connect and collaborate with.

(Aquarius Saturn conjunct Juno conjunct Venus) sextile Aries Eris (22-25°) – The Saturn-Juno-Venus stellium is interesting because it will demonstrate the strengthening of committed relationships, or limitations or restrictions from committed relationships. Either way, this energy supports acts of retribution or refusal to comply, likely reflected through the formation and/or dissolution of partnerships or alliances.

Capricorn Pluto quincunx Gemini Black Moon Lilith (28°) – Institutional transformation is out of alignment with egocentric intellectual beliefs… or in other words, our societal structures are out of alignment with ego-driven beliefs. We are not smarter than change.

Aquarius Mars sextile Aries Pallas Athena (17-19°) – Humanitarian activities can support individual strategies, or individual actions could support collective strategies. Make sure you know which action or activity you’re involved in, and which side of the action you’re on. Is it your strategy, or are you being subject to someone/something else’s?

The energy of this 2022 Aries New Moon phase will be felt from 28th March through 4th April. If there’s any question whether or not you should try something new or different, don’t question it too much. Now’s a time to say ‘yes’ to the new and take action in that new direction or on that new project.

After all, only new actions can lead to new beginnings.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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