The 2022 Taurus New Moon occurs at 1:28p PDT on Saturday 30th April 2022 (10.47°). This will be an especially potent New Moon phase as it’s accompanied by a partial solar eclipse along with a few fascinating astrological transit configurations and some complex numerology. Despite its complexity, its message is really simple: Things have been real for a while, but they’re about to feel as real as they are.

Taurus is fixed earth energy, which means it can be as stubborn as stubborn gets once it finds a familiar routine or position to be in. This can be a problem when its familiarity becomes a reason not to move forward. The key to moving Taurus is to make its familiar conditions so uncomfortable it can no longer bear to stay, usually by removing its ability to acquire the resources to remain where it is, or by forcing it to recognize that it has outgrown its place or position. Ruled by Venus in traditional astrology and by Ceres in contemporary astrology, Taurus represents the material, physical, and financial resources we need to sustain ourselves, seeking their manifestation in ways which make us feel stable, comfortable, and secure.

If we really want to be blunt about it, Taurus ultimately represents what we believe and/or perceive we need in order to survive and what we’re willing to do to obtain it.

So, the question becomes, what do you believe you need in order to survive?

Yes, the most basic answer is food and shelter.
Yet the real answer is often more complicated and often reflects our personal values, preferences, and morals. That’s where this 2022 Taurus New Moon + Partial Solar Eclipse becomes very interesting.

The 2022 Taurus Solar Eclipse conjunction is also a partial solar eclipse. This means that the Sun will not be entirely covered by the Moon at any point during this eclipse. This also means that the light of the Sun – the light of Truth – won’t be fully obscured or overwhelmed by our emotions. This is a good thing! We can start in the present and move forward into the possibilities of the future without losing touch with our experiential and/or emotional reality.

Since we won’t be completely cut off from reality, this Taurus New Moon means we can finally deal with how we feel about the tangible and experiential realities before us, around us, and in some cases, within us. We can now face the reality of conditions and circumstances we find ourselves in, and allow ourselves to be present to what we really feel about where our past individual and collective choices and actions have brought us to today.

This 2022 Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse will reveal how many of us have been really good at keeping our emotions at bay – not allowing ourselves to feel the emotional impact of our physical and material realities, trying to find ways to escape or deny how uncertain the course of our lives has become. We may also recognize how we may be compromising our (supposed) values and morals in our efforts to keep our lifestyle façades and delusions in place.

Some of us may have gone through the last few weeks, months, and years trying to avoid emotional upset or pain by defaulting to daydreams, hypotheticals, fantastic visions, blaming others for our woes, projecting our bad behavior onto others to deflect blame from ourselves, and other delusional behaviors – living in a mode of desperate escapism, trying to avoid responsibility for any of our avoidant choices.

However, others may have gone through the last few weeks, months, and years trying to maintain a sense of grounding, focus, and intention as we navigate the façades and alternative realities others have been creating in their efforts to preserve their worldly self-identities. Even within this group, some of us may also be dealing with our own inabilities to accept the very real physical and/or material situations we find ourselves in, yet are blaming ourselves for our current conditions, refusing to share the responsibility with others or put the blame on any external sources. Instead of playing victim to others, we choose to play victim to ourselves, even when some of what we face may be no fault of our own.

Whichever behaviors you’re been actively engaged with, all of this escapist, avoidant, and victimization behavior could be challenged if not brought to completion by this 2022 Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse. This will occur mostly by choice for many of us; but some of us, it will occur by force.

Because things are about to feel really, really real.

This 2022 Taurus New Moon conjunction brings our emotional attention to how our experiential conditions continue to shift and change. More of us are waking up to our actual personal circumstances on the physical, material, and/or financial levels and how we truly feel about them. The events of this New Moon Eclipse will yet again deliver a message that has been sounding for a while, and will now finally become real for those who have avoided, denied, and/or ignored it:

What used to be “normal” and familiar is no more.
We are never going back. It is gone.
We must move forward now. We must evolve, or die.

Of course, letting go of the past means stepping into an unstable and uncertain future. It’s because of the immense uncertainty that many of us are finding ourselves trying to recreate a past that the majority of us do not want to repeat.

This longing for the familiar is the stubborn Taurus energy in action – this is how people become set in their world view and refuse to let it go because it’s all they know or have been conditioned to believe. No matter how outdated or irrelevant it may be now, no matter how unsustainable it is, no matter how much it may be collapsing or imploding, it’s the world they know; and even if it’s painfully uncomfortable to continue living in it, they’d rather stick with what they know than let it go and allow something new to be implemented. You can see this happening with people desperately trying to put new faces on all sorts of old systems and structures, trying to repackage or re-present old ideas in new ways. There’s nothing truly original – nothing truly innovative or unprecedented, even though truly new and original is what we’re all longing for.

The attachment to the familiar past may also may find some of us stuck with unfulfilled expectations or unrealized ideals in our relationship(s) or partnership(s) of all kinds, on the physical, material, and/or or financial levels and on the individual/personal and collective/global levels. Maybe some of us have been waiting for a long time for some sort of breakthrough to happen, and may now be reaching a point where we’ve either begun trying to force it to happen or we’ve done the opposite and begun giving up on it completely within the structures currently in place. Either way, we’re seeking or creating some sort of resolution or completion so we can move on physically and emotionally to something new.

Whichever case(s) may apply to you, this 2022 Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse reveals how many of us are in a holding pattern – like Tom Cruise hanging over the floor in “Mission Impossible”, trying to avoid hitting the floor and setting off all the alarms. You may be terrified of losing everything you know, but you cannot build on air – there’s no anchor in air; only in ground.

It’s up to you to allow actual, factual reality to set in your life. It’s up to you to hit the floor. You can build on solid ground, thought you may need to stabilize that ground before you start to build.

This is, in large part, what is most disturbing for so many. We understand that new foundations can’t be set until the old foundations are cleared away, and many of us see that there’s still more work to do in moving the old out so the new can come in. There’s more collapse and clearing that needs to happen before we can start putting new cornerstones in place. There’s more instability on the way before stability can be (re)established.

This is the case in your own individual journey, and this is the case for all of us in our collective journey.

Therefore, in your personal journey, it’s up to you to allow or facilitate the completion of the collapse of your current structures. YOU are the one responsible for clearing the old away; you are responsible for placing the cornerstones for your next build.

And this means that as the collective whole of humanity, we must allow the completion of the collapse of our outdated societal and global structures, values, and routines so we can start setting the foundation for a new experience of our world to be built. We must let go of the familiar in order to let the new in. The evolution of humanity and society requires us to drift away from our well-known past and travel to a yet undetermined future – a future we are in a position to envision, feel, and then make real. To navigate this uncertain world as it continues to emerge, we must carry the lessons of our collapsing past forward, look at what we are creating in our present, and strongly apply what we’re learning from the past and present to the creation of our future, understanding that we are now clearing the ground to set the foundations of what comes next.

For those of you ready to change your individual course and/or contribute to our collective course to higher and greater purposes, now is the time to take action upon your visions and your inner knowing of what aligns with your values and morals. Your awareness of your interconnection with everyone and everything will help you navigate the now and next in very real-world, tangible ways.

The navigation is also supported by the somewhat complicated numerological energies present during this 2022 Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse.

Western and Middle Eastern regions of the world will be experiencing this New Moon Eclipse on a 4 Universal Day of stability, security, safety, and foundation; building on the last day of a 1 Universal Month representing action and new beginnings. The 4 energy is very similar to Taurus’ energy, which means it’s likely that in these regions, there is either new forms of resistance opposing the new beginnings and new directions being called for (the old, past-focused guard), or a decisive push in clearing the old so the cornerstones of a new and different future can be set (the new future-focused guard). There are also likely to be clashes as the two perspectives compete for the upper hand, and these clashes are likely to play out financially, materially, and in varied degrees, physically.

Eastern nations will have already moved into a new day and a new calendar month, with the Taurus New Moon Eclipse occurring for them on a 3 Universal Day of curiosity, learning, growth, and expansion; expanding their inquiries on the first day of an 11 Universal Month of inspiration and collaboration. In these regions, they’re looking to expand upon the partnerships and collaborations both well-established and newly-seeded, asking the necessary questions of each other as they each bringing their unique offerings to the table to see what is possible together.

For all regions of the world, this will be occurring under a 6 Universal Year of practical and purposeful nurturing, caring, and protection. It is extremely important to notice who protects what and/or whom as all that is nurtured and protected is valued by the supporting and/or defending party(s). You can learn a lot from paying close attention to what people are willing to stand up for and defend.

There aren’t many astrological transits for this 2022 Taurus New Moon Eclipse, but they’re profound. The eclipse already strengthens this phase, but these transits are here to really move us into a new chapter of human experience.

Taurus Sun conjunct Moon in partial solar eclipse (10.47°) – This conjunction leaves part of the Sun exposed during this eclipse, resulting in our ability to maintain a sense of reality despite our emotions being in a heightened state. The New Moon phase brings our emotional attention to our fundamental lifestyle needs – food and shelter – and the other resources which support our self-identities and our livelihoods. As our conditions continue to shift and change, more people are waking up to their real personal circumstances on a physical, material, and financial level. Reality is setting in.

  • sextile Pisces Mars (10-11°) – acting on ideals may prove to be acting on delusions as reality sets in that things aren’t what they may have been presented to be. This could also mean that you’re being called to act upon changing ideals and/or shifting values, causing you to take steps that you may regret and/or need to reverse later.
  • square Aquarius White Moon Selene (10°) – evidence is emerging that may prove that the values you may be trying to uphold may not be aligned with the Highest Good of All-That-Is after all. Is it time to reassess what you’re choosing to stand for?

Pisces Venus conjunct Jupiter (27.95°) – Your one-on-one relationships of all kinds may be helping you grow and expand beyond anything you could have imagined. The optimism is contagious, yet idealism can be contagious, too. Keep your vision in mind at all times so others can’t lead you down a path that seems too good to be true.

  • sextile Capricorn Pluto Retrograde (27-28°) – The old institutions may finally be compromised enough for the seedlings of societal transformation to emerge. There won’t be much that is solid just yet, but there’s definitely something building as what’s been done to sustain the status quo may come back around to those who took those steps. Round two will keep them occupied trying to save face and unable to distract you from your pursuit of your goals.
    In your personal experience, this may show up as recognition that your partnership needs to evolve. It may be time to step into a new phase of growth and expansion together, or it may be time to go your separate ways as your values and goals show increasing signs of divergence so each of you can grow in alignment with your individual truths.
  • DAISY-CHAIN SEQUENCE: Pisces Venus conjunct Jupiter semi-sextile Taurus Pallas Athena semi-sextile Gemini Mercury semi-sextile Cancer Black Moon Lilith (27-1°) – The growth you experience in your partnerships will likely force a change in your lifestyle routines/patterns as you may realize you’ve outgrown your current conditions – they simply won’t allow you to fit anymore! This may lead you to begin thinking and speaking differently about yourself and your life, and will definitely lead you to feel differently about yourself – your emotional ego will either be boosted by your growth (i.e. – it’s finally happening!), or you may feel challenged by your growth (insecure and/or unprepared to take on the conditions you now find yourself in).

SEQUENCE: Aquarius Saturn semi-sextile Pisces Neptune semi-sextile Aries Eris semi-sextile Taurus North Node semi-sextile Gemini Ceres (22-24°) – Anything direction or path you’re trying to move in that’s not allowing you to proceed – you’re being blocked because you’re not supposed to go in that direction. You don’t belong there – it’s not for you (or at least not for you at this time). The redirection is meant to realign you with your inspired vision that is ready to be manifest now. This vision may be a dream that you feel has been denied you for a long time, yet consider the “denial” was because you weren’t ready for it. Now, you’ve learned and experienced all you needed to in order to appreciate all you have in your life, what’s happening in your life, and what’s coming into your life now.

Capricorn Pluto Retrograde square Taurus Pallas Athena (28-0°) – “The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry” is a very appropriate quote for this transit. Though these components share element (earth), they are in square aspect (approximately 90° apart), meaning they challenge each other in matters of structure and stability. The institutions of old are showing their wear, and new strategies are emerging. All that is happening now is transforming the world as we know it, changing its values and goals.

The energy of this 2022 Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse will be felt most intensely from Wednesday 27th April through Tuesday 3rd May 2022, but due to the eclipse, its energies will be felt for at least six months from this point (early November) and many of the events born out of the seeds planted during this time will be enduring.

If there’s one takeaway message for you from this New Moon Solar Eclipse event it’s this:
Let yourself feel the reality of this moment. Let it all feel really, really real.

Then do something inspired and empowered born of what you feel – something that makes a difference for you, and ultimately, for everyone.

Don’t just talk about it – make it real.         

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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