The 2022 Libra Full Moon enters its maximum phase at 11:55a PDT on Saturday 16th April 2022 in the majority of the world, though if you’re in the far eastern regions of the world, you may be experiencing the max phase on Sunday 17th April (26.76°).

Libra is a cardinal air sign, which means it has initiative intellect and/or communication. Libra prefers to use one-on-one interactions to discuss matters and ideas, and to truly engage in balanced exchanges with other individuals. Libra’s objective is to use intellect and communication to establish and maintain peace in its one-on-one relationships and partnerships of all kinds. Libra holds the belief that peace is possible in every situation, and everything is negotiable when peace is the objective. However, Libra places great importance in the parties involved coming to a resolution that is balanced, fair, and just and/or equitable for both or all parties involved.

The challenge with Libra is that it tends to seek, establish, and/or maintain peace by any means necessary. Libra is, strangely enough, known for its tendency to be non-confrontational. Its unspoken policy of avoiding conflict also influences Libra’s ability to make decisive choices as they don’t want to make a choice that will upset the balance of a situation or relationship. Conflict scares them, unless the conflict doesn’t involve them directly. In those situations, you may see Libra act as the objective negotiator of peace between two parties, working with others to find a way to a peaceful outcome.

The Libra Full Moon, generally speaking, encourages us to celebrate the peace in our relationships with ourselves and others. Yet in reflecting the light of the Aries Sun, the Libra Full Moon actually gives us each and all an opportunity to see how our actions and choices may affect others, which in turn, gives us an opportunity to see how others’ actions and choices may be affecting our individual self-identities and our abilities to act in our own best interests to experience peace in our lives. To that point, there will be more assessing of the effects of our relationships with others than usual during the 2022 Libra Full Moon. That’s because, interestingly enough, the 2022 Libra Full Moon isn’t the most peaceful in its makeup. However, addressing the challenges it brings forth could ultimately (and in some cases, immediately) bring the most peace to many of us that we’ve felt in a long time.

The combination of the astrological and numerological energies during this particular Libra Full Moon phase is bringing emotional realities to the surface that some of us may have been avoiding for a long time, pushing us to see how some of our relationships are out of balance, and how much those imbalances may be weighing on us emotionally (which may be affecting us mentally, physically, and spiritually as well).

This 2022 Libra Full Moon reveals that we may be in denial about some of the feelings we’re feeling now. As we become more aware and conscious of our relationships to ourselves, each other, and the world around us, we may find ourselves afraid to admit that we aren’t so optimistic about the current state of affairs, or in some cases, afraid to admit that we’re optimistic when so many around us are struggling; afraid we may need to change our personal and social values in order to heal ourselves and our relationships with others, and this may mean we need to end some relationships and associations, and seek new ones that are healthier for us; and some of us may be struggling with the idea of facing and acknowledging our self-identity wounds while others of us are healing and thriving despite the collective challenges. Yet the important lesson in whichever circumstance you may find yourself is this: We cannot heal what we won’t acknowledge; we cannot solve a problem without acknowledging the problem; we cannot be courageous without facing and moving through what we fear; and we cannot treat the symptoms which keep emerging because we won’t look for or acknowledge the root cause. Those of us who are thriving now are likely recognizing the gifts that our relationships of all kinds are, and the blessings those connections can bring to our lives.

More often than not, the roots of the wounds and problems in our relationships and within ourselves are hardest to reach because we’ve been conditioned to avoid them. Instead of facing and addressing those not-so-pretty aspects of ourselves and those we choose to be in relationships with, we run to escape or deny them. We’ve created all sorts of escape mechanisms to “make us feel better” and help us avoid or procrastinate the pain, or worse, to project or blame our pain on others instead of recognizing our hypocrisy and/or how our own choices may have had a hand in our current challenges. This is not to say everything about our circumstances is our individual fault, but it is to say that we do have say in how we choose to express and/or deal with the pain we feel and whether we channel our pain into productive or destructive actions and behaviors.

On an individual note, you may be starting to see how you’ve allowed others to have power over you in our lives, or you may see how you’ve had power over others. You may be realizing how we’ve made choices which have limited you or resulted in denying yourself the blessing of living your life in alignment with your individual personal truths and values. A great deal of resentment and frustration may be bubbling up to the surface for you and/or others at this time as recognition of your relational challenges and imbalances are coming to both our individual and collective awareness. Now, because we’re under the influence of an Aries Sun and a Libra Moon, you may find yourself inspired to take action to address and resolve these matters, finally taking steps to bring your life and your relationships into balance.

It’s likely people will use the energy of this 2022 Libra Full Moon to assess where or not certain relationships or partnerships are working for them. Do the connections enhance or detriment their lives? Do the people, communities, associations, and/or alliances they’re connected to empower and support their individuality and independence, or do they disempower and discourage them? With all of the energies in play during this Full Moon phase, it’s likely there will be a large number of relationships, partnerships, or agreements ending in their current context and either shifting into a new chapter of relationship or ending altogether, not only because of shifting power dynamics in not only the relationships themselves, but due to shifts in the social, societal, or global structures which often influence them. Be ready to see many individuals choosing to focus on restoring balance in their relationship with themselves over trying to find balance and peace their relationships with others in this seven-day Libra Full Moon window.

The numerology of the 2022 Libra Full Moon adds additional insight into the power balances and/or imbalances within the relationships that are being brought to light at this time. The maximum phase occurs on an 8 Universal Day for most of the world, which is a day focused on power and influence at its best, and control and manipulation at its worst. In far eastern regions of the world, it will reach maximum phase on a 9 Universal Day of fulfillments and completions at best, and hyperfocus or staunch determination to force outcomes at its worse. These are both occurring on a 1 Universal Month of new beginnings and taking action to initiate new things, so there may be efforts to control how new relationships are forming and there may be efforts to force certain outcomes of relationships or partnerships. This could also indicate the need to end certain partnerships to create space for new ones to form. All of this is happening under the umbrella of a 6 Universal Year of nurturing care and practical functionality, so the way power is wielded now, the way certain relationships are ending, the way others are beginning – it’s all in order to make sure things function in ways which are beneficial to the individual self, first, then in service to the greater whole.

Here are the detailed explanations of the astrological transits which are within 3° orbs at the time of the 2022 Libra Full Moon’s maximum phase:

T-SQUARE: Aries 1 Sun square Capricorn Pluto square Libra Moon (26-28°) – Actions are bringing to light the power (im)balances in relationships/partnerships of all kinds. The challenge here is how the state and strength of our societal institutions and structures may influence people’s relationship choices at this time.

NODAL T-SQUARE: Scorpio South Node square Aquarius Saturn square Taurus North Node (22-23°) – There’s a great deal of limitation if not restriction being imposed upon the masses right now. Saturn is the great disciplinarian and Aquarius is responsible for human evolution and innovation, yet with Saturn traveling through the sign, many of us may be experiencing the silencing or shutting out of public opinion.

STELLIUM: Aries Pallas Athena conjunct Eris conjunct Sun (24-26°) – Individual strategies may be rooted in the desire to “make things right,” yet is there a pattern of behavior that reflects that sentiment, or is the pattern getting justice or vengeance for one party than establishing fairness for both/all? It’s important to make sure you’re not acting out of vengeance or with intend to harm at this time. It’s also important to make sure you’re not falsely accusing others of doing the same thing you’re doing or having the same motivations you do. Now more than ever, you may be wrong and the light of the Aries Sun will be swift and direct in revealing the factual truth about the matters-at-hand. Fairness is the only motivations and ownership for your own actions are the only behaviors that will be universally well-received at this time.

SEQUENCE: Aquarius Saturn semi-sextile (Pisces Neptune conjunct Jupiter) semi-sextile (Aries Pallas Athena conjunct Eris) semi-sextile Taurus North Node (22-24°) – The limitations and restrictions we’re experiencing on a mass public scale are holding back humanity’s evolution, which can go one of two ways:
1) the expansion of fantasies and delusions which are intended to get people involved in a fictional fight for justice that leads to questions about what we really value and what may be possible for us from here, individually and collectively
2) a unified vision of what is possible if the masses can come together to bring its visionary ideas to a point of collective clarity and focus, which can lead to strategies which break patterns of vengeance and reestablish the value of not only human life, but the possibly the value of life everywhere on the planet, including the planet itself.

SEQUENCE: Pisces Venus semi-sextile Aries Chiron semi-sextile (Taurus Mercury conjunct Uranus) (11-13°) – Are we in denial about the pain we are feeling now? As our relationships to each other and the world around us become increasingly less ideal and more painfully real, many of us are struggling with the idea of facing and acknowledging our self-identity wounds, afraid we may need to change our personal and social values in order to heal. But are we holding ourselves and/or others to standards we can’t possibly match? Or are we expecting others to heal us when true healing can only come from within ourselves? Check to see if you’re idealizing an element of your situation, or if you’re beginning to recognize that someone else is idealizing or holding lofty expectations of you.

Pisces Jupiter conjunct Neptune (24°) – Idealism is in full bloom! It’s an excellent time to bring visions and dreams into reality as this pairing increases awareness of what is actually possible. Yet it also could intensify delusions and fantasies about what could be. It’s up to you to discern “the call” from “the hype” or “the fantasy.”

Aries 1 Sun sextile Aquarius Juno (26-28°) – There’s a commitment to take action on behalf of public and/or human interest, but is the action being taken the action that the public actually wants, or the action humanity actually needs? If not, it may be worth looking into who exactly is committed to whom.

Libra Moon trine Aquarius Juno (26-28°) – An emotional desire for peace throughout humanity that is empowered by public opinion. Yet this also serves as a reflection of the actions you and others take, and may help in determining whether you’re really emotionally invested in peace, or if you’re

Aquarius Juno trine Cancer Black Moon Lilith (28-0°) – Ego-driven emotions empower one’s commitment in regard to the masses. The question is whether or not that commitment is to honor their will or ignore it. Whatever the commitment is, it will have strong support now.

Pisces Mars trine Cancer Black Moon Lilith (0-1°) – Emotion-driven actions are likely to be driven by ego at this time. What are your emotional needs, and how are you projecting them onto others or seeking them to be fulfilled by others at this time?

The energy of the 2022 Libra Full Moon will be felt from 13th through 19th of April. Use this time to tune into your relationship with yourself and your relationships with others. Acknowledge what is out of balance, and express your gratitude for what is balanced and supportive. Most importantly, take action and take the steps you need to take in regard to your relationships to restore balance in your life.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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