The 2022 Gemini New Moon enters its maximum phase at 4:30a PDT on Monday 30th May 2022 (9.05°). This is the first post-eclipse month New Moon, and it’ll provide us with the first wave of after-effects from the Solar and Lunar Eclipses we’ve just come through in the last 30 days.

Gemini is a mutable air sign, meaning that it takes great interest in information and communication. It thrives on exchanging ideas and information, and is eager to learn. Though it has a reputation for being talkative and playful, Gemini actually only talks and goofs around as much as it needs to in order to gather information from others. It’s the child/student energy of the Zodiac, so despite its reputation for chattiness and all-around mischief, Gemini is always listening and learning. Always.

Gemini also has a reputation for moving very quickly. Ruled by Mercury, Gemini wants to gather information and insights now, and doesn’t have much patience. This makes it prone to making assumptions or incomplete assessments of people and circumstances. This inclination is tempered somewhat by the fact that Mercury is retrograde in Taurus at the time this Gemini New Moon reaches its max phase. The Taurus retrograde puts Gemini’s otherwise forward motion into a reflective energy, asking it and all of us to think about how we arrived in the circumstances we find ourselves in now, and asks us what we might consider doing differently moving forward from here. The retrograde also allows us to take advantage of second chances or to gather information we may have missed the first time around. New opportunities may be presenting themselves again. It would be wise to take the offer if it’s aligned with your values and where you see yourself going…

… and that’s the thing with this 2022 Gemini New Moon. It’s a reflective yet forward-thinking opportunity. Values are still in play due to Mercury Retrograde, Venus (Taurus’ traditional ruler), Pallas Athena, Uranus, and the North Node all in Taurus. Yet there is also a quite a bit of energy in Aries with Mars (Aries’ ruling planet), Jupiter, Chiron, and Eris in that sign, encouraging actions to be taken swiftly. Under the energetic influence of this New Moon, as soon as you’re clear something is (or may be) for you, don’t hesitate to act upon your choice to pursue it. Even if you’ve never done it before, it’s likely a gateway to your future.

The future is the key with this 2022 Gemini New Moon, to the point where the Scorpio South Node – representing our collective wisdom from the past and our collective attachment to it – is rather isolated from all of the other celestial bodies and points in this New Moon chart. This makes this New Moon week a time for permanently releasing the past; and for discussing options, making choices, and taking actions for your future and for the future of humanity and the planet. There’s a sense of urgency around this now – an encouragement if not a warning not to delay or hesitate any longer in changing direction and moving toward what’s next for you and your life, even if you’re not entirely certain what the future holds.

Change is the main theme of this New Moon numerologically speaking. For the majority of the world, the 2022 Gemini New Moon will reach max phase on a 5 Universal Day of change, variety, versatility, adaptability, flexibility, ingenuity, surprises, and quick wit. A very mercurial energy, five energy is quick-thinking, quick-acting, and can become bored very easily. Bored or stifled five is trouble, so don’t be surprised if there’s a sudden action or event which shakes up your world a little… or a lot. The Far Eastern and Australasian regions will be in 6 Universal Day energy which is nurturing, caring, and protective energy. These parts of the world are more likely to be attending to the needs of their communities and cultures, putting their people first.

Both of these Universal Day energies are occurring under the last days of an 11 Universal Month energy of collaboration and interconnection. The month of May 2022 has revealed and/or reminded us just how interconnected each and all of us are, and how interconnected the world has become through technology and trade. The lessons of this last month will not be soon forgotten, and will provide the foundations of public and global policy moving forward. Don’t ignore these topics because they aren’t fun enough. You may be feeling their effects sooner than later.

All of this is happening under a 6 Universal Year of health and wellness along with nurturing, caring, practical, and purposeful action intended to repair and/or heal ourselves, each other, and the world. This year is revealing how we nurture and care for ourselves and each other, and how we prioritize that care.

Though the numerology is insightful, what may be most remarkable about this 2022 Gemini New Moon is the number of astrological sequences in the transits at the time of the New Moon’s maximum phase. I call 3 or more interconnected semi-sextile aspects a sequence – a configuration in which the energy of one planet or point is connected by aspect and leads to the next energy which is also connected by aspect and leads to the next. There are four of these during this Gemini New Moon! This is important to note as this New Moon really brings a sense that one thing will lead to the another, which will lead to another, etc. The choices we make and actions we take now will indeed be setting our mindset for the future. We are actively creating what happens next, in our own individual lives and for the collective whole of human kind. This is about us, but it’s also about all of us. If we want a different future, we must let go of the past and change the way we’re going about the present.

To that point, here are the astrological transits within 3° orb at the time of the 2022 Gemini New Moon’s maximum phase:

(Gemini Sun conjunct Moon) semi-sextile Cancer Ceres (6-9°) – This one is a stretch, but it’s also the only transit directly involving the New Moon conjunction. The information that comes to light during this New Moon will reveal people’s emotional priorities in ways which will clarify so much about why certain people are making the choices they’re making right now. This includes you! How do the words you speak, thoughts you believe, and the choices you make protect your self-identity and protect what you’re most emotionally invested in? Notice what you choose to protect, and pay attention to what that reveals about you at this time.

SEQUENCE: Aquarius Saturn semi-sextile Pisces Neptune semi-sextile Aries Eris semi-sextile Taurus North Node (22-25°) – This one can show up in two ways.
The first way is in the powers-that-be (in your personal life or in our collective society) try to hold back public awakening and awareness, which leads to the building of deceptive or delusional narratives to distract from factual truth, which could lead to resentment, anger, and a sense of betrayal, which could lead to a change in our social values and morals.
The second way is that the public becomes focused and disciplined around a common goal, which leads to an inspired ideal for groups and communities (if not humanity as a whole) to focus around, which leads to a constructive anger rooted in betrayal and anger, which leads to an evolution of social values and morals.
Either course will affect our individual and collective futures, and it would be wise to remember that your individual choices and actions now will likely ripple out and affect far more than yourself alone.

SEQUENCE: Aquarius Saturn semi-sextile Pisces Neptune semi-sextile Aries Eris semi-sextile Taurus Mercury Retrograde (24-26°) – This one is very similar to the last one, only the two scenarios are likely to result in a change of perspective. People may think and speak differently after they’re asked to take a second look at their personal circumstances or the world in a new and different way. This sequence is likely to be experienced on a personal level rather than a collective one, yet the choices made under its influence could ripple out just as strongly into the collective… but it starts with the choices you make for yourself.

SEQUENCE: Pisces Vesta semi-sextile (Aries Mars conjunct Jupiter) semi-sextile Taurus Venus (1-4°) – There’s a determined effort to uphold ideals now, but it’s important to identify whether or not the implementation of those ideals in everyday reality is delusional or possible. This determination to see the vision through will likely result in bold (and impulsive) actions being taken, which will lead to the formation or realization of interesting partnerships in efforts to preserve or improve livelihood resources. Yet this sequence is interesting in that there’s a good chance that is if your actions are based in delusion, there could be a rude awakening at a later date for one or more parties involved in the newly-developed relationships as time reveals the relationship to be very one-sided. However, any connections formed with a shared vision and mutual benefit as the goal will be enduring and very beneficial for all involved as time progresses.

SEQUENCE: Pisces Juno semi-sextile Aries Chiron semi-sextile Taurus Pallas Athena (12-15°) – Strong commitment to ideals leads to either reopened self-identity wounds when those ideals don’t come to fruition, forcing likely unwanted changes in routine and lifestyle; OR leads to healing self-identity wounds which support positive wanted changes in routine and lifestyle. Either way, the changes will ultimately be positive, but for those who resist or avoid change, it may be painful before it’s peaceful.

(Aries Mars conjunct Jupiter) square (Cancer Black Moon Lilith conjunct Ceres) (3-6°) – Actions lead to bigger things. You may be ready to take a big, bold action – just be ready for a big, bold result if you do. And if you decide to take a small action, be ready for your little action to reap big rewards and/or big exposure or possibly to command more attention than you ever expected. Your inclination when this big wave comes in will likely be to shut it down because you’re “not ready for this!” Yet the Universe will only give you what you can handle. This may be a push for you to shift your mindset to what you can do

Taurus Pallas Athena conjunct Uranus (13-16°) – Routines may be disrupted by evolving personal and/or social values, rendering old strategies for getting through difficulties useless. You won’t be able to do things the way you’ve always done it for much longer if any longer. It’s time for you to consider which changes you can make as you’re no longer going to be able to avoid making any.

Capricorn Pluto Retrograde trine Taurus Mercury Retrograde (26-28°) – Our societal institutions, structures, and benchmarks for achievement and success are being transformed. Aspects of them are collapsing or dying in order to be created or born anew. These changes are disruptive only because people are desperately clinging to what is familiar to them, even if it no longer serves them well or harms them. People are now seeing and thinking about the real reality of their lives after being forced to take a second look at what’s really happening in their personal circumstances and/or the world around them. This will be empowering for many people in that they may finally liberate themselves from burdens they could have dropped long ago. Yet for others, this could bring about a “nothing left to lose” moment which feels like everything is being taken away, but it’s really only clearing the space for new, more positive things to enter.

The energy of this 2022 Gemini New Moon will be felt from Friday 27th May through Thursday 2nd June 2022. Throughout this week-long New Moon journey, remember that one thing leads to another. Make your choices wisely, and take your actions boldly. You’re moving into your future now.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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