A conjunction transit involving the traditional ruler of Pisces (Jupiter) and the contemporary ruler of Pisces (Neptune) in the sign of Pisces at 7:42a PDT on Tuesday, 12th April 2022 (23.99°) makes this a once-in-a-lifetime conjunction event (occurs approximately every 166 years).Together, the energies of Pisces, Jupiter, and Neptune bring an especially optimistic, inclusive, and expansive vision of what is possible in and for all of the life on this planet as well as the life of the planet itself. There has already been an awakening of what is possible for the world if we can recognize our collective Oneness, yet with this conjunction happening under an Aries Sun, there is a sense of urgency around taking action to bring this possibility into the reality of our world.

On a personal level, this Jupiter-Neptune conjunction may be a call for you to take action to bring your long-held dreams and visions into manifestation with a positive yet realistic “go big or go home” and/or “now or never” approach. Now may be the time to take something out of your head and heart, and to give it a chance in reality through action.

On a collective level, this conjunction is also a call for humanity to collaborate in service to something much greater than ourselves – the healing and well-being of each other, our planet, and All-That-Is. This is healing on all levels – emotional, spiritual, physical, and mental. By addressing these matters from the perspective that we are only as strong as our “weakest links,” this is a call to strengthen the weakest among us – to lift each other up so we can grow and strengthen as a collective whole.

This is occurring on a 4 Universal Day numerologically for most of the world, bringing energy of stability, solidity, and security. Both in our personal and collective experiences, our choices now will set the foundation for our future to come. For those of you experiencing this on the 13th April, this will be a 5 Universal Day of change and adjustment – your regions may already be looking ahead. This is a 1 Universal Month of new beginnings, and a 6 Universal Year of nurturing and healing but also pragmatism and process, so there’s definitely a “get things done” energy in the air, which is a bit unusual for Pisces which can easily drift off into daydreaming, passivity, and various forms of escapism.

This 2022 Pisces Jupiter-Neptune conjunction serves as a bold reminder that we are interconnected with every being and every thing in Oneness. The individuals who are highly empathic and/or intuitive will be the most conscious of this interconnectivity, and they’ll be the ones trying to share the wisdom and Truth of our Oneness with the rest of the world… if the world can move beyond its fantasies and delusions of ego-driven pride and willing self-destruction to hear the wisdom growing within and amongst us now.

Those not ready to hear and/or live by the greater wisdom coming forward now will continue their avoidance and escapism of the realities emerging now – that the old ways of the world are being outgrown and becoming outdated. They will witness if not begin experiencing people seeking new and different ways to resolve conflict and make sure everyone is taken care of in ways which promote peace and healing and service to one another. This may prove threatening to those clinging to the old vision, which is now becoming increasingly fantastic if not delusional as more people begin to look forward instead of back.

The thing that’s most interesting is that those looking to a brighter future aren’t oblivious to the past. If anything, they’re more aware of the past than ever before which is why they’re so committed to changing course now. Humanity is evolving, and this 2022 Pisces Jupiter-Neptune conjunction is revealing the way to move forward into new experiences in the future if we allow ourselves to see it…

…which brings another contingency to the fore. Be willing to look for what you can’t see. Question everything now. Deception and delusion can be strong under Pisces, especially with its two rulers together at this time. Do your due diligence when it comes to receiving information and assessing the visions each of us holds. Seek not just both sides, but all sides of every story or perception, and you may find common threads which need to be woven together as well as loose threads which need to be tied up or cut away.

The energy of this 2022 Pisces Jupiter-Neptune conjunction will be felt from the 7th through 17th of April 2022. It is a one-off transit, meaning it will not repeat due to retrogrades, so make the most of the opportunities presented to you or created by you within this 10-day span.

If your dreams and/or our collective dreams are going to be realized, now’s the time to take action to begin bringing them into reality. It’s time to act on our dreams.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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