The 2022 Sagittarius Full Moon reaches its maximum phase at 4:51a PDT on Tuesday 14th June 2022 (23.42°). This is an optimistic and expansive full moon phase, presenting us with opportunities to expand our knowledge through experience, encouraging us to grow beyond our fantasies and ideals to embrace what is authentic, real, and true.

Sagittarius is the mutable fire energy of the Zodiac, meaning it represents adaptive and creative action. Ruled by Jupiter, it’s generally an optimistic sign focused on growth and expansion through big and bold actions usually connected with adventure and travel, though it could also grow and expand through higher education and/or religious studies. For these reasons, Sagittarius is known as the professor or wise (wo)man of the Zodiac in opposition/balance to Gemini’s perpetual student or child energy, with Sagittarius often sharing the wisdom it gains through first-hand experiences of taking Gemini’s intellectual theories out into the world, testing their practical application, and determining their factual truth.

However, Sagittarius also has an innate knowing of Truth that the other eleven signs don’t have. This can be both a blessing for Sag in that it has a natural recognition of what is authentic, real, and factual. Yet it can also be a burden in that because it has such a strong inner knowing, Sagittarius also knows how much “extra” it can get away with adding to the truth, which is sometimes does to emphasize truth. Unfortunately, this “extra for emphasis” often results in creating mistrust in others as they may see the embellishment of truth as an indication that its messenger and/or teacher cannot be trusted fully.

If it can avoid its self-incriminating “burden” trap, Sagittarius is often confident that the knowledge and wisdom it shares with others will be proven truthful and accurate out in the world. That knowledge and wisdom comes with the understanding that more often than not, theory doesn’t always play out well in the real world. Therefore, if Sagittarius is sharing something, it’s because it’s been thoroughly debated and reasoned or they’ve “been there and done that” and their knowledge is likely gained if not earned through experience.

There’s something to be said for the sense of inner knowing Sagittarius naturally carries, especially during a Sagittarius Full Moon in which emotional and intuitive abilities are likely to be heightened and/or expanded. For you, this means if there were ever a time to trust your most positive and optimistic feelings, this is it! Yet for this approach to be effective, these positive feelings must be coming from an honest and authentic place. This energy isn’t about trying to force something to happen in order to feel good; it’s about feeling good about and trusting what you recognize as actually possible.

Both boldness and humility will be needed during this 2022 Sagittarius New Moon. Reflecting the light of the Gemini Sun, this Full Moon will bring some lessons about truth and trust, for better and worse. In the “better” category, those of us who are willing to take bold, honest actions in alignment with our inner truths will likely reap rewards and experience growth beyond our wildest imaginations. Trusting in our inner knowing will reap wonderful rewards. However, in the “worse” category, quite a few “facts” may be proven to be false, possibly as lies, forcing some of us to come to terms with a reality we haven’t been willing to face, and possibly won’t be able to accept. However, if we can come to terms with the factual reality being presented to us, we can develop respect for the experience that revealed the factual truth to us, and we can develop the humility that comes with that revelation of truth as we often realize it’s coming through something greater than ourselves alone.

The 2022 Sagittarius New Moon also reveals how our growing collective awareness of actual, factual reality can no longer be ignored. Despite efforts to escape it, distract from it, dismiss it, and/or ridicule it, facts are facts, and the public information “spin cycle” isn’t as effective as it once was. People want information out in the open in ways which cannot be manipulated nor ignored any longer.

For these reasons, it would be wise to remember that if and when what you’re told isn’t the same as what you’re experiencing, trust what you feel through your experience. If anything, we’ve learned that words are proving empty or deceptive more often than not nowadays, and I’ve come to recognize that it’s largely due to a desire among many of us to try and stay optimistic and hopeful for the future in the face of the realities of our everyday lives becoming more challenging to navigate. But what we’ll quickly realize during this 2022 Sagittarius Full Moon is that if we have been lying to ourselves and/or each other about how difficult things are becoming, that (self)-deception does not serve us well, and that learning to trust our feelings during our experiences will teach us how to trust ourselves, even in the midst of challenge.

The numerology for this 2022 Sagittarius Full Moon is interesting in that it highlights some of the reasons we might be dishonest or deceptive in our dealings, but it also brings truth to the surface for all to see, learn, and know. This is one of the rare occurrences in which all time zones will be experiencing this Full Moon’s max phase on the same numerological energy – an 8 Universal Day of power, influence, control, and discipline; within a 3 Universal Month of learning, growth, and expansion; within a 6 Universal Year of nurturing, caring, yet pragmatic support which is intended to lead to healing of individuals, humanity-at-large, and the planet… or at least to set us all on-course for that healing journey.

Much of the world and the individuals in it are awakening to how other individuals in our lives may be trying to influence and/or control our experiences and actions, or how we may be trying to influence or control others’ behaviors and actions ourselves. This is often driven by a consistent need to control matters (usually a patterned behavior), and in the face of not being able to gain control, some of us may feel justified in exerting “discipline” or “elaborating” on truth in an effort to force matters into their favor. The thing is… the more we and others see this controlling behavior, the more we are to learn how to circumvent it or challenge it. Then once free of it (or at least able to see how to work around it), we can find or figure out ways to heal the self-identity wounds which led to this behavior.

But within and around groups, communities, institutions, especially governmental institutions, the healing begins by recognizing how the systems and structures in place may or may not be failing the majority of people. Then it’s a matter of figuring out how to bring individuals together in focused collaboration toward the common goal of healing our communities, societies, the world, and/or the planet. This will depend significantly upon how easily and quickly we are willing to let go of our idealistic delusions and fantasies to step into the actual work of healing, and how willing we are to respect those who have natural leadership ability and/or the ability to see and speak factual truth to both challenge those in power while also inspiring others into action.

To better understand how all of these energies are coming in and blending together during this 2022 Sagittarius Full Moon, here some more details regarding the astrological transits (within 3° orb) at the time of the Moon’s maximum full phase.

T-SQUARE: Gemini 3 Sun square Pisces Neptune square Sagittarius Moon (23-25°) – The more you learn and the more you experience, the harder it becomes to allow yourself to be distracted by the fantasies and delusions of past ideals being phased out of significance. If anything, you may find yourself drawn to seeking more real-life experiences to help you better understand the world as it really is now. A desire to find or create inspired visions of what’s actually possible for the real world may be awakening within you and/or around you now that it’s increasingly difficult for you and others to escape some of the world’s current harsh realities. The challenge of this T-Square is in discerning between what’s being presented to distract you and what’s being presented to inspire and guide you to Higher Truths. It would be wise to remember that when what you’re told isn’t the same as what you’re experiencing, trust what you experience and feel through that experience.

BOWL: Sagittarius Moon sextile Aquarius Saturn sextile Aries Eris sextile Gemini 3 Sun (23-25°) – The further you move outside your usual surroundings, the more you may find yourself better understanding not only the realities of many more people through direct engagement or experience, but also your own reality and the truths within you that you may have been unconscious or subconscious until now. The more you understand what others are experiencing, the more effective your own actions can be in seeking retribution for the wrongs done to them and possibly even to you. This configuration is a prime example of inspired action to benefit everyone including yourself. It also helps you focus your mental and creative energies on which specific aspect of the greater good your individual energy can be most effective in advancing.

STELLIUM: Taurus Venus conjunct Pallas Athena conjunct North Node (19-22°) – One-on-one relationships of all kinds are getting you in touch with your individual resource and lifestyle patterns. Any difficulties you’re encountering now in regard to your personal and collective resources are because you need to make changes to break your patterns in how you manage these resources in order to align with, learn, apply, and master your personal and collective karmic lessons. By recognizing the patterns in how you acquire, maintain/sustain, and use your personal resources, you may discover how you can change the course of your life experiences for the better, aligning yourself with your individual and collective destinies and better setting yourself up for future lifestyle stability and security, even in the face of institutional uncertainty. This dynamic will also play out on the collective level, with all of this going through some form of this process societally, regionally, nationally, and/or globally.

SEQUENCE: Capricorn Pluto Retrograde semi-sextile Aquarius Saturn semi-sextile Pisces Neptune semi-sextile Aries Eris (24-28°) – From a collective perspective, the effects of major shifts in the global institutional order are leading to more clarity and organization of individual nation as well as their peoples to stand up for themselves. This is likely to result in more efforts by the societal and social institutions to limit or control the public’s efforts to self-determine their futures. The authoritarian push is intertwined with greater efforts to present idealistic or fantastic distractions from the institutional limitations being imposed, which ironically enough, is making it more obvious where people need to keep their growing frustrations focused and directed – on the people and institutions creating the distractions rather than the distractions themselves.

Pisces Juno sextile Taurus Uranus (16-17°) – A commitment to honor your inspired vision(s) supports the evolution of humanity on a worldly level. The question is whether or not the vision is one rooted in inspiration and possibility in order to lift humanity, or one rooted in delusion and deception in order to distract humanity away from its greater potential. Either way, the way we use our physical, material, and financial resources is affected by the source of our perspective.

Aries Mars conjunct Chiron (15°) – Actions taken now will be driven by either the pain of self-identity wounds or the pain of healing them. If wound driven, the actions will hurt or harm ourselves and others. If healing driven, the actions will release and heal ourselves and others. If they heal you but harm others, they aren’t healing; and if they heal others but harm you, they aren’t healing. The actions must be mutually beneficial for all involved. Even if they may not feel great in the moment, if they free you and others up to embrace and be your unique and individual selves, they’re the best actions you can take now.   thing that comes from this transit is the ability to get a group or community focused on one thought ou Pay attention to how information is being shared and/or withheld. The way information is communicated now will reveal what is being controlled, why it’s being controlled, who is controlling it, and how you can grow beyond those controls to determine factual truth for yourself. That said, don’t be so eager to be in the know that you don’t think for yourself. Group think is a major danger at this time – it’s easy to get caught up in trying to fit in with a community or group. Don’t be afraid to have your own thoughts, and if the people around you reject you because of them, they’re not your people. It’s okay to seek out new or different groups and communities to be part of, and to be out on your own until you find them.

Sagittarius Moon sextile Aquarius Saturn (23-25°) – It may seem counterintuitive, but the more positive you feel, the more you’re able to see the bigger picture of the social and humanitarian conditions we’re each and all facing now, and the more you’re able to gain clarity, choose, and focus on what matters most to you. Your expanded emotional capacity helps you find compassion for others you may not have had before your perspective was widened.

Aries Mars square Cancer Ceres (12-15°) – Aggressive actions challenge emotion-driven values. In other words, you’ll find out how emotionally invested you are in your values when you’re asked to take action to realize them or defend them.

The energy of the 2022 Sagittarius Full Moon phase will be felt from Saturday 11th June through Friday 17th June. Use this time to recognize that factual truth, honesty, and authenticity have power, and your inner truth empowers you once you 1) learn how to hear it and 2) when you actually listen to it and act upon it.

Also, during this time, it’s important for you to recognize where and how you may be allowing yourself to be deceived (or where and how you may be deceiving yourself) into compromising or ignoring your truth. Don’t give in to what others say or do just because you’re part of their group or community. It’s important that whatever group, community, or collective/collaborative effort you’re choosing to be part of, you make sure you have a voice in it and that you’re able to speak your truth and have it heard.

Remember that you don’t belong anywhere your truth “needs” to be silenced or ignored… but it’s most important that you always feel, honor, and trust your inner knowing.

Always trust your own inner knowing – your own truth – above all else. There’s a joy in discovering and mastering that self-trust which is better than anything else you could imagine, and it will change your life for the good of you and all you choose to have around you.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next time…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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